C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr.TS_SECURITY_HEADER

The TS_SECURITY_HEADER structure is attached to server-to-client traffic when the Encryption Level selected by the server (see sections and ) is ENCRYPTION_LEVEL_LOW (1).
file:///C:/ts_dev/TestSuites/MS-RDPBCGR/TestSuite/Src/TD/latest_XMLS_16may/RDPBCGR/ _rfc_ms-rdpbcgr2_1_7_1_1_2_1.xml
Afficher le fichier Open project: Microsoft/WindowsProtocolTestSuites Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
flags TS_SECURITY_HEADER_flags_Values
flagsHi ushort

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description

Create an instance of the class that is identical to the current PDU.

Method Details

Clone() public méthode

Create an instance of the class that is identical to the current PDU.
public Clone ( ) : TS_SECURITY_HEADER

Property Details

flags public_oe property

A 16-bit unsigned integer. The information flags describing properties of the attached data.
public TS_SECURITY_HEADER_flags_Values flags
Résultat TS_SECURITY_HEADER_flags_Values

flagsHi public_oe property

A 16-bit unsigned integer. This field is reserved for future RDP needs. It is currently unused and all values are ignored. This field will contain valid data only if the SEC_FLAGSHI_VALID bit (0x8000) is set in the flags field. If this bit is not set, the flagsHi field is uninitialized and can contain any 16-bit unsigned integer value.
public ushort flagsHi
Résultat ushort