C# Class LeMP.TestCompiler

A simple version of Compiler that takes a single input and produces a StringBuilder. Pre-opens LeMP.Prelude namespace.
Inheritance: Compiler
Afficher le fichier Open project: qwertie/ecsharp Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
Output StringBuilder
Results VList

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
StripExtraWhitespace ( string a, string commentPrefixes = null ) : string

Strips whitespace and single-line comments from a string. Helps test whether two blocks of code are "sufficiently equal".

Test ( string input, string output, IMessageSink sink, int maxExpand = 0xFFFF, bool plainCS = true ) : void
TestCompiler ( IMessageSink sink, ICharSource text, string fileName = "" ) : System

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
WriteOutput ( InputOutput io ) : void

Private Methods

Méthode Description
MaybeId ( char c ) : bool

Method Details

StripExtraWhitespace() public static méthode

Strips whitespace and single-line comments from a string. Helps test whether two blocks of code are "sufficiently equal".
public static StripExtraWhitespace ( string a, string commentPrefixes = null ) : string
a string
commentPrefixes string
Résultat string

Test() public static méthode

public static Test ( string input, string output, IMessageSink sink, int maxExpand = 0xFFFF, bool plainCS = true ) : void
input string
output string
sink IMessageSink
maxExpand int
plainCS bool
Résultat void

TestCompiler() public méthode

public TestCompiler ( IMessageSink sink, ICharSource text, string fileName = "" ) : System
sink IMessageSink
text ICharSource
fileName string
Résultat System

WriteOutput() protected méthode

protected WriteOutput ( InputOutput io ) : void
io InputOutput
Résultat void

Property Details

Output public_oe property

public StringBuilder Output
Résultat StringBuilder

Results public_oe property

public VList Results
Résultat VList