C# Class MovieDemo.MovieLensMovieInfo

Afficher le fichier Open project: zenogantner/MML-KDD

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
IMDB_KEY_To_ID int>.Dictionary
movie_list List

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Read ( StreamReader reader, EntityMapping item_mapping ) : void

Read movie data from a StreamReader

Read ( string filename, Encoding encoding, EntityMapping item_mapping ) : void

Read movie data from a file

Read ( string filename, EntityMapping item_mapping ) : void

Read movie data from a file

Method Details

Read() public méthode

Read movie data from a StreamReader
public Read ( StreamReader reader, EntityMapping item_mapping ) : void
reader System.IO.StreamReader a StreamReader to be read from
item_mapping MyMediaLite.Data.EntityMapping ID mapping for the movies
Résultat void

Read() public méthode

Read movie data from a file
public Read ( string filename, Encoding encoding, EntityMapping item_mapping ) : void
filename string the name of the file to be read from
encoding System.Text.Encoding the encoding of the file
item_mapping MyMediaLite.Data.EntityMapping ID mapping for the movies
Résultat void

Read() public méthode

Read movie data from a file
public Read ( string filename, EntityMapping item_mapping ) : void
filename string the name of the file to be read from
item_mapping MyMediaLite.Data.EntityMapping ID mapping for the movies
Résultat void

Property Details

IMDB_KEY_To_ID public_oe property

public Dictionary IMDB_KEY_To_ID
Résultat int>.Dictionary

movie_list public_oe property

public List movie_list
Résultat List