C# Class MonoSoftware.MonoX.DAL.EntityClasses.CalendarEntity

Inheritance: CommonEntityBase
Afficher le fichier Open project: MonoSoftware/MonoX-Data-Access-Layer Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description
CalendarEntity System.Runtime.Serialization
CalendarEntity System.Runtime.Serialization
DesetupSyncAspnetUsers void
GetObjectData void
GetRelationsForField RelationCollection
InitClassEmpty void
InitClassMembers void
OnAspnetUsersPropertyChanged void
SetupCustomPropertyHashtables void
SetupSyncAspnetUsers void

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CalendarEntity ( IEntityFields2 fields ) : System.Runtime.Serialization


For framework usage.

CalendarEntity ( IValidator validator ) : System.Runtime.Serialization


CalendarEntity ( System id ) : System.Runtime.Serialization


The entity is not fetched by this constructor. Use a DataAccessAdapter for that.

CalendarEntity ( System id, IValidator validator ) : System.Runtime.Serialization


The entity is not fetched by this constructor. Use a DataAccessAdapter for that.

GetRelationInfoAspnetUsers ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entity of type 'AspnetUsers' to this entity.

GetRelationInfoCalendarEditRoles ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entities of type 'CalendarEditRole' to this entity.

GetRelationInfoCalendarEventEntries ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entities of type 'CalendarEventEntry' to this entity.

GetRelationInfoCalendarEvents ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entities of type 'CalendarEvent' to this entity.

GetRelationInfoCalendarModerators ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entities of type 'CalendarModerator' to this entity.

GetRelationInfoCalendarViewRoles ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entities of type 'CalendarViewRole' to this entity.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
AddToMemberEntityCollectionsQueue ( Queue collectionsQueue ) : void

Adds the member collections to the collections queue (base first)

CheckOneWayRelations ( string propertyName ) : bool

Checks if the relation mapped by the property with the name specified is a one way / single sided relation. If the passed in name is null, it/ will return true if the entity has any single-sided relation

CreateEntityFactory ( ) : IEntityFactory2

Creates a new instance of the factory related to this entity

CreateMemberEntityCollectionsQueue ( Queue collectionsQueue, Queue requiredQueue ) : void

Creates the member entity collections queue.

GetAllRelations ( ) : List

Gets a list of all the EntityRelation objects the type of this instance has.

GetDependentRelatedEntities ( ) : List

Gets a collection of related entities referenced by this entity which this entity depends on (this entity is the FK side of their PK fields). These entities will have to be persisted before this entity during a recursive save.

GetDependingRelatedEntities ( ) : List

Gets a collection of related entities referenced by this entity which depend on this entity (this entity is the PK side of their FK fields). These entities will have to be persisted after this entity during a recursive save.

GetFromMemberEntityCollectionsQueue ( Queue collectionsQueue ) : void

Gets the member collections queue from the queue (base first)

GetMemberEntityCollections ( ) : List

Gets a list of all entity collections stored as member variables in this entity. Only 1:n related collections are returned.

GetRelatedData ( ) : object>.Dictionary

Gets all related data objects, stored by name. The name is the field name mapped onto the relation for that particular data element.

GetRelationsForFieldOfType ( string fieldName ) : RelationCollection

Gets the relation objects which represent the relation the fieldName specified is mapped on.

HasPopulatedMemberEntityCollections ( ) : bool

Determines whether the entity has populated member collections

PerformDesyncSetupFKFieldChange ( int fieldIndex ) : void

Performs the desync setup when an FK field has been changed. The entity referenced based on the FK field will be dereferenced and sync info will be removed.

SetRelatedEntity ( IEntityCore relatedEntity, string fieldName ) : void

Sets the internal parameter related to the fieldname passed to the instance relatedEntity.

SetRelatedEntityProperty ( string propertyName, IEntityCore entity ) : void

Sets the related entity property to the entity specified. If the property is a collection, it will add the entity specified to that collection.

Used by prefetch path logic.

