C# Class OpenSSL.Core.Native

This is the low-level C-style interface to the crypto API. Use this interface with caution.
Afficher le fichier Open project: sharpbitmessage/SharpBitmessage Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
BIO_get_md ( IntPtr bp ) : IntPtr
BIO_get_md_ctx ( IntPtr bp ) : IntPtr
BIO_set_close ( IntPtr bp, int arg ) : int
BIO_set_md ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr md ) : void
BIO_set_md_ctx ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr mdcp ) : void
CRYPTO_malloc_debug_init ( ) : void
ExpectNonNull ( IntPtr ptr ) : IntPtr
ExpectSuccess ( int ret ) : int
InitializeThreads ( ) : void
LockingCallback ( int mode, int type, string file, int line ) : void
OPENSSL_free ( IntPtr p ) : void

//#define OPENSSL_free(addr) CRYPTO_free(addr)

OPENSSL_malloc ( int cbSize ) : IntPtr

//#define OPENSSL_malloc(num) CRYPTO_malloc((int)num,__FILE__,__LINE__)

PtrToStringAnsi ( IntPtr ptr, bool hasOwnership ) : string
SSL_CTX_get_mode ( IntPtr ctx ) : int

//#define SSL_CTX_get_mode in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl

SSL_CTX_get_options ( IntPtr ctx ) : int

//#define SSL_CTX_get_options in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl

SSL_CTX_set_mode ( IntPtr ctx, int op ) : int

//#define SSL_CTX_ctrl in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl()

SSL_CTX_set_options ( IntPtr ctx, int op ) : int

//#define SSL_CTX_set_options in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl

TextToNID ( string text ) : int
ThreadIDCallback ( ) : uint
UninitializeThreads ( ) : void

Private Methods

Méthode Description
ASN1_INTEGER_free ( IntPtr x ) : void
ASN1_INTEGER_get ( IntPtr a ) : int
ASN1_INTEGER_new ( ) : IntPtr
ASN1_INTEGER_set ( IntPtr a, int v ) : int
ASN1_OBJECT_free ( IntPtr obj ) : void
ASN1_STRING_cmp ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : int
ASN1_STRING_data ( IntPtr x ) : IntPtr
ASN1_STRING_dup ( IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
ASN1_STRING_free ( IntPtr a ) : void
ASN1_STRING_length ( IntPtr x ) : int
ASN1_STRING_set ( IntPtr str, byte data, int len ) : int
ASN1_STRING_type_new ( int type ) : IntPtr
ASN1_TIME_free ( IntPtr x ) : void
ASN1_TIME_new ( ) : IntPtr
ASN1_TIME_set ( IntPtr s, long t ) : IntPtr
ASN1_UTCTIME_print ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr a ) : int
ASN1_d2i_bio ( IntPtr xnew, IntPtr d2i, IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : IntPtr
ASN1_i2d_bio ( IntPtr i2d, IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
BF_options ( ) : string
BIO_ctrl ( IntPtr bp, int cmd, int larg, IntPtr parg ) : int
BIO_ctrl_pending ( IntPtr bio ) : uint
BIO_f_md ( ) : IntPtr
BIO_f_null ( ) : IntPtr
BIO_free ( IntPtr bio ) : void
BIO_gets ( IntPtr b, byte buf, int len ) : int
BIO_int_ctrl ( IntPtr bp, int cmd, int larg, int parg ) : int
BIO_new ( IntPtr type ) : IntPtr
BIO_new_file ( string filename, string mode ) : IntPtr
BIO_new_mem_buf ( byte buf, int len ) : IntPtr
BIO_number_read ( IntPtr bio ) : uint
BIO_number_written ( IntPtr bio ) : uint
BIO_push ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr append ) : IntPtr
BIO_puts ( IntPtr b, byte buf ) : int
BIO_read ( IntPtr b, byte buf, int len ) : int
BIO_s_mem ( ) : IntPtr
BIO_write ( IntPtr b, byte buf, int len ) : int
BN_CTX_end ( IntPtr ctx ) : void
BN_CTX_free ( IntPtr c ) : void
BN_CTX_get ( IntPtr ctx ) : IntPtr
BN_CTX_init ( IntPtr c ) : void
BN_CTX_new ( ) : IntPtr
BN_CTX_start ( IntPtr ctx ) : void
BN_add ( IntPtr r, IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : int
BN_add_word ( IntPtr a, uint w ) : int
BN_bin2bn ( byte s, int len, IntPtr ret ) : IntPtr
BN_bn2bin ( IntPtr a, byte to ) : int
BN_bn2dec ( IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
BN_bn2hex ( IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
BN_clear ( IntPtr a ) : void
BN_clear_free ( IntPtr a ) : void
BN_cmp ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : int
BN_copy ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : IntPtr
BN_dec2bn ( IntPtr &a, byte str ) : int
BN_div ( IntPtr dv, IntPtr rem, IntPtr m, IntPtr d, IntPtr ctx ) : int
BN_div_word ( IntPtr a, uint w ) : uint
BN_dup ( IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
BN_free ( IntPtr a ) : void
BN_get_word ( IntPtr a ) : uint
BN_hex2bn ( IntPtr &a, byte str ) : int
BN_init ( IntPtr a ) : void
BN_mod_word ( IntPtr a, uint w ) : uint
BN_mul ( IntPtr r, IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr ctx ) : int
BN_mul_word ( IntPtr a, uint w ) : int
BN_new ( ) : IntPtr
BN_num_bits ( IntPtr a ) : int
BN_options ( ) : string
BN_print ( IntPtr fp, IntPtr a ) : int
BN_pseudo_rand ( IntPtr rnd, int bits, int top, int bottom ) : int
BN_pseudo_rand_range ( IntPtr rnd, IntPtr range ) : int
BN_rand ( IntPtr rnd, int bits, int top, int bottom ) : int
BN_rand_range ( IntPtr rnd, IntPtr range ) : int
BN_set_word ( IntPtr a, uint w ) : int
BN_sqr ( IntPtr r, IntPtr a, IntPtr ctx ) : int
BN_sub ( IntPtr r, IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : int
BN_sub_word ( IntPtr a, uint w ) : int
BN_swap ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : void
BN_value_one ( ) : IntPtr
CRYPTO_add_lock ( IntPtr ptr, int amount, CryptoLockTypes type, string file, int line ) : int
CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data ( ) : void
CRYPTO_dbg_free ( IntPtr addr, int before_p ) : void
CRYPTO_dbg_get_options ( ) : int
CRYPTO_dbg_malloc ( IntPtr addr, int num, IntPtr file, int line, int before_p ) : void
CRYPTO_dbg_realloc ( IntPtr addr1, IntPtr addr2, int num, IntPtr file, int line, int before_p ) : void
CRYPTO_dbg_set_options ( int bits ) : void
CRYPTO_free ( IntPtr p ) : void
CRYPTO_malloc ( int num, string file, int line ) : IntPtr
CRYPTO_mem_ctrl ( int mode ) : int
CRYPTO_mem_leaks ( IntPtr bio ) : void
CRYPTO_num_locks ( ) : int
CRYPTO_realloc ( IntPtr ptr, int num, string file, int line ) : IntPtr
CRYPTO_set_id_callback ( CRYPTO_id_callback cb ) : void
CRYPTO_set_locking_callback ( CRYPTO_locking_callback cb ) : void
CRYPTO_set_mem_debug_functions ( MallocFunctionPtr m, ReallocFunctionPtr r, FreeFunctionPtr f, SetOptionsFunctionPtr so, GetOptionsFunctionPtr go ) : int
DES_options ( ) : string
DH_check ( IntPtr dh, int &codes ) : int
DH_compute_key ( byte key, IntPtr pub_key, IntPtr dh ) : int
DH_free ( IntPtr dh ) : void
DH_generate_key ( IntPtr dh ) : int
DH_generate_parameters ( int prime_len, int generator, IntPtr callback, IntPtr cb_arg ) : IntPtr
DH_generate_parameters_ex ( IntPtr dh, int prime_len, int generator, bn_gencb_st cb ) : int
DH_new ( ) : IntPtr
DH_size ( IntPtr dh ) : int
DHparams_print ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
DSA_free ( IntPtr dsa ) : void
DSA_generate_key ( IntPtr dsa ) : int
DSA_generate_parameters_ex ( IntPtr dsa, int bits, byte seed, int seed_len, int &counter_ret, IntPtr &h_ret, bn_gencb_st callback ) : int
DSA_new ( ) : IntPtr
DSA_print ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, int off ) : int
DSA_sign ( int type, byte dgst, int dlen, byte sig, uint &siglen, IntPtr dsa ) : int
DSA_size ( IntPtr dsa ) : int
DSA_verify ( int type, byte dgst, int dgst_len, byte sigbuf, int siglen, IntPtr dsa ) : int
DSAparams_print ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
DTLSv1_client_method ( ) : IntPtr
DTLSv1_method ( ) : IntPtr
DTLSv1_server_method ( ) : IntPtr
ECDH_OpenSSL ( ) : IntPtr
ECDH_compute_key ( byte pout, int outlen, IntPtr pub_key, IntPtr ecdh, ECDH_KDF kdf ) : int
ECDH_get_default_method ( ) : IntPtr
ECDH_get_ex_data ( IntPtr d, int idx ) : IntPtr
ECDH_get_ex_new_index ( IntPtr argl, IntPtr argp, IntPtr new_func, IntPtr dup_func, IntPtr free_func ) : int
ECDH_set_default_method ( IntPtr method ) : void
ECDH_set_ex_data ( IntPtr d, int idx, IntPtr arg ) : int
