C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr.TS_BITMAP_DATA_EX

The TS_BITMAP_DATA_EX structure is used to encapsulate encoded bitmap data.
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Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
bitmapData byte[]
bitmapDataLength uint
bpp byte
codecID byte
flags TSBitmapDataExFlags_Values
height ushort
reserved byte
width ushort

Property Details

bitmapData public_oe property

A variable-size array of bytes containing bitmap data encoded using the codec identified by the ID in the codecID field.
public byte[] bitmapData
Résultat byte[]

bitmapDataLength public_oe property

A 32-bit, unsigned integer. The size in bytes of the bitmapData field.
public uint bitmapDataLength
Résultat uint

bpp public_oe property

An 8-bit, unsigned integer. The color depth of the bitmap data in bits-per-pixel.
public byte bpp
Résultat byte

codecID public_oe property

An 8-bit, unsigned integer. The client-assigned ID that identifies the bitmap codec that was used to encode the bitmap data. Bitmap codec parameters are exchanged in the Bitmap Codecs Capability Set (section If this field is 0, then the bitmap data is not encoded and can be used without performing any decoding transformation.
public byte codecID
Résultat byte

exBitmapDataHeader public_oe property

An optional Extended Compressed Bitmap Header (section structure that contains nonessential information associated with bitmap data in the bitmapData field. This field MUST be present if the EX_COMPRESSED_BITMAP_HEADER_PRESENT (0x01) flag is present.
public TS_COMPRESSED_BITMAP_HEADER_EX,Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr exBitmapDataHeader

flags public_oe property

An 8-bit, unsigned integer.
public TSBitmapDataExFlags_Values flags
Résultat TSBitmapDataExFlags_Values

height public_oe property

A 16-bit, unsigned integer. The height of the decoded bitmap image in pixels.
public ushort height
Résultat ushort

reserved public_oe property

An 8-bit, unsigned integer. This field is reserved for future use. It MUST be set to zero
public byte reserved
Résultat byte

width public_oe property

A 16-bit, unsigned integer. The width of the decoded bitmap image in pixels.
public ushort width
Résultat ushort