C# Class Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives.RibbonTabHeadersPanel

The items panel for RibbonTabHeaderItemsControl
Inheritance: System.Windows.Controls.Panel, IScrollInfo
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Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
RibbonProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description
ArrangeContextualTabHeaders void
ArrangeRegularTabHeaders void
CalculateMaxPadding double
CalculateMaxTabHeaderWidth double
CoerceOffset double
ComputeScrollOffsetWithMinimalScroll double
FinalMeasure System.Windows.Size
InitialMeasure System.Windows.Size
NotifyDesiredWidthChanged void
OnNotifyRibbonBorderBrushChanged void
OnScrollChange void
UpdateToolTips void
ValidateInputOffset double
VerifyScrollData void

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
LineDown ( ) : void
LineLeft ( ) : void
LineRight ( ) : void
LineUp ( ) : void
MakeVisible ( Visual visual, Rect rectangle ) : Rect
MouseWheelDown ( ) : void
MouseWheelLeft ( ) : void
MouseWheelRight ( ) : void
MouseWheelUp ( ) : void
PageDown ( ) : void
PageLeft ( ) : void
PageRight ( ) : void
PageUp ( ) : void
SetHorizontalOffset ( double offset ) : void
SetVerticalOffset ( double offset ) : void

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
ArrangeOverride ( Size finalSize ) : Size


MeasureOverride ( Size availableSize ) : Size


OnIsItemsHostChanged ( bool oldIsItemsHost, bool newIsItemsHost ) : void

This method is invoked when the IsItemsHost property changes.

OnRender ( System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext ) : void

Draw the separators if needed.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
ArrangeContextualTabHeaders ( Size arrangeSize, Ribbon ribbon, Dictionary contextualTabHeaders, int &displayIndex, double &childX ) : void

Arranges contextual tab headers

ArrangeRegularTabHeaders ( Size arrangeSize, Ribbon ribbon, Dictionary contextualTabHeaders, int &displayIndex, double &childX ) : void

Arranges regular tab headers and builds a map of RibbonTab.ContextualTabGroupHeader to list of RibbonTabHeaders

CalculateMaxPadding ( double spaceAvailable ) : double

This algorithm calculates the extra Padding that can be assigned to a contextual tab.

CalculateMaxTabHeaderWidth ( double clipWidth, bool forContextualTabs ) : double
CoerceOffset ( double offset, double extent, double viewport ) : double
ComputeScrollOffsetWithMinimalScroll ( double topView, double bottomView, double topChild, double bottomChild ) : double
FinalMeasure ( Size constraint, double reducePaddingContextualTabHeader, double reducePaddingRegularTabHeader, double maxContextualTabHeaderWidth, double maxRegularTabHeaderWidth ) : Size

Measures all the children with final constraints

InitialMeasure ( Size constraint, double &totalDefaultPaddingAllTabHeaders, double &totalDefaultPaddingRegularTabHeaders, double &totalDesiredWidthRegularTabHeaders, int &countRegularTabs, int &countVisibleTabs ) : Size

Measures all the children with original constraints.

NotifyDesiredWidthChanged ( ) : void

Called whenever RibbonTabHeaders are measured Sums up DesiredSize.Width of each RibbonTabHeader belonging to a ContextualTabGroup and stores it as ContextualTabGroup.TabsDesiredWidth.

OnNotifyRibbonBorderBrushChanged ( ) : void
OnScrollChange ( ) : void
UpdateToolTips ( bool showRegularTabHeaderToolTips, bool showContextualTabHeaderToolTips ) : void

Set show tooltips depending on whether the tab header is clipped or not.

ValidateInputOffset ( double offset, string parameterName ) : double
VerifyScrollData ( double viewportWidth, double extentWidth ) : void

Method Details

ArrangeOverride() protected méthode

protected ArrangeOverride ( Size finalSize ) : Size
finalSize System.Windows.Size
Résultat System.Windows.Size

LineDown() public méthode

public LineDown ( ) : void
Résultat void

LineLeft() public méthode

public LineLeft ( ) : void
Résultat void

LineRight() public méthode

public LineRight ( ) : void
Résultat void

LineUp() public méthode

public LineUp ( ) : void
Résultat void

MakeVisible() public méthode

public MakeVisible ( Visual visual, Rect rectangle ) : Rect
visual Visual
rectangle System.Windows.Rect
Résultat System.Windows.Rect

MeasureOverride() protected méthode

protected MeasureOverride ( Size availableSize ) : Size
availableSize System.Windows.Size
Résultat System.Windows.Size

MouseWheelDown() public méthode

public MouseWheelDown ( ) : void
Résultat void

MouseWheelLeft() public méthode

public MouseWheelLeft ( ) : void
Résultat void

MouseWheelRight() public méthode

public MouseWheelRight ( ) : void
Résultat void

MouseWheelUp() public méthode

public MouseWheelUp ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnIsItemsHostChanged() protected méthode

This method is invoked when the IsItemsHost property changes.
protected OnIsItemsHostChanged ( bool oldIsItemsHost, bool newIsItemsHost ) : void
oldIsItemsHost bool The old value of the IsItemsHost property.
newIsItemsHost bool The new value of the IsItemsHost property.
Résultat void

OnRender() protected méthode

Draw the separators if needed.
protected OnRender ( System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext ) : void
drawingContext System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext
Résultat void

PageDown() public méthode

public PageDown ( ) : void
Résultat void

PageLeft() public méthode

public PageLeft ( ) : void
Résultat void

PageRight() public méthode

public PageRight ( ) : void
Résultat void

PageUp() public méthode

public PageUp ( ) : void
Résultat void

SetHorizontalOffset() public méthode

public SetHorizontalOffset ( double offset ) : void
offset double
Résultat void

SetVerticalOffset() public méthode

public SetVerticalOffset ( double offset ) : void
offset double
Résultat void

Property Details

RibbonProperty public_oe static_oe property

DependencyProperty for Ribbon property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows RibbonProperty
Résultat System.Windows.DependencyProperty