C# Class OpenBve.World.Vector3D

Represents a 3D vector of System.Double coordinates.
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Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
X double
Y double
Z double

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Add ( Vector3D A, Vector3D B ) : Vector3D

Returns the sum of two vectors.

Subtract ( Vector3D A, Vector3D B ) : Vector3D

Returns the difference of two vectors.

Vector3D ( Vector2D Vector, double Y ) : System

Returns a normalized vector based on a 2D vector in the XZ plane and an additional Y-coordinate.

Vector3D ( double X, double Y, double Z ) : System

Method Details

Add() public static méthode

Returns the sum of two vectors.
public static Add ( Vector3D A, Vector3D B ) : Vector3D
A Vector3D
B Vector3D
Résultat Vector3D

Subtract() public static méthode

Returns the difference of two vectors.
public static Subtract ( Vector3D A, Vector3D B ) : Vector3D
A Vector3D
B Vector3D
Résultat Vector3D

Vector3D() public méthode

Returns a normalized vector based on a 2D vector in the XZ plane and an additional Y-coordinate.
public Vector3D ( Vector2D Vector, double Y ) : System
Vector Vector2D The vector in the XZ-plane. The X and Y components in Vector represent the X- and Z-coordinates, respectively.
Y double The Y-coordinate.
Résultat System

Vector3D() public méthode

public Vector3D ( double X, double Y, double Z ) : System
X double
Y double
Z double
Résultat System

Property Details

X public_oe property

public double X
Résultat double

Y public_oe property

public double Y
Résultat double

Z public_oe property

public double Z
Résultat double