ECDH_set_method ( IntPtr key, IntPtr method ) : int
ECDSA_OpenSSL ( ) : IntPtr
ECDSA_SIG_free ( IntPtr sig ) : void
ECDSA_SIG_new ( ) : IntPtr
ECDSA_do_sign ( byte dgst, int dgst_len, IntPtr eckey ) : IntPtr
ECDSA_do_sign_ex ( byte dgst, int dgstlen, IntPtr kinv, IntPtr rp, IntPtr eckey ) : IntPtr
ECDSA_do_verify ( byte dgst, int dgst_len, IntPtr sig, IntPtr eckey ) : int
ECDSA_get_default_method ( ) : IntPtr
ECDSA_get_ex_data ( IntPtr d, int idx ) : IntPtr
ECDSA_get_ex_new_index ( IntPtr argl, IntPtr argp, IntPtr new_func, IntPtr dup_func, IntPtr free_func ) : int
ECDSA_set_default_method ( IntPtr meth ) : void
ECDSA_set_ex_data ( IntPtr d, int idx, IntPtr arg ) : int
ECDSA_set_method ( IntPtr eckey, IntPtr meth ) : int
ECDSA_sign ( int type, byte dgst, int dgstlen, byte sig, uint &siglen, IntPtr eckey ) : int
ECDSA_sign_ex ( int type, byte dgst, int dgstlen, byte sig, uint &siglen, IntPtr kinv, IntPtr rp, IntPtr eckey ) : int
ECDSA_sign_setup ( IntPtr eckey, IntPtr ctx, IntPtr kinv, IntPtr rp ) : int
ECDSA_size ( IntPtr eckey ) : int
ECDSA_verify ( int type, byte dgst, int dgstlen, byte sig, int siglen, IntPtr eckey ) : int
EC_GF2m_simple_method ( ) : IntPtr
EC_GFp_mont_method ( ) : IntPtr
EC_GFp_nist_method ( ) : IntPtr
EC_GFp_simple_method ( ) : IntPtr
EC_GROUP_check ( IntPtr group, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_GROUP_check_discriminant ( IntPtr group, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_GROUP_clear_free ( IntPtr group ) : void
EC_GROUP_cmp ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_GROUP_copy ( IntPtr dst, IntPtr src ) : int
EC_GROUP_dup ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
EC_GROUP_free ( IntPtr group ) : void
EC_GROUP_get0_generator ( IntPtr group ) : IntPtr
EC_GROUP_get0_seed ( IntPtr x ) : byte[]
EC_GROUP_get_asn1_flag ( IntPtr group ) : int
EC_GROUP_get_cofactor ( IntPtr group, IntPtr cofactor, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_GROUP_get_curve_GF2m ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_GROUP_get_curve_GFp ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_GROUP_get_curve_name ( IntPtr group ) : int
EC_GROUP_get_degree ( IntPtr group ) : int
EC_GROUP_get_order ( IntPtr group, IntPtr order, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_GROUP_get_point_conversion_form ( IntPtr x ) : int
EC_GROUP_get_seed_len ( IntPtr x ) : int
EC_GROUP_have_precompute_mult ( IntPtr group ) : int
EC_GROUP_method_of ( IntPtr group ) : IntPtr
EC_GROUP_new ( IntPtr meth ) : IntPtr
EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name ( int nid ) : IntPtr
EC_GROUP_new_curve_GF2m ( IntPtr p, IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr ctx ) : IntPtr
EC_GROUP_new_curve_GFp ( IntPtr p, IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr ctx ) : IntPtr
EC_GROUP_precompute_mult ( IntPtr group, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag ( IntPtr group, int flag ) : void
EC_GROUP_set_curve_GF2m ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_GROUP_set_curve_GFp ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_GROUP_set_curve_name ( IntPtr group, int nid ) : void
EC_GROUP_set_generator ( IntPtr group, IntPtr generator, IntPtr order, IntPtr cofactor ) : int
EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form ( IntPtr x, int y ) : void
EC_GROUP_set_seed ( IntPtr x, byte buf, int len ) : int
EC_KEY_check_key ( IntPtr key ) : int
EC_KEY_copy ( IntPtr dst, IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
EC_KEY_dup ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
EC_KEY_free ( IntPtr key ) : void
EC_KEY_generate_key ( IntPtr key ) : int
EC_KEY_get0_group ( IntPtr key ) : IntPtr
EC_KEY_get0_private_key ( IntPtr key ) : IntPtr
EC_KEY_get0_public_key ( IntPtr key ) : IntPtr
EC_KEY_get_conv_form ( IntPtr x ) : int
EC_KEY_get_enc_flags ( IntPtr key ) : uint
EC_KEY_get_key_method_data ( IntPtr x, EC_KEY_dup_func dup_func, EC_KEY_free_func free_func, EC_KEY_free_func clear_free_func ) : IntPtr
EC_KEY_insert_key_method_data ( IntPtr x, IntPtr data, EC_KEY_dup_func dup_func, EC_KEY_free_func free_func, EC_KEY_free_func clear_free_func ) : void
EC_KEY_new ( ) : IntPtr
EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name ( int nid ) : IntPtr
EC_KEY_precompute_mult ( IntPtr key, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_KEY_set_asn1_flag ( IntPtr x, int y ) : void
EC_KEY_set_conv_form ( IntPtr x, int y ) : void
EC_KEY_set_enc_flags ( IntPtr x, uint y ) : void
EC_KEY_set_group ( IntPtr key, IntPtr group ) : int
EC_KEY_set_private_key ( IntPtr key, IntPtr prv ) : int
EC_KEY_set_public_key ( IntPtr key, IntPtr pub ) : int
EC_KEY_up_ref ( IntPtr key ) : int
EC_METHOD_get_field_type ( IntPtr meth ) : int
EC_POINT_add ( IntPtr group, IntPtr r, IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_bn2point ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr c, IntPtr d ) : IntPtr
EC_POINT_clear_free ( IntPtr point ) : void
EC_POINT_cmp ( IntPtr group, IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_copy ( IntPtr dst, IntPtr src ) : int
EC_POINT_dbl ( IntPtr group, IntPtr r, IntPtr a, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_dup ( IntPtr src, IntPtr group ) : IntPtr
EC_POINT_free ( IntPtr point ) : void
EC_POINT_get_Jprojective_coordinates_GFp ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr x, IntPtr y, IntPtr z, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GF2m ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr x, IntPtr y, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr x, IntPtr y, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_hex2point ( IntPtr a, string s, IntPtr b, IntPtr c ) : IntPtr
EC_POINT_invert ( IntPtr group, IntPtr a, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_is_at_infinity ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p ) : int
EC_POINT_is_on_curve ( IntPtr group, IntPtr point, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_make_affine ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b, IntPtr c ) : int
EC_POINT_method_of ( IntPtr point ) : IntPtr
EC_POINT_mul ( IntPtr group, IntPtr r, IntPtr n, IntPtr q, IntPtr m, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_new ( IntPtr group ) : IntPtr
