C# Class Microsoft.HockeyApp.Extensions.PortableExtensions45

static extension class for mix extensions on pcl lib
Afficher le fichier Open project: bitstadium/HockeySDK-Windows

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetProperty ( this self, string propertyName ) : PropertyInfo

extension method for type to get a runtime property

GetRequestStreamAsync ( this request ) : Task

get the request stream asynchronously

GetResponseAsync ( this request ) : Task

extension method to get web response async

Method Details

GetProperty() public static méthode

extension method for type to get a runtime property
public static GetProperty ( this self, string propertyName ) : PropertyInfo
self this type to get the property from
propertyName string name of the property to retrieve
Résultat System.Reflection.PropertyInfo

GetRequestStreamAsync() public static méthode

get the request stream asynchronously
public static GetRequestStreamAsync ( this request ) : Task
request this the request
Résultat Task

GetResponseAsync() public static méthode

extension method to get web response async
public static GetResponseAsync ( this request ) : Task
request this the webrequest to send
Résultat Task