C# Class Nexus.Client.Games.DarkSouls2.DarkSouls2GameModeFactory

The base game mode factory that provides the commond functionality for factories that build game modes for DarkSouls2 based games.
Inheritance: IGameModeFactory
Afficher le fichier Open project: NexusMods/NexusModManager-4.5

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
BuildGameMode ( FileUtil p_futFileUtility, ViewMessage &p_imsWarning ) : IGameMode

Builds the game mode.

DarkSouls2GameModeFactory ( IEnvironmentInfo p_eifEnvironmentInfo ) : System

A simple consturctor that initializes the object with the given values.

GetExecutablePath ( string p_strPath ) : string

Gets the path to the game executable.

GetInstallationPath ( ) : string

Gets the path where mod files should be installed.

GetInstallationPath ( string p_strGameInstallPath ) : string

Gets the path where mod files should be installed.

This method uses the given path to the installed game to determine the installaiton path for mods.

PerformInitialSetup ( ShowViewDelegate p_dlgShowView, ShowMessageDelegate p_dlgShowMessage ) : bool

Performs the initial setup for the game mode being created.

PerformInitialization ( ShowViewDelegate p_dlgShowView, ShowMessageDelegate p_dlgShowMessage ) : bool

Performs the initializtion for the game mode being created.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
InstantiateGameMode ( FileUtil p_futFileUtility ) : DarkSouls2GameMode

Instantiates the game mode.

Method Details

BuildGameMode() public méthode

Builds the game mode.
public BuildGameMode ( FileUtil p_futFileUtility, ViewMessage &p_imsWarning ) : IGameMode
p_futFileUtility Nexus.Client.Util.FileUtil The file utility class to be used by the game mode.
p_imsWarning Nexus.Client.UI.ViewMessage The resultant warning resultant from the creation of the game mode. /// null if there are no warnings.
Résultat IGameMode

DarkSouls2GameModeFactory() public méthode

A simple consturctor that initializes the object with the given values.
public DarkSouls2GameModeFactory ( IEnvironmentInfo p_eifEnvironmentInfo ) : System
p_eifEnvironmentInfo IEnvironmentInfo The application's environement info.
Résultat System

GetExecutablePath() public méthode

Gets the path to the game executable.
public GetExecutablePath ( string p_strPath ) : string
p_strPath string
Résultat string

GetInstallationPath() public méthode

Gets the path where mod files should be installed.
public GetInstallationPath ( ) : string
Résultat string

GetInstallationPath() public méthode

Gets the path where mod files should be installed.
This method uses the given path to the installed game to determine the installaiton path for mods.
public GetInstallationPath ( string p_strGameInstallPath ) : string
p_strGameInstallPath string
Résultat string

InstantiateGameMode() protected méthode

Instantiates the game mode.
protected InstantiateGameMode ( FileUtil p_futFileUtility ) : DarkSouls2GameMode
p_futFileUtility Nexus.Client.Util.FileUtil The file utility class to be used by the game mode.
Résultat DarkSouls2GameMode

PerformInitialSetup() public méthode

Performs the initial setup for the game mode being created.
public PerformInitialSetup ( ShowViewDelegate p_dlgShowView, ShowMessageDelegate p_dlgShowMessage ) : bool
p_dlgShowView ShowViewDelegate The delegate to use to display a view.
p_dlgShowMessage ShowMessageDelegate The delegate to use to display a message.
Résultat bool

PerformInitialization() public méthode

Performs the initializtion for the game mode being created.
public PerformInitialization ( ShowViewDelegate p_dlgShowView, ShowMessageDelegate p_dlgShowMessage ) : bool
p_dlgShowView ShowViewDelegate The delegate to use to display a view.
p_dlgShowMessage ShowMessageDelegate The delegate to use to display a message.
Résultat bool