EC_POINT_oct2point ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, byte buf, int len, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_point2bn ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b, int form, IntPtr c, IntPtr d ) : IntPtr
EC_POINT_point2hex ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b, int form, IntPtr c ) : string
EC_POINT_point2oct ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, int form, byte buf, int len, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_set_Jprojective_coordinates_GFp ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr x, IntPtr y, IntPtr z, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GF2m ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr x, IntPtr y, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr x, IntPtr y, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GF2m ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr x, int y_bit, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp ( IntPtr group, IntPtr p, IntPtr x, int y_bit, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_POINT_set_to_infinity ( IntPtr group, IntPtr point ) : int
EC_POINTs_make_affine ( IntPtr a, int num, IntPtr b, IntPtr c ) : int
EC_POINTs_mul ( IntPtr group, IntPtr r, IntPtr n, int num, IntPtr p, IntPtr m, IntPtr ctx ) : int
EC_get_builtin_curves ( IntPtr r, int nitems ) : int
ERR_clear_error ( ) : void
ERR_error_string_n ( uint e, byte buf, int len ) : void
ERR_free_strings ( ) : void
ERR_func_error_string ( uint e ) : IntPtr
ERR_get_error ( ) : uint
ERR_lib_error_string ( uint e ) : IntPtr
ERR_load_ECDH_strings ( ) : void
ERR_load_ECDSA_strings ( ) : void
ERR_load_crypto_strings ( ) : void
ERR_reason_error_string ( uint e ) : IntPtr
ERR_remove_state ( uint pid ) : void
EVP_BytesToKey ( IntPtr type, IntPtr md, byte salt, byte data, int datal, int count, byte key, byte iv ) : int
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup ( IntPtr a ) : int
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl ( IntPtr ctx, int type, int arg, IntPtr ptr ) : int
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init ( IntPtr a ) : void
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length ( IntPtr x, int keylen ) : int
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding ( IntPtr x, int padding ) : int
EVP_CIPHER_type ( IntPtr ctx ) : int
EVP_CipherFinal_ex ( IntPtr ctx, byte outm, int &outl ) : int
EVP_CipherInit_ex ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr type, IntPtr impl, byte key, byte iv, int enc ) : int
EVP_CipherUpdate ( IntPtr ctx, byte outb, int &outl, byte inb, int inl ) : int
EVP_DecryptUpdate ( IntPtr ctx, byte output, int &outl, byte input, int inl ) : int
EVP_Digest ( byte data, uint count, byte md, uint &size, IntPtr type, IntPtr impl ) : int
EVP_DigestFinal_ex ( IntPtr ctx, byte md, uint &s ) : int
EVP_DigestInit_ex ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr type, IntPtr impl ) : int
EVP_DigestUpdate ( IntPtr ctx, byte d, uint cnt ) : int
EVP_EncryptUpdate ( IntPtr ctx, byte output, int &outl, byte input, int inl ) : int
EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup ( IntPtr ctx ) : int
EVP_MD_CTX_create ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_MD_CTX_destroy ( IntPtr ctx ) : void
EVP_MD_CTX_init ( IntPtr ctx ) : void
EVP_OpenFinal ( IntPtr ctx, byte outb, int &outl ) : int
EVP_OpenInit ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr type, byte ek, int ekl, byte iv, IntPtr priv ) : int
EVP_PKEY_assign ( IntPtr pkey, int type, byte key ) : int
EVP_PKEY_bits ( IntPtr pkey ) : int
EVP_PKEY_cmp ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : int
EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : int
EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters ( IntPtr to, IntPtr from ) : int
EVP_PKEY_decrypt ( byte dec_key, byte enc_key, int enc_key_len, IntPtr private_key ) : int
EVP_PKEY_encrypt ( byte enc_key, byte key, int key_len, IntPtr pub_key ) : int
EVP_PKEY_free ( IntPtr pkey ) : void
EVP_PKEY_get1_DH ( IntPtr pkey ) : IntPtr
EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA ( IntPtr pkey ) : IntPtr
EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA ( IntPtr pkey ) : IntPtr
EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters ( IntPtr pkey ) : int
EVP_PKEY_new ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_PKEY_save_parameters ( IntPtr pkey, int mode ) : int
EVP_PKEY_set1_DH ( IntPtr pkey, IntPtr key ) : int
EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA ( IntPtr pkey, IntPtr key ) : int
EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA ( IntPtr pkey, IntPtr key ) : int
EVP_PKEY_size ( IntPtr pkey ) : int
EVP_PKEY_type ( int type ) : int
EVP_SealFinal ( IntPtr ctx, byte outb, int &outl ) : int
EVP_SealInit ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr type, byte ek, int ekl, byte iv, IntPtr pubk, int npubk ) : int
EVP_SignFinal ( IntPtr ctx, byte md, uint &s, IntPtr pkey ) : int
EVP_VerifyFinal ( IntPtr ctx, byte sigbuf, uint siglen, IntPtr pkey ) : int
EVP_aes_128_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_128_cfb1 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_128_cfb128 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_128_cfb8 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_128_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_128_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_192_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_192_cfb1 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_192_cfb128 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_192_cfb8 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_192_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_192_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_256_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_256_cfb1 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_256_cfb128 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_256_cfb8 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_256_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_aes_256_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_bf_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_bf_cfb64 