C# Class NUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ResultState

The ResultState class represents the outcome of running a test. It contains two pieces of information. The Status of the test is an enum indicating whether the test passed, failed, was skipped or was inconclusive. The Label provides a more detailed breakdown for use by client runners.
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Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
Cancelled ResultState
ChildFailure ResultState
Error ResultState
Explicit ResultState
Failure ResultState
Ignored ResultState
Inconclusive ResultState
NotRunnable ResultState
SetUpError ResultState
SetUpFailure ResultState
Skipped ResultState
Success ResultState
TearDownError ResultState
Warning ResultState

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Equals ( object obj ) : bool

Determines whether the specified System.Object, is equal to this instance.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Returns a hash code for this instance.

Matches ( ResultState other ) : bool

Test whether this ResultState has the same Status and Label as another one. In other words, the whether two are equal ignoring the Site.

ResultState ( TestStatus status ) : System.Text

Initializes a new instance of the ResultState class.

ResultState ( TestStatus status, FailureSite site ) : System.Text

Initializes a new instance of the ResultState class.

ResultState ( TestStatus status, string label ) : System.Text

Initializes a new instance of the ResultState class.

ResultState ( TestStatus status, string label, FailureSite site ) : System.Text

Initializes a new instance of the ResultState class.

ToString ( ) : string

Returns a System.String that represents this instance.

WithSite ( FailureSite site ) : ResultState

Get a new ResultState, which is the same as the current one but with the FailureSite set to the specified value.

Method Details

Equals() public méthode

Determines whether the specified System.Object, is equal to this instance.
public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object The to compare with this instance.
Résultat bool

GetHashCode() public méthode

Returns a hash code for this instance.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
Résultat int

Matches() public méthode

Test whether this ResultState has the same Status and Label as another one. In other words, the whether two are equal ignoring the Site.
public Matches ( ResultState other ) : bool
other ResultState
Résultat bool

ResultState() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the ResultState class.
public ResultState ( TestStatus status ) : System.Text
status TestStatus The TestStatus.
Résultat System.Text

ResultState() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the ResultState class.
public ResultState ( TestStatus status, FailureSite site ) : System.Text
status TestStatus The TestStatus.
site FailureSite The stage at which the result was produced
Résultat System.Text

ResultState() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the ResultState class.
public ResultState ( TestStatus status, string label ) : System.Text
status TestStatus The TestStatus.
label string The label.
Résultat System.Text

ResultState() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the ResultState class.
public ResultState ( TestStatus status, string label, FailureSite site ) : System.Text
status TestStatus The TestStatus.
label string The label.
site FailureSite The stage at which the result was produced
Résultat System.Text

ToString() public méthode

Returns a System.String that represents this instance.
public ToString ( ) : string
Résultat string

WithSite() public méthode

Get a new ResultState, which is the same as the current one but with the FailureSite set to the specified value.
public WithSite ( FailureSite site ) : ResultState
site FailureSite The FailureSite to use
Résultat ResultState

Property Details

Cancelled public_oe static_oe property

The test was cancelled by the user
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces Cancelled
Résultat ResultState

ChildFailure public_oe static_oe property

A suite failed because one or more child tests failed or had errors
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces ChildFailure
Résultat ResultState

Error public_oe static_oe property

The test encountered an unexpected exception
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces Error
Résultat ResultState

Explicit public_oe static_oe property

The test was skipped because it is explicit
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces Explicit
Résultat ResultState

Failure public_oe static_oe property

The test failed
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces Failure
Résultat ResultState

Ignored public_oe static_oe property

The test has been ignored.
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces Ignored
Résultat ResultState

Inconclusive public_oe static_oe property

The result is inconclusive
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces Inconclusive
Résultat ResultState

NotRunnable public_oe static_oe property

The test was not runnable.
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces NotRunnable
Résultat ResultState

SetUpError public_oe static_oe property

A suite had an unexpected exception in its OneTimeSetUp
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces SetUpError
Résultat ResultState

SetUpFailure public_oe static_oe property

A suite failed in its OneTimeSetUp
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces SetUpFailure
Résultat ResultState

Skipped public_oe static_oe property

The test has been skipped.
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces Skipped
Résultat ResultState

Success public_oe static_oe property

The test succeeded
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces Success
Résultat ResultState

TearDownError public_oe static_oe property

A suite had an unexpected exception in its OneTimeDown
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces TearDownError
Résultat ResultState

Warning public_oe static_oe property

The test issued a warning
public static ResultState,NUnit.Framework.Interfaces Warning
Résultat ResultState