C# Class Kramax.George

Inheritance: KramaxReloadExtensions.ReloadableMonoBehaviour
Afficher le fichier Open project: Kramax/KramaxAutoPilot Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
CurrentHrztMode HrztMode
CurrentThrottleMode ThrottleMode
CurrentVertMode VertMode
HrztActive bool
ThrtActive bool
VertActive bool
accelCtrl APController
aileronCtrl APController
altCtrl APController
bDisplayFlightPlanManager bool
bLockInput bool
bankToYawCtrl APController
controllers APController[]
current FlightPlan
defaultAccelGains double[]
defaultAileronGains double[]
defaultAltitudeGains double[]
defaultBankToYawGains double[]
defaultCdiGains double[]
defaultElevatorGains double[]
defaultGSGains double[]
defaultHdgBankGains double[]
defaultRudderGains double[]
defaultSpeedGains double[]
defaultVSpeedGains double[]
defaultXtrkGains double[]
doublesided bool
elevCtrl APController
flightPlan FlightPlan
flightPlanScrollHeight float
flightPlansDict List>.Dictionary
gearHandler GearHandler
hdgBankCtrl APController
hdgScrollHeight float
indicator CDI
landingMode LandingMode
maxFlightPlanScrollbarHeight float
maxHdgScrollbarHeight float
maxThrtScrollbarHeight float
maxVertScrollbarHeight float
pitchLockEngaged bool
plans List
rudderCtrl APController
showCDI bool
showControlSurfaces bool
showPIDLimits bool
showPresets bool
speedCtrl APController
thrtScrollHeight float
vertScrollHeight float
vertSpeedCtrl APController
vessel Vessel
vesselData VesselData
window Rect
xtrkSpeedCtrl APController
yawLockEngaged bool

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AlwaysUpdate ( ) : void
ApplyPlan ( FlightPlan plan ) : void
Awake ( ) : void
FixedUpdate ( ) : void
George ( ) : System
GetController ( AsstList id ) : APController
GetDefFlightPlanURI ( ) : String
GetFlightPlanURI ( ) : String
InputResponse ( ) : void
LateUpdate ( ) : void
OnDestroy ( ) : void
OnGUI ( ) : void
PostAutoPilotUpdate ( FlightCtrlState state ) : void
PreAutoPilotUpdate ( FlightCtrlState state ) : void
SavePlan ( FlightPlan plan ) : void
Start ( ) : void
StartFlightPlanManager ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void
UpdateFlightPlans ( George george, Vessel vessel ) : void
UpdateLandingMode ( WayPoint wp ) : void
UpdateWhenEnabled ( ) : void
WarpHandler ( ) : void
WayPointSequenced ( WayPoint wp ) : void
drawGUI ( ) : void
isFlightControlLocked ( ) : bool
vesselController ( FlightCtrlState state ) : void

Private Methods

Méthode Description
AddNamedPoint ( double lat, double lon, double alt, String name, WPFlag flaga, WPFlag flagb, WPFlag flagc, WPFlag flagd ) : WayPoint
AddPoint ( double lat, double lon, double alt, WPFlag flaga, WPFlag flagb, WPFlag flagc, WPFlag flagd ) : WayPoint
DisplayFlightPlanManagerWindow ( int id ) : void
FormatLat ( double lat, String format = "{0:F3}" ) : String
FormatLatNum ( double lat ) : String
FormatLon ( double lon, String format = "{0:F3}" ) : String
FormatLonNum ( double lon ) : String
Initialise ( ) : void
LoadPlansFromConfig ( ) : void
LoadPlansFromConfigNamed ( String nodeName ) : void
LoadPlansFromFiles ( ) : void
LoadPlansFromNode ( ConfigNode node ) : void
LoadPlansFromSingleFile ( String path ) : void
SwitchVessels ( Vessel v ) : void
UnhookVessel ( Vessel v ) : void
VesselChanged ( Vessel v ) : void
VesselDestroyed ( Vessel v ) : void
VesselSwitched ( Vessel v ) : void
controllerVisible ( APController controller ) : bool
directToWaypoint ( WayPoint wp ) : void
displayPresetWindow ( int id ) : void
displayWindow ( int id ) : void
drawButtonField ( String value, int fieldNum ) : bool
drawField ( String value, int fieldNum, bool leftJust = false ) : void
drawFieldHeader ( String value, int fieldNum ) : void
drawPIDvalues ( AsstList controllerid, string inputName, string inputUnits, double inputValue, int displayPrecision, string outputName, string outputUnits, bool invertOutput = false, bool showTarget = true ) : void
drawWayPoint ( WayPoint wp ) : void
drawWayPointHeader ( ) : void
findTerrainDistAtAngle ( float angle, float maxDist ) : float

