C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.CloudService.Model.ServiceSettings

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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Equals ( object obj ) : bool
GetHashCode ( ) : int
Load ( string path ) : ServiceSettings
LoadDefault ( string path, string slot, string location, string affinityGroup, string subscription, string storageAccountName, string suppliedServiceName, string serviceDefinitionName, string &serviceName ) : ServiceSettings
Save ( string path ) : void
ServiceSettings ( ) : System

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetDefaultLocation ( string localLocation, string location ) : string
GetDefaultSlot ( string localSlot, string globalSlot, string slot ) : string
GetDefaultStorageName ( string localStorageName, string globalStorageAccountName, string storageAccountName, string serviceName ) : string
GetDefaultSubscription ( string localSubscription, string subscription ) : string
GetServiceName ( string suppliedServiceName, string serviceDefinitionName ) : string
SanitizeStorageAccountName ( string name ) : string

Sanitize a name for use as a storage account name.

ValidateStorageAccountName ( string name ) : void

Validate that the storage account name contains only lower case letters or numbers and is between 3 and 24 characters in length (per http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/hh264518.aspx) unless the string is empty (which can happen if it wasn't provided or generated).

Method Details

Equals() public méthode

public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object
Résultat bool

GetHashCode() public méthode

public GetHashCode ( ) : int
Résultat int

Load() public static méthode

public static Load ( string path ) : ServiceSettings
path string
Résultat ServiceSettings

LoadDefault() public static méthode

public static LoadDefault ( string path, string slot, string location, string affinityGroup, string subscription, string storageAccountName, string suppliedServiceName, string serviceDefinitionName, string &serviceName ) : ServiceSettings
path string
slot string
location string
affinityGroup string
subscription string
storageAccountName string
suppliedServiceName string
serviceDefinitionName string
serviceName string
Résultat ServiceSettings

Save() public méthode

public Save ( string path ) : void
path string
Résultat void

ServiceSettings() public méthode

public ServiceSettings ( ) : System
Résultat System