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_bf_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_bf_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_cast5_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_cast5_cfb64 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_cast5_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_cast5_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_cfb1 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_cfb64 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_cfb8 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede3 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede3_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede3_cfb1 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede3_cfb64 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede3_cfb8 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede3_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede3_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede_cfb64 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ede_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_des_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_desx_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_dss ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_dss1 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_ecdsa ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_enc_null ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_get_cipherbyname ( byte name ) : IntPtr
EVP_get_digestbyname ( byte name ) : IntPtr
EVP_idea_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_idea_cfb64 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_idea_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_idea_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_md2 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_md4 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_md5 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_md_null ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_mdc2 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc2_40_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc2_64_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc2_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc2_cfb64 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc2_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc2_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc4 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc4_40 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc5_32_12_16_cbc ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc5_32_12_16_cfb64 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc5_32_12_16_ecb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_rc5_32_12_16_ofb ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_ripemd160 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_sha ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_sha1 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_sha224 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_sha256 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_sha384 ( ) : IntPtr
EVP_sha512 ( ) : IntPtr
FIPS_mode_set ( int onoff ) : int
HMAC ( IntPtr evp_md, byte key, int key_len, byte d, int n, byte md, uint &md_len ) : IntPtr
HMAC_CTX_cleanup ( IntPtr ctx ) : void
HMAC_CTX_init ( IntPtr ctx ) : void
HMAC_CTX_set_flags ( IntPtr ctx, uint flags ) : void
HMAC_Final ( IntPtr ctx, byte md, uint &len ) : void
HMAC_Init ( IntPtr ctx, byte key, int len, IntPtr md ) : void
HMAC_Init_ex ( IntPtr ctx, byte key, int len, IntPtr md, IntPtr engine_impl ) : void
HMAC_Update ( IntPtr ctx, byte data, int len ) : void
MD2_options ( ) : string
NCONF_free ( IntPtr conf ) : void
NCONF_get_string ( IntPtr conf, byte group, byte name ) : IntPtr
NCONF_load ( IntPtr conf, string file, int &eline ) : int
NCONF_new ( IntPtr meth ) : IntPtr
Native ( ) : System
OBJ_NAME_do_all ( int type, ObjectNameHandler fn, IntPtr arg ) : void
OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted ( int type, ObjectNameHandler fn, IntPtr arg ) : void
OBJ_ln2nid ( string s ) : int
OBJ_nid2ln ( int n ) : string
OBJ_nid2obj ( int n ) : IntPtr
OBJ_nid2sn ( int n ) : string
OBJ_obj2nid ( IntPtr o ) : int
OBJ_sn2nid ( string s ) : int
OBJ_txt2nid ( string s ) : int
OBJ_txt2obj ( string s, int no_name ) : IntPtr
OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf ( ) : void
OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf ( ) : void
PEM_X509_INFO_read_bio ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr sk, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_X509_INFO_write_bio ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr xi, IntPtr enc, byte kstr, int klen, IntPtr cd, IntPtr u ) : int
PEM_read_bio_DHparams ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_DSA_PUBKEY ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_DSAparams ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_PKCS7 ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_X509 ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_X509_INFO ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ_NEW ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : IntPtr
PEM_write_bio_DHparams ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PEM_write_bio_DSAPrivateKey ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, IntPtr enc, byte kstr, int klen, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : int
PEM_write_bio_DSA_PUBKEY ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PEM_write_bio_DSAparams ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PEM_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr evp_pkey, IntPtr evp_cipher, IntPtr kstr, int klen, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr user_data ) : int
PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, IntPtr enc, byte kstr, int klen, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : int
PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, IntPtr enc, byte kstr, int klen, pem_password_cb cb, IntPtr u ) : int
