C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_OXCROPS.TestSuiteBase

Inheritance: Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.TestClassBase
Afficher le fichier Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
cropsAdapter IMS_OXCROPSAdapter
inputObjHandle uint
propertyDictionary PropertyTag>.Dictionary
rawData byte[]
response IDeserializable
responseSOHs List>
userDN string

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
CheckTransportIsSupported ( ) : void

Check the preconditions of this test suite.

CommitStream ( uint streamHandle ) : void

Commit Stream

CreateSampleContentsTablePropertyTags ( ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]

Create Sample ContentsTable PropertyTags

CreateSampleRecipientColumnsAndRecipientRows ( PropertyTag &recipientColumns, ModifyRecipientRow &recipientRows ) : void

This method creates Sample RecipientColumns and Sample RecipientRows.

CreateSingleProcessEachLoop ( RopLogonResponse &logonResponse, uint &tableHandle, int count, RopCreateMessageRequest createMessageRequest, RopSaveChangesMessageRequest saveChangesMessageRequest, RopReleaseRequest releaseRequest ) : void

Create message each one loop In InBox

CreateVastMessages ( RopLogonResponse &logonResponse, uint &tableHandle, int count, RopCreateMessageRequest createMessageRequest, RopSaveChangesMessageRequest saveChangesMessageRequest, RopReleaseRequest releaseRequest ) : void

Create Vast Messages In InBox

GetContentsTableHandle ( uint targetFolderHandle ) : uint

Get ContentsTable Handle

GetCreatedMessageHandle ( ulong folderId, uint logonHandle ) : uint

Get Created Message Handle

GetFolderObjectHandle ( RopLogonResponse &logonResponse ) : uint

Get Folder Object Handle.

GetStatePropertyByIds ( ushort propertyId, ushort propertyTypeId ) : uint

Initialize StateProperty from property id and property type id.

GetSubfolderIDByName ( uint openedFolderHandle, string folderName ) : ulong

Find a folder ID in the specified folder and with specified display name.

HardDeleteMessagesAndSubfolders ( string userName, string passWord, string userEssdn, int folderIndex, bool needWaitMail = false ) : void

Hard delete messages and subfolders under the specified folder.

Logon ( LogonType logonType, string userDN, uint &objHandle ) : RopLogonResponse

This method is used to log on to a private mailbox or public folder and will be called before other ROPs

PrepareRops ( RopLogonResponse logonResponse, RopCreateMessageRequest &createMessageRequest, RopSaveChangesMessageRequest &saveChangesMessageRequest, RopReleaseRequest &releaseRequest ) : void

Prepare the ROP request for RopCreateMessage, RopSaveChangesMessage and RopRelease.

SaveMessage ( uint messageHandle ) : void

Save Message

TestCleanup ( ) : void

Test cleanup.

TestInitialize ( ) : void

Test initialize.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetTableRowValue ( uint tableHandle, ushort rowCount, PropertyTag properties ) : List

Get the properties' value from the rows of the table.

InitDictionary ( PropertyNames propertyName, ushort propertyId, PropertyType propertyType, PropertyTag>.Dictionary &propertyTagDictionary ) : void

Initialize the properties into the dictionary.

PropertyDictionary ( ) : PropertyTag>.Dictionary

Add all property to dictionary for lookup.

Method Details

CheckTransportIsSupported() protected méthode

Check the preconditions of this test suite.
protected CheckTransportIsSupported ( ) : void
Résultat void

CommitStream() protected méthode

Commit Stream
protected CommitStream ( uint streamHandle ) : void
streamHandle uint The opened stream handle
Résultat void

CreateSampleContentsTablePropertyTags() protected méthode

Create Sample ContentsTable PropertyTags
protected CreateSampleContentsTablePropertyTags ( ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]
Résultat Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]

CreateSampleRecipientColumnsAndRecipientRows() protected méthode

This method creates Sample RecipientColumns and Sample RecipientRows.
protected CreateSampleRecipientColumnsAndRecipientRows ( PropertyTag &recipientColumns, ModifyRecipientRow &recipientRows ) : void
recipientColumns Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag Sample RecipientColumns
recipientRows ModifyRecipientRow Sample RecipientRows
Résultat void

CreateSingleProcessEachLoop() protected méthode

Create message each one loop In InBox
protected CreateSingleProcessEachLoop ( RopLogonResponse &logonResponse, uint &tableHandle, int count, RopCreateMessageRequest createMessageRequest, RopSaveChangesMessageRequest saveChangesMessageRequest, RopReleaseRequest releaseRequest ) : void
logonResponse Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopLogonResponse the logon response be used to create message
tableHandle uint The tableHanlder of the new folder
count int The count of created messages
createMessageRequest Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopCreateMessageRequest The ROP CreateMessageRequest
saveChangesMessageRequest Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopSaveChangesMessageRequest The ROP SaveChangesMessageRequest
releaseRequest Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopReleaseRequest The ROP ReleaseRequest
Résultat void

