C# Class NSwag.CodeGeneration.SwaggerGenerators.AssemblyTypeToSwaggerGeneratorBase

Afficher le fichier Open project: NSwag/NSwag

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Generate ( string classNames ) : SwaggerDocument

Generates the specified class names.

GetClasses ( ) : string[]

Gets the classes.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
AssemblyTypeToSwaggerGeneratorBase ( AssemblyTypeToSwaggerGeneratorSettings settings )

Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyTypeToSwaggerGeneratorBase class.

Method Details

AssemblyTypeToSwaggerGeneratorBase() protected méthode

Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyTypeToSwaggerGeneratorBase class.
protected AssemblyTypeToSwaggerGeneratorBase ( AssemblyTypeToSwaggerGeneratorSettings settings )
settings AssemblyTypeToSwaggerGeneratorSettings The settings.

Generate() public abstract méthode

Generates the specified class names.
public abstract Generate ( string classNames ) : SwaggerDocument
classNames string The class names.
Résultat SwaggerDocument

GetClasses() public abstract méthode

Gets the classes.
public abstract GetClasses ( ) : string[]
Résultat string[]