C# Class Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Toolkit.MapChild

Represents a child of a map, which uses geographic coordinates to position itself.
Afficher le fichier Open project: Kinnara/WPToolkit Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
GeoCoordinateProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
PositionOriginProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetPositionOrigin ( DependencyObject element ) : Point

Gets the position origin of the child.

SetGeoCoordinate ( DependencyObject element, GeoCoordinate value ) : void

Sets the geographic coordinate position of the child.

SetPositionOrigin ( DependencyObject element, Point value ) : void

Sets the position origin of the child.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
BindMapOverlayProperties ( MapOverlay mapOverlay ) : void

Method that takes care of setting the two way bindings for all the attached properties from MapOverlay to the actual UI (not the intermediary presenter).

Even though the MapOverlay is supposed to be the target, it is the source due to issues with setting a two way binding where the source is an attached property

BindMapOverlayProperties ( MapOverlay mapOverlay, DependencyObject targetObject ) : void

Method that takes care of setting the two way bindings for all the attached properties from MapOverlay to the actual UI (not the intermediary presenter).

Even though the MapOverlay is supposed to be the target, it is the source due to issues with setting a two way binding where the source is an attached property

BindMapOverlayProperty ( MapOverlay mapOverlay, string mapOverlayDependencyProperty, DependencyObject targetObject, DependencyProperty targetDependencyProperty ) : void

Binds two ways the map overlay to the target dependency property

ClearMapOverlayBindings ( MapOverlay mapOverlay ) : void

Clear the bindings created when the overlay was created by MapChild

ClearMapOverlayBindings ( MapOverlay mapOverlay, DependencyObject targetObject ) : void

Clear the bindings created when the overlay was created by MapChild

CreateMapOverlay ( object content, System.Windows.DataTemplate contentTemplate ) : MapOverlay

Creates a MapOverlay with the specified content and content template. It will have special setup so that later the dependency properties from MapOverlay and the attached properties from the target UI can be in a binding.

GetGeoCoordinate ( DependencyObject element ) : GeoCoordinate

Method Details

GetPositionOrigin() public static méthode

Gets the position origin of the child.
public static GetPositionOrigin ( DependencyObject element ) : Point
element System.Windows.DependencyObject The dependency object
Résultat Point

SetGeoCoordinate() public static méthode

Sets the geographic coordinate position of the child.
public static SetGeoCoordinate ( DependencyObject element, GeoCoordinate value ) : void
element System.Windows.DependencyObject The dependency object
value GeoCoordinate The coordinate to use to position the child
Résultat void

SetPositionOrigin() public static méthode

Sets the position origin of the child.
public static SetPositionOrigin ( DependencyObject element, Point value ) : void
element System.Windows.DependencyObject The dependency object
value Point The position origin of the child
Résultat void

Property Details

GeoCoordinateProperty public_oe static_oe property

Gets or sets the child's geographic coordinate position
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows GeoCoordinateProperty
Résultat System.Windows.DependencyProperty

PositionOriginProperty public_oe static_oe property

Gets or sets the child's position origin.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows PositionOriginProperty
Résultat System.Windows.DependencyProperty