C# Class NuGetGallery.Monitoring.MonitorSet

A collection of monitors to run at a specific interval
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
MonitorSet ( string name, System.TimeSpan period ) : System
MonitorSet ( string name, System.TimeSpan period, IEnumerable monitors ) : System
Run ( IEventReporter reporter, CancellationToken cancelToken ) : Task

Starts running the monitor.

Method Details

MonitorSet() public méthode

public MonitorSet ( string name, System.TimeSpan period ) : System
name string
period System.TimeSpan
Résultat System

MonitorSet() public méthode

public MonitorSet ( string name, System.TimeSpan period, IEnumerable monitors ) : System
name string
period System.TimeSpan
monitors IEnumerable
Résultat System

Run() public méthode

Starts running the monitor.
public Run ( IEventReporter reporter, CancellationToken cancelToken ) : Task
reporter IEventReporter An object used to report status to the underlying monitoring infrastructure
cancelToken System.Threading.CancellationToken A token used to cancel the monitoring operation
Résultat Task