C# Class OpenSphericalCamera.Ricoh.Theta

Inheritance: OscDevice
Afficher le fichier Open project: YuukiMochiduki/Open-Spherical-Camera-For-Unity

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
DefaultHttpPort string
DefaultIpAddress string

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
FinishWlan ( Action callback ) : void

Turn off the wireless LAN

GetImage ( string fileUri, DataType type, Error>.Action callback ) : void

Returns a full-size or scaled image given its URI. Input parameters include resolution. This is the only command that should return

GetLivePreview ( Error>.Action callback ) : void

Retrieve live preview bynary data. The data format is "Equirectangular" and "MotionJPEG".

GetVideo ( string fileUri, DataType dataType, Error>.Action callback ) : void

Retrieve video data

ListAll ( int entryCount, string continuationToken, bool detail, string sort, OnCompleteListAll callback ) : void

List all images

SetIpAdress ( string ipAddress, string httpPort ) : void

Set the ipaddress and http port of this Theta object

StartCapture ( Action callback ) : void

Start the interval still image capturing or video recording. Capture mode is selected by captureMode of Option.

StopCapture ( Action callback ) : void

Stop the capturing.

Method Details

FinishWlan() public méthode

Turn off the wireless LAN
public FinishWlan ( Action callback ) : void
callback Action Action<Error>
Résultat void

GetImage() public méthode

Returns a full-size or scaled image given its URI. Input parameters include resolution. This is the only command that should return
public GetImage ( string fileUri, DataType type, Error>.Action callback ) : void
fileUri string URI of the target file. Manufacturers decide whether to use absolute or relative URIs. Clients may treat this as an opaque identifier.
type DataType enum DataType { full, thumb }
callback Error>.Action Action<byte[], Error>
Résultat void

GetLivePreview() public méthode

Retrieve live preview bynary data. The data format is "Equirectangular" and "MotionJPEG".
public GetLivePreview ( Error>.Action callback ) : void
callback Error>.Action
Résultat void

GetVideo() public méthode

Retrieve video data
public GetVideo ( string fileUri, DataType dataType, Error>.Action callback ) : void
fileUri string
dataType DataType
callback Error>.Action Action<byte[], Error> callback
Résultat void

ListAll() public méthode

List all images
public ListAll ( int entryCount, string continuationToken, bool detail, string sort, OnCompleteListAll callback ) : void
entryCount int The list of entrys that vender specific of theta.
continuationToken string (Optional) An opaque continuation token of type string, returned by previous listImages call, used to retrieve next images.
detail bool
sort string sort string should be "newest" or "oldest"
callback OnCompleteListAll delegate void OnCompleteListAll(List<ThetaEntry> entries, int totalEntries, string continuationToken, Error error)
Résultat void

SetIpAdress() public méthode

Set the ipaddress and http port of this Theta object
public SetIpAdress ( string ipAddress, string httpPort ) : void
ipAddress string Ip address
httpPort string Http port
Résultat void

StartCapture() public méthode

Start the interval still image capturing or video recording. Capture mode is selected by captureMode of Option.
public StartCapture ( Action callback ) : void
callback Action Action<Error>
Résultat void

StopCapture() public méthode

Stop the capturing.
public StopCapture ( Action callback ) : void
callback Action Action<Error>
Résultat void

Property Details

DefaultHttpPort public_oe static_oe property

Default httpport of theta
public static string DefaultHttpPort
Résultat string

DefaultIpAddress public_oe static_oe property

Default ip address of theta
public static string DefaultIpAddress
Résultat string