C# Class ODAF.Website.Controllers.HomeController

Inheritance: Controller
Afficher le fichier Open project: openlab/ODAF-OpenTurf

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddCommentToSummary ( string Text, string CreatedBy, string SummaryId ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
AddRateToSummary ( string guid, string rate ) : string
AddTagToSummary ( string guid, string name ) : string
Callback ( string provider ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Callback method for the Twitter Authentication

CreateLandmark ( string name, string description, string layerid, string latitude, string longitude, string createdby ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
DeleteSummary ( string guid, string userId ) : string
Feeds ( int Region_Index ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Get the list of Feed for a Region

GetFeedUniqueId ( int Region_Index, int Feed_Index ) : string
GetPointsFeedUrl ( int Region_Index, int Feed_Index ) : string

Get the url to call to get the list of Point of a Feed

GetSharedLandmarks ( bool showlandmarks, bool showuserlandmarks, string userid ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
GetSummaryByGuid ( string guid, string name, string latitude, string longitude, string createdby, int Region_Index, int Feed_Index ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
Index ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Default View + Load Region List

Regions ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Get the list of available Regions

SignOut ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Forget the connected twitter user

Twitter ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Call the Twitter Authentication

Private Methods

Méthode Description
CheckTwitterConnectedUser ( ) : void

User authentication check for Twitter

GetTwitterProfileImage ( string accessToken, string accessTokenSecret ) : string

Retreive the url of the Connected Twitter Users's profile picture

Method Details

AddCommentToSummary() public méthode

public AddCommentToSummary ( string Text, string CreatedBy, string SummaryId ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
Text string
CreatedBy string
SummaryId string
Résultat System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

AddRateToSummary() public méthode

public AddRateToSummary ( string guid, string rate ) : string
guid string
rate string
Résultat string

AddTagToSummary() public méthode

public AddTagToSummary ( string guid, string name ) : string
guid string
name string
Résultat string

Callback() public méthode

Callback method for the Twitter Authentication
public Callback ( string provider ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
provider string Name of the authentication provider
Résultat System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

CreateLandmark() public méthode

public CreateLandmark ( string name, string description, string layerid, string latitude, string longitude, string createdby ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
name string
description string
layerid string
latitude string
longitude string
createdby string
Résultat System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

DeleteSummary() public méthode

public DeleteSummary ( string guid, string userId ) : string
guid string
userId string
Résultat string

Feeds() public méthode

Get the list of Feed for a Region
public Feeds ( int Region_Index ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
Region_Index int Index of the Region
Résultat System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

GetFeedUniqueId() public méthode

public GetFeedUniqueId ( int Region_Index, int Feed_Index ) : string
Region_Index int
Feed_Index int
Résultat string

GetPointsFeedUrl() public méthode

Get the url to call to get the list of Point of a Feed
public GetPointsFeedUrl ( int Region_Index, int Feed_Index ) : string
Region_Index int Index of the Region
Feed_Index int Index of the Feed
Résultat string

GetSharedLandmarks() public méthode

public GetSharedLandmarks ( bool showlandmarks, bool showuserlandmarks, string userid ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
showlandmarks bool
showuserlandmarks bool
userid string
Résultat System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

GetSummaryByGuid() public méthode

public GetSummaryByGuid ( string guid, string name, string latitude, string longitude, string createdby, int Region_Index, int Feed_Index ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
guid string
name string
latitude string
longitude string
createdby string
Region_Index int
Feed_Index int
Résultat System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Index() public méthode

Default View + Load Region List
public Index ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
Résultat System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Regions() public méthode

Get the list of available Regions
public Regions ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
Résultat System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

SignOut() public méthode

Forget the connected twitter user
public SignOut ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
Résultat System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Twitter() public méthode

Call the Twitter Authentication
public Twitter ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
Résultat System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult