C# Class MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.IO.DdlReaderError

Afficher le fichier Open project: DavidS/MigraDoc Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
ErrorLevel DdlErrorLevel
ErrorMessage string
ErrorNumber int
SourceColumn int
SourceFile string
SourceLine int

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
DdlReaderError ( DdlErrorLevel errorLevel, string errorMessage, int errorNumber ) : System
DdlReaderError ( DdlErrorLevel errorLevel, string errorMessage, int errorNumber, string sourceFile, int sourceLine, int sourceColumn ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the DdlReaderError class.

ToString ( ) : string

Returns a String that represents the current DdlReaderError.

Method Details

DdlReaderError() public méthode

public DdlReaderError ( DdlErrorLevel errorLevel, string errorMessage, int errorNumber ) : System
errorLevel DdlErrorLevel
errorMessage string
errorNumber int
Résultat System

DdlReaderError() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the DdlReaderError class.
public DdlReaderError ( DdlErrorLevel errorLevel, string errorMessage, int errorNumber, string sourceFile, int sourceLine, int sourceColumn ) : System
errorLevel DdlErrorLevel
errorMessage string
errorNumber int
sourceFile string
sourceLine int
sourceColumn int
Résultat System

ToString() public méthode

Returns a String that represents the current DdlReaderError.
public ToString ( ) : string
Résultat string

Property Details

ErrorLevel public_oe property

Specifies the severity of this diagnostic.
public DdlErrorLevel ErrorLevel
Résultat DdlErrorLevel

ErrorMessage public_oe property

Specifies the diagnostic message text.
public string ErrorMessage
Résultat string

ErrorNumber public_oe property

Specifies the diagnostic number.
public int ErrorNumber
Résultat int

SourceColumn public_oe property

Specifies the column of the source text that caused the diagnostic (1 based), or 0 if there is no column information.
public int SourceColumn
Résultat int

SourceFile public_oe property

Specifies the filename of the DDL text that caused the diagnostic, or an empty string ("").
public string SourceFile
Résultat string

SourceLine public_oe property

Specifies the line of the DDL text that caused the diagnostic (1 based), or 0 if there is no line information.
public int SourceLine
Résultat int