UnsetRelatedEntity ( IEntityCore relatedEntity, string fieldName, bool signalRelatedEntityManyToOne ) : void

Unsets the internal parameter related to the fieldname passed to the instance relatedEntity. Reverses the actions taken by SetRelatedEntity()

Private Methods

Méthode Description
CalendarEntity ( ) : System.Runtime.Serialization

Static CTor for setting up custom property hashtables. Is executed before the first instance of this entity class or derived classes is constructed.

CalendarEntity ( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context ) : System.Runtime.Serialization
DesetupSyncAspnetUsers ( bool signalRelatedEntity, bool resetFKFields ) : void

Removes the sync logic for member _aspnetUsers

GetObjectData ( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context ) : void
GetRelationsForField ( string fieldName ) : RelationCollection

Gets the relation objects which represent the relation the fieldName specified is mapped on.

InitClassEmpty ( IValidator validator, IEntityFields2 fields ) : void

Initializes the class with empty data, as if it is a new Entity.

InitClassMembers ( ) : void

Initializes the class members

OnAspnetUsersPropertyChanged ( object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Handles property change events of properties in a related entity.

SetupCustomPropertyHashtables ( ) : void

Initializes the hashtables for the entity type and entity field custom properties.

SetupSyncAspnetUsers ( IEntityCore relatedEntity ) : void

setups the sync logic for member _aspnetUsers

Method Details

AddToMemberEntityCollectionsQueue() protected méthode

Adds the member collections to the collections queue (base first)
protected AddToMemberEntityCollectionsQueue ( Queue collectionsQueue ) : void
collectionsQueue Queue The collections queue.
Résultat void

CalendarEntity() public méthode

For framework usage.
public CalendarEntity ( IEntityFields2 fields ) : System.Runtime.Serialization
fields IEntityFields2 Fields object to set as the fields for this entity.
Résultat System.Runtime.Serialization

CalendarEntity() public méthode

public CalendarEntity ( IValidator validator ) : System.Runtime.Serialization
validator IValidator The custom validator object for this CalendarEntity
Résultat System.Runtime.Serialization

CalendarEntity() public méthode

The entity is not fetched by this constructor. Use a DataAccessAdapter for that.
public CalendarEntity ( System id ) : System.Runtime.Serialization
id System PK value for Calendar which data should be fetched into this Calendar object
Résultat System.Runtime.Serialization

CalendarEntity() public méthode

The entity is not fetched by this constructor. Use a DataAccessAdapter for that.
public CalendarEntity ( System id, IValidator validator ) : System.Runtime.Serialization
id System PK value for Calendar which data should be fetched into this Calendar object
validator IValidator The custom validator object for this CalendarEntity
Résultat System.Runtime.Serialization

CheckOneWayRelations() protected méthode

Checks if the relation mapped by the property with the name specified is a one way / single sided relation. If the passed in name is null, it/ will return true if the entity has any single-sided relation
protected CheckOneWayRelations ( string propertyName ) : bool
propertyName string Name of the property which is mapped onto the relation to check, or null to check if the entity has any relation/ which is single sided
Résultat bool

CreateEntityFactory() protected méthode

Creates a new instance of the factory related to this entity
protected CreateEntityFactory ( ) : IEntityFactory2
Résultat IEntityFactory2

CreateMemberEntityCollectionsQueue() protected méthode

Creates the member entity collections queue.
protected CreateMemberEntityCollectionsQueue ( Queue collectionsQueue, Queue requiredQueue ) : void
collectionsQueue Queue The collections queue.
requiredQueue Queue The required queue.
Résultat void

GetAllRelations() protected méthode

Gets a list of all the EntityRelation objects the type of this instance has.
protected GetAllRelations ( ) : List
Résultat List

GetDependentRelatedEntities() protected méthode

Gets a collection of related entities referenced by this entity which this entity depends on (this entity is the FK side of their PK fields). These entities will have to be persisted before this entity during a recursive save.
protected GetDependentRelatedEntities ( ) : List
Résultat List

GetDependingRelatedEntities() protected méthode

Gets a collection of related entities referenced by this entity which depend on this entity (this entity is the PK side of their FK fields). These entities will have to be persisted after this entity during a recursive save.
protected GetDependingRelatedEntities ( ) : List
Résultat List

