C# Class Nexus.Client.ModManagement.Scripting.XmlScript.Unparsers.Unparser

The base class for unparsers that create an XML representation of an XmlScript.
Inheritance: IUnparser
Afficher le fichier Open project: NexusMods/NexusModManager-4.5

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Unparse ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement

Unparses the Script into an XML document.

Unparser ( XmlScript p_xscScript ) : System

A simple constructor that initializes the object with the given values.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
UnparseBoolean ( bool p_booValue ) : string

Translates the given bool into the string representation used in the XML.

UnparseConditionOperator ( ConditionOperator p_copOperator ) : string

Translates the given ConditionOperator into the string representation used in the XML.

UnparseConditionallyInstalledFileSets ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement

Unparses XmlScript.ConditionallyInstalledFileSets.

UnparseHeaderInfo ( ) : List

Unparses XmlScript.HeaderInfo.

UnparseInstallSteps ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement

Unparses XmlScript.InstallSteps.

UnparseModPrerequisites ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement

Unparses XmlScript.ModPrerequisites.

UnparseOptionGroupType ( OptionGroupType p_gtpType ) : string

Translates the given OptionGroupType into the string representation used in the XML.

UnparseOptionType ( OptionType p_otpType ) : string

Translates the given OptionType into the string representation used in the XML.

UnparsePluginState ( PluginState p_pstState ) : string

Translates the given PluginState into the string representation used in the XML.

UnparseRequiredInstallFiles ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement

Unparses XmlScript.RequiredInstallFiles.

Method Details

Unparse() public méthode

Unparses the Script into an XML document.
public Unparse ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement
Résultat System.Xml.Linq.XElement

UnparseBoolean() protected méthode

Translates the given bool into the string representation used in the XML.
protected UnparseBoolean ( bool p_booValue ) : string
p_booValue bool
Résultat string

UnparseConditionOperator() protected méthode

Translates the given ConditionOperator into the string representation used in the XML.
protected UnparseConditionOperator ( ConditionOperator p_copOperator ) : string
p_copOperator ConditionOperator The to unparse.
Résultat string

UnparseConditionallyInstalledFileSets() protected abstract méthode

Unparses XmlScript.ConditionallyInstalledFileSets.
protected abstract UnparseConditionallyInstalledFileSets ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement
Résultat System.Xml.Linq.XElement

UnparseHeaderInfo() protected abstract méthode

Unparses XmlScript.HeaderInfo.
protected abstract UnparseHeaderInfo ( ) : List
Résultat List

UnparseInstallSteps() protected abstract méthode

Unparses XmlScript.InstallSteps.
protected abstract UnparseInstallSteps ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement
Résultat System.Xml.Linq.XElement

UnparseModPrerequisites() protected abstract méthode

Unparses XmlScript.ModPrerequisites.
protected abstract UnparseModPrerequisites ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement
Résultat System.Xml.Linq.XElement

UnparseOptionGroupType() protected méthode

Translates the given OptionGroupType into the string representation used in the XML.
protected UnparseOptionGroupType ( OptionGroupType p_gtpType ) : string
p_gtpType OptionGroupType The to unparse.
Résultat string

UnparseOptionType() protected méthode

Translates the given OptionType into the string representation used in the XML.
protected UnparseOptionType ( OptionType p_otpType ) : string
p_otpType OptionType The to unparse.
Résultat string

UnparsePluginState() protected méthode

Translates the given PluginState into the string representation used in the XML.
protected UnparsePluginState ( PluginState p_pstState ) : string
p_pstState PluginState The to unparse.
Résultat string

UnparseRequiredInstallFiles() protected abstract méthode

Unparses XmlScript.RequiredInstallFiles.
protected abstract UnparseRequiredInstallFiles ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement
Résultat System.Xml.Linq.XElement

Unparser() public méthode

A simple constructor that initializes the object with the given values.
public Unparser ( XmlScript p_xscScript ) : System
p_xscScript XmlScript The script to unparse.
Résultat System