C# Class Oda.Session

A session for Oda.
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Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
Account Account
AccountId System.Guid
AnonymousAccount Account
LoggedOn bool
Properties SessionProperties

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetProperty ( System.Guid id ) : SessionProperty

Gets a property by the properties id.

GetProperty ( string name ) : SessionProperty

Gets the property by the properties name.

Refresh ( ) : Session

Refreshes this session by reading data from the database.

Session ( System.Guid id ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Session class.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetSessionIdFromCookie ( ) : System.Guid

Gets the session id from cookie.

Refresh ( SqlConnection cn, SqlTransaction trans ) : Session

Method Details

GetProperty() public méthode

Gets a property by the properties id.
public GetProperty ( System.Guid id ) : SessionProperty
id System.Guid The _id.
Résultat SessionProperty

GetProperty() public méthode

Gets the property by the properties name.
public GetProperty ( string name ) : SessionProperty
name string The _name.
Résultat SessionProperty

Refresh() public méthode

Refreshes this session by reading data from the database.
public Refresh ( ) : Session
Résultat Session

Session() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the Session class.
public Session ( System.Guid id ) : System
id System.Guid The _id.
Résultat System

Property Details

Account public_oe property

The Account of this session.
public Account,Oda Account
Résultat Account

AccountId public_oe property

The account Id that this session belongs to.
public Guid,System AccountId
Résultat System.Guid

AnonymousAccount public_oe static_oe property

An anonymous Account.
public static Account,Oda AnonymousAccount
Résultat Account

LoggedOn public_oe property

When the session is logged on then true otherwise false.
public bool LoggedOn
Résultat bool

Properties public_oe property

The SessionProperties associated with this session.
public SessionProperties,Oda Properties
Résultat SessionProperties