PEM_write_bio_RSA_PUBKEY ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PEM_write_bio_X509 ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PEM_write_bio_X509_AUX ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PEM_write_bio_X509_CRL ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PEM_write_bio_X509_INFO ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ_NEW ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
PKCS12_create ( string pass, string name, IntPtr pkey, IntPtr cert, IntPtr ca, int nid_key, int nid_cert, int iter, int mac_iter, int keytype ) : IntPtr
PKCS12_free ( IntPtr p12 ) : void
PKCS12_parse ( IntPtr p12, string pass, IntPtr &pkey, IntPtr &cert, IntPtr &ca ) : int
PKCS7_free ( IntPtr p7 ) : void
RAND_add ( byte buf, int num, double entropy ) : void
RAND_bytes ( byte buf, int num ) : int
RAND_cleanup ( ) : void
RAND_egd ( string path ) : int
RAND_egd_bytes ( string path, int bytes ) : int
RAND_file_name ( byte buf, uint num ) : string
RAND_get_rand_method ( ) : IntPtr
RAND_load_file ( string file, int max_bytes ) : int
RAND_poll ( ) : int
RAND_pseudo_bytes ( byte buf, int len ) : int
RAND_query_egd_bytes ( string path, byte buf, int bytes ) : int
RAND_seed ( byte buf, int len ) : void
RAND_set_rand_method ( IntPtr meth ) : int
RAND_status ( ) : int
RAND_write_file ( string file ) : int
RC4_options ( ) : string
RSA_check_key ( IntPtr rsa ) : int
RSA_free ( IntPtr rsa ) : void
RSA_generate_key_ex ( IntPtr rsa, int bits, IntPtr e, bn_gencb_st cb ) : int
RSA_new ( ) : IntPtr
RSA_print ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr r, int offset ) : int
RSA_private_decrypt ( int flen, byte from, byte to, IntPtr rsa, int padding ) : int
RSA_private_encrypt ( int flen, byte from, byte to, IntPtr rsa, int padding ) : int
RSA_public_decrypt ( int flen, byte from, byte to, IntPtr rsa, int padding ) : int
RSA_public_encrypt ( int flen, byte from, byte to, IntPtr rsa, int padding ) : int
RSA_sign ( int type, byte m, uint m_length, byte sigret, uint &siglen, IntPtr rsa ) : int
RSA_size ( IntPtr rsa ) : int
RSA_verify ( int type, byte m, uint m_length, byte sigbuf, uint siglen, IntPtr rsa ) : int
SSL_CIPHER_description ( IntPtr ssl_cipher, byte buf, int buf_len ) : IntPtr
SSL_CIPHER_get_bits ( IntPtr ssl_cipher, int &alg_bits ) : int
SSL_CIPHER_name ( IntPtr ssl_cipher ) : string
SSL_CTX_check_private_key ( IntPtr ctx ) : int
SSL_CTX_ctrl ( IntPtr ctx, int cmd, int arg, IntPtr parg ) : int
SSL_CTX_free ( IntPtr ctx ) : void
SSL_CTX_get_client_CA_list ( IntPtr ctx ) : IntPtr
SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations ( IntPtr ctx, string file, string path ) : int
SSL_CTX_new ( IntPtr sslMethod ) : IntPtr
SSL_CTX_set_cert_store ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr cert_store ) : void
SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list ( IntPtr ctx, string cipher_string ) : int
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr name_list ) : void
SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb ( IntPtr ssl_ctx, client_cert_cb callback ) : void
SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb ( IntPtr ssl, pem_password_cb callback ) : void
SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata ( IntPtr ssl, IntPtr data ) : void
SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths ( IntPtr ctx ) : int
SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context ( IntPtr ctx, byte sid_ctx, uint sid_ctx_len ) : int
SSL_CTX_set_verify ( IntPtr ctx, int mode, VerifyCertCallback callback ) : void
SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth ( IntPtr ctx, int depth ) : void
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr pkey ) : int
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file ( IntPtr ctx, string file, int type ) : int
SSL_CTX_use_certificate ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr cert ) : int
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file ( IntPtr ctx, string file ) : int
SSL_accept ( IntPtr ssl ) : int
SSL_clear ( IntPtr ssl ) : int
SSL_connect ( IntPtr ssl ) : int
SSL_do_handshake ( IntPtr ssl ) : int
SSL_free ( IntPtr ssl ) : void
SSL_get_certificate ( IntPtr ssl ) : IntPtr
SSL_get_client_CA_list ( IntPtr ssl ) : IntPtr
SSL_get_current_cipher ( IntPtr ssl ) : IntPtr
SSL_get_error ( IntPtr ssl, int ret_code ) : int
SSL_get_peer_certificate ( IntPtr ssl ) : IntPtr
SSL_get_verify_result ( IntPtr ssl ) : int
SSL_library_init ( ) : int
SSL_load_client_CA_file ( string file ) : IntPtr
SSL_load_error_strings ( ) : void
SSL_new ( IntPtr ctx ) : IntPtr
SSL_read ( IntPtr ssl, byte buf, int len ) : int
SSL_renegotiate ( IntPtr ssl ) : int
SSL_set_accept_state ( IntPtr ssl ) : void
SSL_set_bio ( IntPtr ssl, IntPtr read_bio, IntPtr write_bio ) : void
SSL_set_client_CA_list ( IntPtr ssl, IntPtr name_list ) : void
SSL_set_connect_state ( IntPtr ssl ) : void
SSL_set_session_id_context ( IntPtr ssl, byte sid_ctx, uint sid_ctx_len ) : int
SSL_set_verify_result ( IntPtr ssl, int v ) : int
SSL_shutdown ( IntPtr ssl ) : int
SSL_use_PrivateKey ( IntPtr ssl, IntPtr evp_pkey ) : int
SSL_use_PrivateKey_file ( IntPtr ssl, string file, int type ) : int
SSL_use_certificate ( IntPtr ssl, IntPtr x509 ) : int
SSL_use_certificate_file ( IntPtr ssl, string file, int type ) : int
SSL_write ( IntPtr ssl, byte buf, int len ) : int
SSLeay ( ) : uint
SSLeay_version ( int type ) : string
SSLv23_client_method ( ) : IntPtr
SSLv23_method ( ) : IntPtr
SSLv23_server_method ( ) : IntPtr
SSLv2_client_method ( ) : IntPtr
SSLv2_method ( ) : IntPtr
SSLv2_server_method ( ) : IntPtr
SSLv3_client_method ( ) : IntPtr
SSLv3_method ( ) : IntPtr
SSLv3_server_method ( ) : IntPtr
TLSv1_client_method ( ) : IntPtr
TLSv1_method ( ) : IntPtr
TLSv1_server_method ( ) : IntPtr
X509V3_EXT_add_nconf ( IntPtr conf, IntPtr ctx, byte section, IntPtr cert ) : int
X509V3_EXT_conf_nid ( IntPtr conf, IntPtr ctx, int ext_nid, string value ) : IntPtr
X509V3_EXT_get_nid ( int nid ) : IntPtr
X509V3_EXT_print ( IntPtr bio, IntPtr ext, uint flag, int indent ) : int
X509V3_set_ctx ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr issuer, IntPtr subject, IntPtr req, IntPtr crl, int flags ) : void
