C# Class Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Repository.TaxonomyRepository

This class will talk to Taxonomy class which will handle all the request and response to SPO from term store perspective
Inheritance: ITaxonomyRepository
Afficher le fichier Open project: Microsoft/mattercenter

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetCurrentSiteName ( Client client ) : string

This method will get the current SPO site title for the url that is there in the client object. This is a test method and will be removed later

GetTaxonomyHierarchyAsync ( TermStoreViewModel termStoreViewModel ) : Task

This method will get the taxonomy hierarchy object for the given search criterai and return to the service

TaxonomyRepository ( ISPOAuthorization spoAuthorization, ITaxonomy taxonomy, ISite site ) : Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Models

All the required dependencies are injected into constructor

Method Details

GetCurrentSiteName() public méthode

This method will get the current SPO site title for the url that is there in the client object. This is a test method and will be removed later
public GetCurrentSiteName ( Client client ) : string
client Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Models.Client
Résultat string

GetTaxonomyHierarchyAsync() public méthode

This method will get the taxonomy hierarchy object for the given search criterai and return to the service
public GetTaxonomyHierarchyAsync ( TermStoreViewModel termStoreViewModel ) : Task
termStoreViewModel Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Models.TermStoreViewModel The request object for which the taxonomy has to be retrieved
Résultat Task

TaxonomyRepository() public méthode

All the required dependencies are injected into constructor
public TaxonomyRepository ( ISPOAuthorization spoAuthorization, ITaxonomy taxonomy, ISite site ) : Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Models
spoAuthorization ISPOAuthorization
taxonomy ITaxonomy
site ISite
Résultat Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Models