C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.MobileServiceClientExtensions

Provides extension methods on MobileServiceClient.
Afficher le fichier Open project: Azure/azure-mobile-apps-net-client

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetPush ( this client ) : Push

Extension method to get a Push object made from an existing MobileServiceClient.

LoginAsync ( this client, MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider provider ) : Task

Log a user into a Mobile Services application given a provider name.

LoginAsync ( this client, MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider provider, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : Task

Log a user into a Mobile Services application given a provider name.

LoginAsync ( this client, string provider ) : Task

Log a user into a Mobile Services application given a provider name.

LoginAsync ( this client, string provider, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : Task

Log a user into a Mobile Services application given a provider name.

LoginComplete ( this client, WebAuthenticationBrokerContinuationEventArgs result ) : void

Finishes the login process initiated by the LoginAsync() call, should be called from the App OnActivated event when it is triggered due to the Web Authentication Broker

Method Details

GetPush() public static méthode

Extension method to get a Push object made from an existing MobileServiceClient.
public static GetPush ( this client ) : Push
client this /// The to create with. ///
Résultat Push

LoginAsync() public static méthode

Log a user into a Mobile Services application given a provider name.
public static LoginAsync ( this client, MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider provider ) : Task
client this /// The client. ///
provider MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider /// Authentication provider to use. ///
Résultat Task

LoginAsync() public static méthode

Log a user into a Mobile Services application given a provider name.
public static LoginAsync ( this client, MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider provider, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : Task
client this /// The client. ///
provider MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider /// Authentication provider to use. ///
parameters string>.IDictionary /// Provider specific extra parameters that are sent as query string parameters to login endpoint. ///
Résultat Task

LoginAsync() public static méthode

Log a user into a Mobile Services application given a provider name.
public static LoginAsync ( this client, string provider ) : Task
client this /// The client. ///
provider string /// Authentication provider to use. ///
Résultat Task

LoginAsync() public static méthode

Log a user into a Mobile Services application given a provider name.
public static LoginAsync ( this client, string provider, string>.IDictionary parameters ) : Task
client this /// The client. ///
provider string /// Authentication provider to use. ///
parameters string>.IDictionary /// Provider specific extra parameters that are sent as query string parameters to login endpoint. ///
Résultat Task

LoginComplete() public static méthode

Finishes the login process initiated by the LoginAsync() call, should be called from the App OnActivated event when it is triggered due to the Web Authentication Broker
public static LoginComplete ( this client, WebAuthenticationBrokerContinuationEventArgs result ) : void
client this /// The client. ///
result WebAuthenticationBrokerContinuationEventArgs /// Result from the Web Authentication Broker ///
Résultat void