C# Class Nvelope.DateTimeExtensions

Afficher le fichier Open project: TrinityWestern/Nvelope

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddMonthsMatchDay ( this dt, int numMonths, int dayToMatch ) : System.DateTime

Adds the specified number of months to a DateTime. Also sets the day of the month to match what you pass in, or the max day of the month, whichever is lesser. This function is useful when iterating through months and you initially start on the 31st and then in subsequent months get moved to 28 but then later want to return to the 31st.

Age ( this date ) : System.TimeSpan
DaysInMonth ( this dt ) : int

Returns the number of days in the month of this DateTime instance

DaysInYear ( this dt ) : int
EndOfMonth ( this me ) : System.DateTime
FuzzyName ( this age ) : string
IsEndOfMonth ( this dt ) : bool

Determines if this instance of a DateTime object is the last day in the month

IsEnteredDateWithinDateRange ( this enteredDate, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : bool

This method check if given date is in within given date range. This method is inclusive, which means it includes start and enddate as well to check the date range.

IsEnteredTimeWithTimeRange ( System.TimeSpan enteredTime, System.TimeSpan startTime, System.TimeSpan endTime ) : bool

This method check if given time is in within given time range

IsToday ( this source ) : bool

Is this datetime from the current calendar day?

IsValidTime ( string enteredTime ) : bool

This Method validates a give time.

MonthsDifference ( this start, System.DateTime end ) : int
OnSameDayAs ( this original, System.DateTime date ) : bool

Checks if a given DateTime is on the same day as this one

SameMinuteAs ( this me, System.DateTime other ) : bool
SameMonthAs ( this me, System.DateTime other ) : bool
StartOfMonth ( this me ) : System.DateTime
ToFriendlyDate ( this source ) : string

Returns a "friendly" formatted date (or a blank string)

ToFriendlyDate ( this date, IFormatProvider provider = null ) : string

Returns a "friendly" formatted date

ToIsoDate ( this source ) : string

Returns the ISO formatted date

ToIsoDateTime ( this source ) : string

Returns the ISO formatted date, using a space instead of a T for the seperator

ToShortTimeString ( this source ) : string

Returns the .NET ToShortTimeString() value but works with null values returning a blank string

ToString ( this source, string format ) : string

Converts to string, but handles null gracefully (converts to "")

ToUtc ( this date ) : System.DateTime
TruncSeconds ( this me ) : System.DateTime
ValidDate ( string date ) : bool

Determine if Date String is an actual date format = MM/DD/YYYY

Method Details

AddMonthsMatchDay() public static méthode

Adds the specified number of months to a DateTime. Also sets the day of the month to match what you pass in, or the max day of the month, whichever is lesser. This function is useful when iterating through months and you initially start on the 31st and then in subsequent months get moved to 28 but then later want to return to the 31st.
public static AddMonthsMatchDay ( this dt, int numMonths, int dayToMatch ) : System.DateTime
dt this
numMonths int
dayToMatch int
Résultat System.DateTime

Age() public static méthode

public static Age ( this date ) : System.TimeSpan
date this
Résultat System.TimeSpan

DaysInMonth() public static méthode

Returns the number of days in the month of this DateTime instance
public static DaysInMonth ( this dt ) : int
dt this
Résultat int

DaysInYear() public static méthode

public static DaysInYear ( this dt ) : int
dt this
Résultat int

EndOfMonth() public static méthode

public static EndOfMonth ( this me ) : System.DateTime
me this
Résultat System.DateTime

FuzzyName() public static méthode

public static FuzzyName ( this age ) : string
age this
Résultat string

IsEndOfMonth() public static méthode

Determines if this instance of a DateTime object is the last day in the month
public static IsEndOfMonth ( this dt ) : bool
dt this
Résultat bool

IsEnteredDateWithinDateRange() public static méthode

This method check if given date is in within given date range. This method is inclusive, which means it includes start and enddate as well to check the date range.
public static IsEnteredDateWithinDateRange ( this enteredDate, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : bool
enteredDate this
startDate System.DateTime
endDate System.DateTime
Résultat bool

IsEnteredTimeWithTimeRange() public static méthode

This method check if given time is in within given time range
public static IsEnteredTimeWithTimeRange ( System.TimeSpan enteredTime, System.TimeSpan startTime, System.TimeSpan endTime ) : bool
enteredTime System.TimeSpan
startTime System.TimeSpan Start Time Range
endTime System.TimeSpan End Time Range
Résultat bool

IsToday() public static méthode

Is this datetime from the current calendar day?
public static IsToday ( this source ) : bool
source this
Résultat bool

IsValidTime() public static méthode

This Method validates a give time.
public static IsValidTime ( string enteredTime ) : bool
enteredTime string
Résultat bool

MonthsDifference() public static méthode

public static MonthsDifference ( this start, System.DateTime end ) : int
start this
end System.DateTime
Résultat int

OnSameDayAs() public static méthode

Checks if a given DateTime is on the same day as this one
public static OnSameDayAs ( this original, System.DateTime date ) : bool
original this The first DateTime you are working with
date System.DateTime The DateTime to compare it with
Résultat bool

SameMinuteAs() public static méthode

public static SameMinuteAs ( this me, System.DateTime other ) : bool
me this
other System.DateTime
Résultat bool

SameMonthAs() public static méthode

public static SameMonthAs ( this me, System.DateTime other ) : bool
me this
other System.DateTime
Résultat bool

StartOfMonth() public static méthode

public static StartOfMonth ( this me ) : System.DateTime
me this
Résultat System.DateTime

ToFriendlyDate() public static méthode

Returns a "friendly" formatted date (or a blank string)
public static ToFriendlyDate ( this source ) : string
source this
Résultat string

ToFriendlyDate() public static méthode

Returns a "friendly" formatted date
public static ToFriendlyDate ( this date, IFormatProvider provider = null ) : string
date this
provider IFormatProvider
Résultat string

ToIsoDate() public static méthode

Returns the ISO formatted date
public static ToIsoDate ( this source ) : string
source this
Résultat string

ToIsoDateTime() public static méthode

Returns the ISO formatted date, using a space instead of a T for the seperator
public static ToIsoDateTime ( this source ) : string
source this
Résultat string

ToShortTimeString() public static méthode

Returns the .NET ToShortTimeString() value but works with null values returning a blank string
public static ToShortTimeString ( this source ) : string
source this
Résultat string

ToString() public static méthode

Converts to string, but handles null gracefully (converts to "")
public static ToString ( this source, string format ) : string
source this A nullable DateTime
format string A .NET DateTime formatting string
Résultat string

ToUtc() public static méthode

public static ToUtc ( this date ) : System.DateTime
date this
Résultat System.DateTime

TruncSeconds() public static méthode

public static TruncSeconds ( this me ) : System.DateTime
me this
Résultat System.DateTime

ValidDate() public static méthode

Determine if Date String is an actual date format = MM/DD/YYYY
public static ValidDate ( string date ) : bool
date string
Résultat bool