X509V3_set_nconf ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr conf ) : void
X509_EXTENSION_create_by_NID ( IntPtr ex, int nid, int crit, IntPtr data ) : IntPtr
X509_EXTENSION_dup ( IntPtr ex ) : IntPtr
X509_EXTENSION_free ( IntPtr x ) : void
X509_EXTENSION_get_critical ( IntPtr ex ) : int
X509_EXTENSION_get_data ( IntPtr ne ) : IntPtr
X509_EXTENSION_get_object ( IntPtr ex ) : IntPtr
X509_EXTENSION_new ( ) : IntPtr
X509_EXTENSION_set_critical ( IntPtr ex, int crit ) : int
X509_EXTENSION_set_data ( IntPtr ex, IntPtr data ) : int
X509_INFO_free ( IntPtr a ) : void
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID ( IntPtr name, int nid, int type, byte bytes, int len, int loc, int set ) : int
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt ( IntPtr name, byte field, int type, byte bytes, int len, int loc, int set ) : int
X509_NAME_cmp ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : int
X509_NAME_delete_entry ( IntPtr name, int loc ) : IntPtr
X509_NAME_digest ( IntPtr data, IntPtr type, byte md, uint &len ) : int
X509_NAME_dup ( IntPtr xn ) : IntPtr
X509_NAME_entry_count ( IntPtr name ) : int
X509_NAME_free ( IntPtr a ) : void
X509_NAME_get_entry ( IntPtr name, int loc ) : IntPtr
X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID ( IntPtr name, int nid, int lastpos ) : int
X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID ( IntPtr name, int nid, byte buf, int len ) : int
X509_NAME_new ( ) : IntPtr
X509_NAME_oneline ( IntPtr a, byte buf, int size ) : IntPtr
X509_NAME_print ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr name, int obase ) : int
X509_NAME_print_ex ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr nm, int indent, uint flags ) : int
X509_OBJECT_free_contents ( IntPtr a ) : void
X509_OBJECT_up_ref_count ( IntPtr a ) : void
X509_PUBKEY_free ( IntPtr pkey ) : void
X509_REQ_digest ( IntPtr data, IntPtr type, byte md, uint &len ) : int
X509_REQ_free ( IntPtr a ) : void
X509_REQ_get_pubkey ( IntPtr req ) : IntPtr
X509_REQ_new ( ) : IntPtr
X509_REQ_print ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
X509_REQ_print_ex ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, uint nmflag, uint cflag ) : int
X509_REQ_set_pubkey ( IntPtr x, IntPtr pkey ) : int
X509_REQ_set_subject_name ( IntPtr x, IntPtr name ) : int
X509_REQ_set_version ( IntPtr x, int version ) : int
X509_REQ_sign ( IntPtr x, IntPtr pkey, IntPtr md ) : int
X509_REQ_to_X509 ( IntPtr r, int days, IntPtr pkey ) : IntPtr
X509_REQ_verify ( IntPtr x, IntPtr pkey ) : int
X509_STORE_CTX_free ( IntPtr x ) : void
X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert ( IntPtr x509_store_ctx ) : IntPtr
X509_STORE_CTX_get_error ( IntPtr x509_store_ctx ) : int
X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth ( IntPtr x509_store_ctx ) : int
X509_STORE_CTX_init ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr store, IntPtr x509, IntPtr chain ) : int
X509_STORE_CTX_new ( ) : IntPtr
X509_STORE_CTX_set_error ( IntPtr x509_store_ctx, int error ) : void
X509_STORE_add_cert ( IntPtr ctx, IntPtr x ) : int
X509_STORE_free ( IntPtr x ) : void
X509_STORE_new ( ) : IntPtr
X509_add1_ext_i2d ( IntPtr x, int nid, byte value, int crit, uint flags ) : int
X509_add_ext ( IntPtr x, IntPtr ex, int loc ) : int
X509_check_private_key ( IntPtr x509, IntPtr pkey ) : int
X509_check_trust ( IntPtr x, int id, int flags ) : int
X509_cmp ( IntPtr a, IntPtr b ) : int
X509_digest ( IntPtr data, IntPtr type, byte md, uint &len ) : int
X509_dup ( IntPtr x509 ) : IntPtr
X509_find_by_issuer_and_serial ( IntPtr sk, IntPtr name, IntPtr serial ) : IntPtr
X509_find_by_subject ( IntPtr sk, IntPtr name ) : IntPtr
X509_free ( IntPtr x ) : void
X509_get_issuer_name ( IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
X509_get_pubkey ( IntPtr x ) : IntPtr
X509_get_serialNumber ( IntPtr x ) : IntPtr
X509_get_subject_name ( IntPtr a ) : IntPtr
X509_gmtime_adj ( IntPtr s, int adj ) : IntPtr
X509_new ( ) : IntPtr
X509_print ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x ) : int
X509_print_ex ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x, uint nmflag, uint cflag ) : int
X509_pubkey_digest ( IntPtr data, IntPtr type, byte md, uint &len ) : int
X509_set_issuer_name ( IntPtr x, IntPtr name ) : int
X509_set_notAfter ( IntPtr x, IntPtr tm ) : int
X509_set_notBefore ( IntPtr x, IntPtr tm ) : int
X509_set_pubkey ( IntPtr x, IntPtr pkey ) : int
X509_set_serialNumber ( IntPtr x, IntPtr serial ) : int
X509_set_subject_name ( IntPtr x, IntPtr name ) : int
X509_set_version ( IntPtr x, int version ) : int
X509_sign ( IntPtr x, IntPtr pkey, IntPtr md ) : int
X509_time_adj ( IntPtr s, int adj, long &t ) : IntPtr
X509_to_X509_REQ ( IntPtr x, IntPtr pkey, IntPtr md ) : IntPtr
X509_verify ( IntPtr x, IntPtr pkey ) : int
X509_verify_cert ( IntPtr ctx ) : int
X509_verify_cert_error_string ( int n ) : IntPtr
d2i_DHparams ( IntPtr &a, IntPtr pp, int length ) : IntPtr
d2i_ECDSA_SIG ( IntPtr sig, byte pp, long len ) : IntPtr
d2i_PKCS12_bio ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr p12 ) : IntPtr
d2i_PKCS7_bio ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr p7 ) : IntPtr
d2i_X509_bio ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr &x509 ) : IntPtr
i2d_DHparams ( IntPtr a, IntPtr pp ) : int
i2d_ECDSA_SIG ( IntPtr sig, byte pp ) : int
i2d_PKCS12_bio ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr p12 ) : int
i2d_X509_bio ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr x509 ) : int
i2o_ECPublicKey ( IntPtr encKey, IntPtr &outPar ) : int
i2o_ECPublicKey ( IntPtr encKey, int outPar ) : int
idea_options ( ) : string
sk_delete ( IntPtr stack, int loc ) : IntPtr
sk_delete_ptr ( IntPtr stack, IntPtr p ) : IntPtr
sk_dup ( IntPtr stack ) : IntPtr
sk_find ( IntPtr stack, IntPtr data ) : int
sk_free ( IntPtr stack ) : void
sk_insert ( IntPtr stack, IntPtr data, int where ) : int
sk_new_null ( ) : IntPtr
sk_num ( IntPtr stack ) : int
sk_pop ( IntPtr stack ) : IntPtr
sk_push ( IntPtr stack, IntPtr data ) : int
sk_set ( IntPtr stack, int index, IntPtr data ) : IntPtr
sk_shift ( IntPtr stack ) : IntPtr
sk_unshift ( IntPtr stack, IntPtr data ) : int
sk_value ( IntPtr stack, int index ) : IntPtr
sk_zero ( IntPtr stack ) : void

