C# Class OS2Indberetning.BuisnessLogic.FileHandler

FileHandler is responsible for handling reading and writing to text files.
Afficher le fichier Open project: os2indberetning/OS2_Windows_Phone

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
ReadFileContent ( string filename, string foldername ) : Task

Reads content from a file

WriteFileContent ( string filename, string foldername, string content ) : Task

Writes content to a file

Method Details

ReadFileContent() public static méthode

Reads content from a file
public static ReadFileContent ( string filename, string foldername ) : Task
filename string the name of the file
foldername string the name of the folder containing the file
Résultat Task

WriteFileContent() public static méthode

Writes content to a file
public static WriteFileContent ( string filename, string foldername, string content ) : Task
filename string the name of the file
foldername string the name of the folder containing the file
content string The content to be written to the file
Résultat Task