CreateVastMessages() protected méthode

Create Vast Messages In InBox
protected CreateVastMessages ( RopLogonResponse &logonResponse, uint &tableHandle, int count, RopCreateMessageRequest createMessageRequest, RopSaveChangesMessageRequest saveChangesMessageRequest, RopReleaseRequest releaseRequest ) : void
logonResponse Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopLogonResponse the logon response be used to create message
tableHandle uint The tableHanlder of the new folder
count int The count of created messages
createMessageRequest Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopCreateMessageRequest The ROP CreateMessageRequest
saveChangesMessageRequest Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopSaveChangesMessageRequest The ROP SaveChangesMessageRequest
releaseRequest Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopReleaseRequest The ROP ReleaseRequest
Résultat void

GetContentsTableHandle() protected méthode

Get ContentsTable Handle
protected GetContentsTableHandle ( uint targetFolderHandle ) : uint
targetFolderHandle uint The target folder object handle
Résultat uint

GetCreatedMessageHandle() protected méthode

Get Created Message Handle
protected GetCreatedMessageHandle ( ulong folderId, uint logonHandle ) : uint
folderId ulong The folder Id be used to create message
logonHandle uint The RopLogon object handle
Résultat uint

GetFolderObjectHandle() protected méthode

Get Folder Object Handle.
protected GetFolderObjectHandle ( RopLogonResponse &logonResponse ) : uint
logonResponse Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopLogonResponse The response of RopLogon
Résultat uint

GetStatePropertyByIds() protected méthode

Initialize StateProperty from property id and property type id.
protected GetStatePropertyByIds ( ushort propertyId, ushort propertyTypeId ) : uint
propertyId ushort Property id
propertyTypeId ushort Property type id
Résultat uint

GetSubfolderIDByName() protected méthode

Find a folder ID in the specified folder and with specified display name.
protected GetSubfolderIDByName ( uint openedFolderHandle, string folderName ) : ulong
openedFolderHandle uint Handle of the parent folder.
folderName string The folder display name.
Résultat ulong

HardDeleteMessagesAndSubfolders() protected méthode

Hard delete messages and subfolders under the specified folder.
protected HardDeleteMessagesAndSubfolders ( string userName, string passWord, string userEssdn, int folderIndex, bool needWaitMail = false ) : void
userName string The user name to be used to logon a specific mailbox
passWord string The user password to be used to logon a specific mailbox
userEssdn string The user Essdn to be used to logon a specific mailbox
folderIndex int The id of folder in which subfolders and messages should be deleted
needWaitMail bool Indicates whether need waiting the mail to be received. True means need waiting, otherwise not.
Résultat void

Logon() protected méthode

This method is used to log on to a private mailbox or public folder and will be called before other ROPs
protected Logon ( LogonType logonType, string userDN, uint &objHandle ) : RopLogonResponse
logonType LogonType The logon type.
userDN string The user Essdn to be used to logon a specific mailbox
objHandle uint The Object handle.
Résultat Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopLogonResponse

PrepareRops() protected méthode

Prepare the ROP request for RopCreateMessage, RopSaveChangesMessage and RopRelease.
protected PrepareRops ( RopLogonResponse logonResponse, RopCreateMessageRequest &createMessageRequest, RopSaveChangesMessageRequest &saveChangesMessageRequest, RopReleaseRequest &releaseRequest ) : void
logonResponse Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopLogonResponse The response of RopLogon.
createMessageRequest Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopCreateMessageRequest The request of RopCreateMessage.
saveChangesMessageRequest Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopSaveChangesMessageRequest The request of RopSaveChangesMessage.
releaseRequest Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopReleaseRequest The request of RopRelease.
Résultat void

SaveMessage() protected méthode

Save Message
protected SaveMessage ( uint messageHandle ) : void
messageHandle uint The message handle
Résultat void

TestCleanup() protected méthode

Test cleanup.
protected TestCleanup ( ) : void
Résultat void

TestInitialize() protected méthode

Test initialize.
protected TestInitialize ( ) : void
Résultat void

Property Details

cropsAdapter protected_oe property

Adapter object.
protected IMS_OXCROPSAdapter cropsAdapter
Résultat IMS_OXCROPSAdapter

inputObjHandle protected_oe property

Server object handle in request.
protected uint inputObjHandle
Résultat uint

propertyDictionary protected_oe property

The dictionary holds the PropertyTags
protected Dictionary propertyDictionary
Résultat PropertyTag>.Dictionary

rawData protected_oe property

The ROP response payload.
protected byte[] rawData
Résultat byte[]

response protected_oe property

ROP response objects.
protected IDeserializable response
Résultat IDeserializable

responseSOHs protected_oe property

Server objects handles in response.
protected List> responseSOHs
Résultat List>

userDN protected_oe property

This property is used to Logon a specific mailbox.
protected string userDN
Résultat string