GetFromMemberEntityCollectionsQueue() protected méthode

Gets the member collections queue from the queue (base first)
protected GetFromMemberEntityCollectionsQueue ( Queue collectionsQueue ) : void
collectionsQueue Queue The collections queue.
Résultat void

GetMemberEntityCollections() protected méthode

Gets a list of all entity collections stored as member variables in this entity. Only 1:n related collections are returned.
protected GetMemberEntityCollections ( ) : List
Résultat List

GetRelatedData() protected méthode

Gets all related data objects, stored by name. The name is the field name mapped onto the relation for that particular data element.
protected GetRelatedData ( ) : object>.Dictionary
Résultat object>.Dictionary

GetRelationInfoAspnetUsers() public méthode

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entity of type 'AspnetUsers' to this entity.
public GetRelationInfoAspnetUsers ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket
Résultat IRelationPredicateBucket

GetRelationInfoCalendarEditRoles() public méthode

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entities of type 'CalendarEditRole' to this entity.
public GetRelationInfoCalendarEditRoles ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket
Résultat IRelationPredicateBucket

GetRelationInfoCalendarEventEntries() public méthode

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entities of type 'CalendarEventEntry' to this entity.
public GetRelationInfoCalendarEventEntries ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket
Résultat IRelationPredicateBucket

GetRelationInfoCalendarEvents() public méthode

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entities of type 'CalendarEvent' to this entity.
public GetRelationInfoCalendarEvents ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket
Résultat IRelationPredicateBucket

GetRelationInfoCalendarModerators() public méthode

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entities of type 'CalendarModerator' to this entity.
public GetRelationInfoCalendarModerators ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket
Résultat IRelationPredicateBucket

GetRelationInfoCalendarViewRoles() public méthode

Creates a new IRelationPredicateBucket object which contains the predicate expression and relation collection to fetch the related entities of type 'CalendarViewRole' to this entity.
public GetRelationInfoCalendarViewRoles ( ) : IRelationPredicateBucket
Résultat IRelationPredicateBucket

GetRelationsForFieldOfType() protected méthode

Gets the relation objects which represent the relation the fieldName specified is mapped on.
protected GetRelationsForFieldOfType ( string fieldName ) : RelationCollection
fieldName string Name of the field mapped onto the relation of which the relation objects have to be obtained.
Résultat RelationCollection

HasPopulatedMemberEntityCollections() protected méthode

Determines whether the entity has populated member collections
protected HasPopulatedMemberEntityCollections ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

PerformDesyncSetupFKFieldChange() protected méthode

Performs the desync setup when an FK field has been changed. The entity referenced based on the FK field will be dereferenced and sync info will be removed.
protected PerformDesyncSetupFKFieldChange ( int fieldIndex ) : void
fieldIndex int The fieldindex.
Résultat void

SetRelatedEntity() protected méthode

Sets the internal parameter related to the fieldname passed to the instance relatedEntity.
protected SetRelatedEntity ( IEntityCore relatedEntity, string fieldName ) : void
relatedEntity IEntityCore Instance to set as the related entity of type entityType
fieldName string Name of field mapped onto the relation which resolves in the instance relatedEntity
Résultat void

SetRelatedEntityProperty() protected méthode

Sets the related entity property to the entity specified. If the property is a collection, it will add the entity specified to that collection.
Used by prefetch path logic.
protected SetRelatedEntityProperty ( string propertyName, IEntityCore entity ) : void
propertyName string Name of the property.
entity IEntityCore Entity to set as an related entity
Résultat void

UnsetRelatedEntity() protected méthode

Unsets the internal parameter related to the fieldname passed to the instance relatedEntity. Reverses the actions taken by SetRelatedEntity()
protected UnsetRelatedEntity ( IEntityCore relatedEntity, string fieldName, bool signalRelatedEntityManyToOne ) : void
relatedEntity IEntityCore Instance to unset as the related entity of type entityType
fieldName string Name of field mapped onto the relation which resolves in the instance relatedEntity
signalRelatedEntityManyToOne bool if set to true it will notify the manytoone side, if applicable.
Résultat void