C# Class NServiceBus.CriticalError

A holder for that exposes access to the action defined by ConfigureCriticalErrorAction.DefineCriticalErrorAction(Configure,Action{string,Exception}).
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CriticalError ( Task>.Func onCriticalErrorAction ) : System

Initializes a new instance of CriticalError.

Raise ( string errorMessage, Exception exception ) : void

Trigger the action defined by .

RaiseForEndpoint ( string errorMessage, Exception exception ) : void

Private Methods

Méthode Description
DefaultCriticalErrorHandling ( ICriticalErrorContext criticalErrorContext ) : System.Threading.Task
SetEndpoint ( IEndpointInstance endpointInstance ) : void

Method Details

CriticalError() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of CriticalError.
public CriticalError ( Task>.Func onCriticalErrorAction ) : System
onCriticalErrorAction Task>.Func The action to execute when a critical error is triggered.
Résultat System

Raise() public méthode

Trigger the action defined by .
public Raise ( string errorMessage, Exception exception ) : void
errorMessage string
exception System.Exception
Résultat void

RaiseForEndpoint() public méthode

public RaiseForEndpoint ( string errorMessage, Exception exception ) : void
errorMessage string
exception System.Exception
Résultat void