C# Class NSUListView.IUListView

Inheritance: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
Afficher le fichier Open project: tnqiang/Unity_ListView

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
layout Layout
needMask bool
spacing UnityEngine.Vector2

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
content UnityEngine.RectTransform
initialized bool
lastStartInex int
leftTopCorner UnityEngine.Vector2
lstData List
scrollRect ScrollRect
scrollRectSize UnityEngine.Vector2

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetContentSize ( ) : Vector2

Gets the rect tranform size of the content of the ScrollRect

GetDataCount ( ) : int

Gets the data count. default return 1

GetItemAnchorPos ( int index ) : Vector2

Gets the anchor position of the item indexed index Assume that anchorMin = anchorMax = pivot = new Vector(0.5f, 0.5f)

GetItemGameObject ( int index ) : GameObject

Gets the item game object.

GetItemSize ( int index ) : Vector2

Gets the size of the item of specified index

GetMaxShowItemNum ( ) : int

Gets the max show item number.

GetStartIndex ( ) : int

Gets the start index of the item to be shown

HideNonuseableItems ( ) : void

Hides the nonuseable items.

Init ( ) : void
OnClick ( int index ) : void

Raises the click event.

OnPointerClick ( PointerEventData eventData ) : void

Raises the pointer enter event.

OnProgress ( float progress ) : void

Raises the progress event when progress change

SetData ( List lstData ) : void

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
GetCurrentShowItemNum ( ) : int

Gets the current show item number.

RefreshListView ( ) : void

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetTopLeftCornerScreenPoint ( ) : Vector2

Gets the top left corner screen point.

OnValueChanged ( Vector2 pos ) : void

Method Details

GetContentSize() public abstract méthode

Gets the rect tranform size of the content of the ScrollRect
public abstract GetContentSize ( ) : Vector2
Résultat UnityEngine.Vector2

GetCurrentShowItemNum() protected méthode

Gets the current show item number.
protected GetCurrentShowItemNum ( ) : int
Résultat int

GetDataCount() public méthode

Gets the data count. default return 1
public GetDataCount ( ) : int
Résultat int

GetItemAnchorPos() public abstract méthode

Gets the anchor position of the item indexed index Assume that anchorMin = anchorMax = pivot = new Vector(0.5f, 0.5f)
public abstract GetItemAnchorPos ( int index ) : Vector2
index int index of item
Résultat UnityEngine.Vector2

GetItemGameObject() public abstract méthode

Gets the item game object.
public abstract GetItemGameObject ( int index ) : GameObject
index int Index.
Résultat UnityEngine.GameObject

GetItemSize() public abstract méthode

Gets the size of the item of specified index
public abstract GetItemSize ( int index ) : Vector2
index int Index.
Résultat UnityEngine.Vector2

GetMaxShowItemNum() public abstract méthode

Gets the max show item number.
public abstract GetMaxShowItemNum ( ) : int
Résultat int

GetStartIndex() public abstract méthode

Gets the start index of the item to be shown
public abstract GetStartIndex ( ) : int
Résultat int

HideNonuseableItems() public abstract méthode

Hides the nonuseable items.
public abstract HideNonuseableItems ( ) : void
Résultat void

Init() public méthode

public Init ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnClick() public méthode

Raises the click event.
public OnClick ( int index ) : void
index int
Résultat void

OnPointerClick() public méthode

Raises the pointer enter event.
public OnPointerClick ( PointerEventData eventData ) : void
eventData PointerEventData Event data.
Résultat void

OnProgress() public méthode

Raises the progress event when progress change
public OnProgress ( float progress ) : void
progress float Progress.
Résultat void

RefreshListView() protected méthode

protected RefreshListView ( ) : void
Résultat void

SetData() public méthode

public SetData ( List lstData ) : void
lstData List
Résultat void

Property Details

content protected_oe property

protected RectTransform,UnityEngine content
Résultat UnityEngine.RectTransform

initialized protected_oe property

protected bool initialized
Résultat bool

lastStartInex protected_oe property

protected int lastStartInex
Résultat int

layout public_oe property

public Layout layout
Résultat Layout

leftTopCorner protected_oe property

protected Vector2,UnityEngine leftTopCorner
Résultat UnityEngine.Vector2

lstData protected_oe property

protected List lstData
Résultat List

needMask public_oe property

public bool needMask
Résultat bool

scrollRect protected_oe property

protected ScrollRect scrollRect
Résultat ScrollRect

scrollRectSize protected_oe property

protected Vector2,UnityEngine scrollRectSize
Résultat UnityEngine.Vector2

spacing public_oe property

public Vector2,UnityEngine spacing
Résultat UnityEngine.Vector2