Méthode | Description | |
BeginSheetForWindowModalDelegateDidEndSelectorContextInfoSettingsKeychain ( |
Displays a sheet that allows users to change keychain settings. Original signature is '- (void)beginSheetForWindow:(NSWindow *)docWindow modalDelegate:(id)delegate didEndSelector:(SEL)didEndSelector contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo settings:(SecKeychainSettings *)settings keychain:(SecKeychainRef)keychain' Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.
public BeginSheetForWindowModalDelegateDidEndSelectorContextInfoSettingsKeychain ( |
docWindow | The parent window to which the sheet is attached. If this parameter is nil, the behavior defaults to a standalone modal window. | |
modalDelegate | SheetDidEndReturnCodeContextInfoEventHandler |
The delegate object in which the method specified in the didEndSelector parameter is implemented. |
contextInfo | A pointer to data that is passed to the delegate method. You can use this data pointer for any purpose you wish. | |
settings | A pointer to a keychain settings structure. Because this structure is versioned, you must preallocate it and fill in the version of the structure. | |
keychain | The keychain whose settings you wish to have the user change. | |
Résultat | void |