C# Class Ludiq.Reflection.Editor.UnityMemberDrawer

Inheritance: TargetedDrawer
Afficher le fichier Open project: lazlo-bonin/unity-reflection

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
componentProperty UnityEditor.SerializedProperty
filter FilterAttribute
nameProperty UnityEditor.SerializedProperty
parameterTypesProperty UnityEditor.SerializedProperty
property UnityEditor.SerializedProperty
targetType UnityObjectType
targets UnityObject[]

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
HasSharedGameObject ( ) : bool

Determines if the targets all share a GameObject.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
DetermineTargetType ( ) : UnityObjectType

Determine the Unity type of the targets.

FindTargets ( ) : UnityObject[]

Get the list of targets on the inspected objects.

GetMemberOption ( MemberInfo member, string component, bool inherited ) : DropdownOption
GetSharedComponentTypes ( ) : IEnumerable

Determines which types of Components are shared on all GameObject targets.

GetSharedScriptableObjectType ( ) : Type

Determines which type of ScriptableObject is shared across targets. Returns null if none are shared.

GetTypeMemberOptions ( Type type, string component = null ) : List>

Gets the list of members available on a type as popup options.

GetValue ( ) : UnityMember

Returns a member constructed from the current parameter values.

RenderMemberControl ( Rect position ) : void
SetValue ( UnityMember value ) : void

Assigns the property values from a specified member.

Update ( UnityEditor.SerializedProperty property ) : void
ValidateMember ( MemberInfo member ) : bool

Determines whether a given MemberInfo should be included in the options. This check follows the BindingFlags and MemberTypes filtering.

ValidateMemberType ( Type type ) : bool

Determines whether a MemberInfo of the given type should be included in the options.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetAllMemberOptions ( ) : List>

Method Details

DetermineTargetType() protected méthode

Determine the Unity type of the targets.
protected DetermineTargetType ( ) : UnityObjectType
Résultat UnityObjectType

FindTargets() protected méthode

Get the list of targets on the inspected objects.
protected FindTargets ( ) : UnityObject[]
Résultat UnityObject[]

GetMemberOption() protected méthode

protected GetMemberOption ( MemberInfo member, string component, bool inherited ) : DropdownOption
member System.Reflection.MemberInfo
component string
inherited bool
Résultat DropdownOption

GetSharedComponentTypes() protected méthode

Determines which types of Components are shared on all GameObject targets.
protected GetSharedComponentTypes ( ) : IEnumerable
Résultat IEnumerable

GetSharedScriptableObjectType() protected méthode

Determines which type of ScriptableObject is shared across targets. Returns null if none are shared.
protected GetSharedScriptableObjectType ( ) : Type
Résultat System.Type

GetTypeMemberOptions() protected méthode

Gets the list of members available on a type as popup options.
protected GetTypeMemberOptions ( Type type, string component = null ) : List>
type System.Type
component string
Résultat List>

GetValue() protected méthode

Returns a member constructed from the current parameter values.
protected GetValue ( ) : UnityMember
Résultat UnityMember

HasSharedGameObject() public méthode

Determines if the targets all share a GameObject.
public HasSharedGameObject ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

RenderMemberControl() protected méthode

protected RenderMemberControl ( Rect position ) : void
position UnityEngine.Rect
Résultat void

SetValue() protected méthode

Assigns the property values from a specified member.
protected SetValue ( UnityMember value ) : void
value UnityMember
Résultat void

Update() protected méthode

protected Update ( UnityEditor.SerializedProperty property ) : void
property UnityEditor.SerializedProperty
Résultat void

ValidateMember() protected méthode

Determines whether a given MemberInfo should be included in the options. This check follows the BindingFlags and MemberTypes filtering.
protected ValidateMember ( MemberInfo member ) : bool
member System.Reflection.MemberInfo
Résultat bool

ValidateMemberType() protected méthode

Determines whether a MemberInfo of the given type should be included in the options.
protected ValidateMemberType ( Type type ) : bool
type System.Type
Résultat bool

Property Details

componentProperty protected_oe property

The UnityMember.component of the inspected property, of type string.
protected SerializedProperty,UnityEditor componentProperty
Résultat UnityEditor.SerializedProperty

filter protected_oe property

The filter attribute on the inspected field.
protected FilterAttribute filter
Résultat FilterAttribute

nameProperty protected_oe property

The UnityMember.name of the inspected property, of type string.
protected SerializedProperty,UnityEditor nameProperty
Résultat UnityEditor.SerializedProperty

parameterTypesProperty protected_oe property

The UnityMethod.parameterTypes of the inspected property, of type Type[].
protected SerializedProperty,UnityEditor parameterTypesProperty
Résultat UnityEditor.SerializedProperty

property protected_oe property

The inspected property, of type UnityMember.
protected SerializedProperty,UnityEditor property
Résultat UnityEditor.SerializedProperty

targetType protected_oe property

The type of targeted objects.
protected UnityObjectType targetType
Résultat UnityObjectType

targets protected_oe property

The targeted Unity Objects.
protected UnityObject[] targets
Résultat UnityObject[]