C# Class Lens.SyntaxTree.Expressions.InvocationNode

A node representing a method being invoked.
Inheritance: Lens.SyntaxTree.Expressions.InvocationNodeBase
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Equals ( object obj ) : bool
GetHashCode ( ) : int
ProcessClosures ( Lens.Compiler.Context ctx ) : void
ToString ( ) : string

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
Equals ( InvocationNode other ) : bool
emitCode ( Lens.Compiler.Context ctx, bool mustReturn ) : void
getChildren ( ) : IEnumerable
recreateSelfWithArgs ( IEnumerable newArgs ) : Lens.SyntaxTree.Expressions.InvocationNodeBase
resolve ( Lens.Compiler.Context ctx, bool mustReturn ) : Type

Private Methods

Méthode Description
resolveExpression ( Lens.Compiler.Context ctx, NodeBase node ) : void

Resolves a method from the expression, considering it an instance of a delegate type.

resolveGetIdentifier ( Lens.Compiler.Context ctx, Lens.SyntaxTree.Expressions.GetIdentifierNode node ) : void

Resolves the method as a global function, imported property or a local variable with a delegate.

resolveGetMember ( Lens.Compiler.Context ctx, Lens.SyntaxTree.Expressions.GetMemberNode node ) : void

Resolves the method if the expression was a member getter (obj.field or type::field).

Method Details

Equals() protected méthode

protected Equals ( InvocationNode other ) : bool
other InvocationNode
Résultat bool

Equals() public méthode

public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object
Résultat bool

GetHashCode() public méthode

public GetHashCode ( ) : int
Résultat int

ProcessClosures() public méthode

public ProcessClosures ( Lens.Compiler.Context ctx ) : void
ctx Lens.Compiler.Context
Résultat void

ToString() public méthode

public ToString ( ) : string
Résultat string

emitCode() protected méthode

protected emitCode ( Lens.Compiler.Context ctx, bool mustReturn ) : void
ctx Lens.Compiler.Context
mustReturn bool
Résultat void

getChildren() protected méthode

protected getChildren ( ) : IEnumerable
Résultat IEnumerable

recreateSelfWithArgs() protected méthode

protected recreateSelfWithArgs ( IEnumerable newArgs ) : Lens.SyntaxTree.Expressions.InvocationNodeBase
newArgs IEnumerable
Résultat Lens.SyntaxTree.Expressions.InvocationNodeBase

resolve() protected méthode

protected resolve ( Lens.Compiler.Context ctx, bool mustReturn ) : Type
ctx Lens.Compiler.Context
mustReturn bool
Résultat System.Type