C# Class Novacode.CustomProperty

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Private Properties

Свойство Type Description
CustomProperty System
CustomProperty System

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CustomProperty ( string name, System.DateTime value ) : System

Create a new CustomProperty to hold a DateTime.

CustomProperty ( string name, bool value ) : System

Create a new CustomProperty to hold a bool.

CustomProperty ( string name, double value ) : System

Create a new CustomProperty to hold a double.

CustomProperty ( string name, int value ) : System

Create a new CustomProperty to hold an int.

CustomProperty ( string name, string value ) : System

Create a new CustomProperty to hold a string.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
CustomProperty ( string name, string type, object value ) : System
CustomProperty ( string name, string type, string value ) : System

Method Details

CustomProperty() public méthode

Create a new CustomProperty to hold a DateTime.
public CustomProperty ( string name, System.DateTime value ) : System
name string The name of this CustomProperty.
value System.DateTime The value of this CustomProperty.
Résultat System

CustomProperty() public méthode

Create a new CustomProperty to hold a bool.
public CustomProperty ( string name, bool value ) : System
name string The name of this CustomProperty.
value bool The value of this CustomProperty.
Résultat System

CustomProperty() public méthode

Create a new CustomProperty to hold a double.
public CustomProperty ( string name, double value ) : System
name string The name of this CustomProperty.
value double The value of this CustomProperty.
Résultat System

CustomProperty() public méthode

Create a new CustomProperty to hold an int.
public CustomProperty ( string name, int value ) : System
name string The name of this CustomProperty.
value int The value of this CustomProperty.
Résultat System

CustomProperty() public méthode

Create a new CustomProperty to hold a string.
public CustomProperty ( string name, string value ) : System
name string The name of this CustomProperty.
value string The value of this CustomProperty.
Résultat System