Method Details

BIO_get_md() public static méthode

public static BIO_get_md ( IntPtr bp ) : IntPtr
bp System.IntPtr
Résultat System.IntPtr

BIO_get_md_ctx() public static méthode

public static BIO_get_md_ctx ( IntPtr bp ) : IntPtr
bp System.IntPtr
Résultat System.IntPtr

BIO_set_close() public static méthode

public static BIO_set_close ( IntPtr bp, int arg ) : int
bp System.IntPtr
arg int
Résultat int

BIO_set_md() public static méthode

public static BIO_set_md ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr md ) : void
bp System.IntPtr
md System.IntPtr
Résultat void

BIO_set_md_ctx() public static méthode

public static BIO_set_md_ctx ( IntPtr bp, IntPtr mdcp ) : void
bp System.IntPtr
mdcp System.IntPtr
Résultat void

CRYPTO_malloc_debug_init() public static méthode

public static CRYPTO_malloc_debug_init ( ) : void
Résultat void

ExpectNonNull() public static méthode

public static ExpectNonNull ( IntPtr ptr ) : IntPtr
ptr IntPtr
Résultat IntPtr

ExpectSuccess() public static méthode

public static ExpectSuccess ( int ret ) : int
ret int
Résultat int

InitializeThreads() public static méthode

public static InitializeThreads ( ) : void
Résultat void

LockingCallback() public static méthode

public static LockingCallback ( int mode, int type, string file, int line ) : void
mode int
type int
file string
line int
Résultat void

OPENSSL_free() public static méthode

//#define OPENSSL_free(addr) CRYPTO_free(addr)
public static OPENSSL_free ( IntPtr p ) : void
p IntPtr
Résultat void

OPENSSL_malloc() public static méthode

//#define OPENSSL_malloc(num) CRYPTO_malloc((int)num,__FILE__,__LINE__)
public static OPENSSL_malloc ( int cbSize ) : IntPtr
cbSize int
Résultat IntPtr

PtrToStringAnsi() public static méthode

public static PtrToStringAnsi ( IntPtr ptr, bool hasOwnership ) : string
ptr IntPtr
hasOwnership bool
Résultat string

SSL_CTX_get_mode() public static méthode

//#define SSL_CTX_get_mode in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl
public static SSL_CTX_get_mode ( IntPtr ctx ) : int
ctx IntPtr
Résultat int

SSL_CTX_get_options() public static méthode

//#define SSL_CTX_get_options in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl
public static SSL_CTX_get_options ( IntPtr ctx ) : int
ctx IntPtr
Résultat int

SSL_CTX_set_mode() public static méthode

//#define SSL_CTX_ctrl in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl()
public static SSL_CTX_set_mode ( IntPtr ctx, int op ) : int
ctx IntPtr
op int
Résultat int

SSL_CTX_set_options() public static méthode

//#define SSL_CTX_set_options in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl
public static SSL_CTX_set_options ( IntPtr ctx, int op ) : int
ctx IntPtr
op int
Résultat int

TextToNID() public static méthode

public static TextToNID ( string text ) : int
text string
Résultat int

ThreadIDCallback() public static méthode

public static ThreadIDCallback ( ) : uint
Résultat uint

UninitializeThreads() public static méthode

public static UninitializeThreads ( ) : void
Résultat void