C# Class LeveGen.Utils.WPF

Afficher le fichier Open project: zzi-zzi-zzi/LeveGen

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
LoadAndTransformXamlFile ( string xamlText ) : T

loads our xaml files into a type

LoadWindowContent ( string xamlFilePath ) : UserControl

loads up the window content for an xml file.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
LoadResourceForWindow ( string filename, UserControl control ) : void

load our Resource file that contains styles and magic.

Method Details

LoadAndTransformXamlFile() public static méthode

loads our xaml files into a type
public static LoadAndTransformXamlFile ( string xamlText ) : T
xamlText string
Résultat T

LoadWindowContent() public static méthode

loads up the window content for an xml file.
public static LoadWindowContent ( string xamlFilePath ) : UserControl
xamlFilePath string
Résultat UserControl