C# Class Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CapturedParameterAndLocalFinder

A traverser that records all of the parameters and locals that are captured by anoymous delegates and also records the anonymous delegates that do the capturing. Delegates that only capture the "this" argument will have an entry in anonymousDelegatesThatCaptureThis but no entry in anonymousDelegatesThatCaptureLocalsOrParameters.
Inheritance: CodeTraverser
Afficher le fichier Open project: visualmutator/visualmutator Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
TraverseChildren ( IAddressableExpression addressableExpression ) : void
TraverseChildren ( IAnonymousDelegate anonymousDelegate ) : void
TraverseChildren ( IBoundExpression boundExpression ) : void
TraverseChildren ( ICatchClause catchClause ) : void
TraverseChildren ( IForEachStatement forEachStatement ) : void
TraverseChildren ( ILocalDeclarationStatement localDeclarationStatement ) : void
TraverseChildren ( ITargetExpression targetExpression ) : void
TraverseChildren ( IThisReference thisReference ) : void

Private Methods

Méthode Description
CapturedParameterAndLocalFinder ( ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel

A traverser that records all of the parameters and locals that are captured by anoymous delegates and also records the anonymous delegates that do the capturing. Delegates that only capture the "this" argument will have an entry in anonymousDelegatesThatCaptureThis but no entry in anonymousDelegatesThatCaptureLocalsOrParameters.

LookForCapturedDefinition ( object definition ) : void

Method Details

TraverseChildren() public méthode

public TraverseChildren ( IAddressableExpression addressableExpression ) : void
addressableExpression IAddressableExpression
Résultat void

TraverseChildren() public méthode

public TraverseChildren ( IAnonymousDelegate anonymousDelegate ) : void
anonymousDelegate IAnonymousDelegate
Résultat void

TraverseChildren() public méthode

public TraverseChildren ( IBoundExpression boundExpression ) : void
boundExpression IBoundExpression
Résultat void

TraverseChildren() public méthode

public TraverseChildren ( ICatchClause catchClause ) : void
catchClause ICatchClause
Résultat void

TraverseChildren() public méthode

public TraverseChildren ( IForEachStatement forEachStatement ) : void
forEachStatement IForEachStatement
Résultat void

TraverseChildren() public méthode

public TraverseChildren ( ILocalDeclarationStatement localDeclarationStatement ) : void
localDeclarationStatement ILocalDeclarationStatement
Résultat void

TraverseChildren() public méthode

public TraverseChildren ( ITargetExpression targetExpression ) : void
targetExpression ITargetExpression
Résultat void

TraverseChildren() public méthode

public TraverseChildren ( IThisReference thisReference ) : void
thisReference IThisReference
Résultat void