raycast from vessel CoM along the given angle, returns the distance at which terrain is detected (-1 if never detected). Angle is degrees to rotate forwards from vertical

getAutoLandSpeed ( ) : double
getClimbRateForConstAltitude ( ) : double
hdgModeChanged ( HrztMode newMode, bool active, bool setTarget = true ) : void
landingModeChanged ( LandingMode newMode ) : void
terrainSlope ( double angle, double &slope ) : bool
throttleModeChanged ( ThrottleMode newMode, bool active, bool setTarget = true ) : void
tooltipWindow ( int id ) : void
validFlightPlan ( ) : bool
vertModeChanged ( VertMode newMode, bool active, bool implicitSet = true ) : void
wpBtnStyle ( ) : GUIStyle
wpLabelStyle ( ) : GUIStyle
wpLeftLabelStyle ( ) : GUIStyle

Method Details

AlwaysUpdate() public méthode

public AlwaysUpdate ( ) : void
Résultat void

ApplyPlan() public méthode

public ApplyPlan ( FlightPlan plan ) : void
plan FlightPlan
Résultat void

Awake() public méthode

public Awake ( ) : void
Résultat void

FixedUpdate() public méthode

public FixedUpdate ( ) : void
Résultat void

George() public méthode

public George ( ) : System
Résultat System

GetController() public méthode

public GetController ( AsstList id ) : APController
id AsstList
Résultat APController

GetDefFlightPlanURI() public méthode

public GetDefFlightPlanURI ( ) : String
Résultat String

GetFlightPlanURI() public méthode

public GetFlightPlanURI ( ) : String
Résultat String

InputResponse() public méthode

public InputResponse ( ) : void
Résultat void

LateUpdate() public méthode

public LateUpdate ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnDestroy() public méthode

public OnDestroy ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnGUI() public méthode

public OnGUI ( ) : void
Résultat void

PostAutoPilotUpdate() public méthode

public PostAutoPilotUpdate ( FlightCtrlState state ) : void
state FlightCtrlState
Résultat void

PreAutoPilotUpdate() public méthode

public PreAutoPilotUpdate ( FlightCtrlState state ) : void
state FlightCtrlState
Résultat void

SavePlan() public méthode

public SavePlan ( FlightPlan plan ) : void
plan FlightPlan
Résultat void

Start() public méthode

public Start ( ) : void
Résultat void

StartFlightPlanManager() public méthode

public StartFlightPlanManager ( ) : void
Résultat void

Update() public méthode

public Update ( ) : void
Résultat void

UpdateFlightPlans() public méthode

public UpdateFlightPlans ( George george, Vessel vessel ) : void
george George
vessel Vessel
Résultat void

UpdateLandingMode() public méthode

public UpdateLandingMode ( WayPoint wp ) : void
wp WayPoint
Résultat void

UpdateWhenEnabled() public méthode

public UpdateWhenEnabled ( ) : void
Résultat void

WarpHandler() public méthode

public WarpHandler ( ) : void
Résultat void

WayPointSequenced() public méthode

public WayPointSequenced ( WayPoint wp ) : void
wp WayPoint
Résultat void

drawGUI() public méthode

public drawGUI ( ) : void
Résultat void

isFlightControlLocked() public méthode

public isFlightControlLocked ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

vesselController() public méthode

public vesselController ( FlightCtrlState state ) : void
state FlightCtrlState
Résultat void

Property Details

CurrentHrztMode public_oe property

public HrztMode CurrentHrztMode
Résultat HrztMode

CurrentThrottleMode public_oe property

public ThrottleMode CurrentThrottleMode
Résultat ThrottleMode

CurrentVertMode public_oe property

public VertMode CurrentVertMode
Résultat VertMode

HrztActive public_oe property

public bool HrztActive
Résultat bool

ThrtActive public_oe property

public bool ThrtActive
Résultat bool

VertActive public_oe property

public bool VertActive
Résultat bool

accelCtrl public_oe property

public APController accelCtrl
Résultat APController

aileronCtrl public_oe property

public APController aileronCtrl
Résultat APController

altCtrl public_oe property

public APController altCtrl
Résultat APController

bDisplayFlightPlanManager public_oe property

public bool bDisplayFlightPlanManager
Résultat bool

bLockInput public_oe property

public bool bLockInput
Résultat bool

bankToYawCtrl public_oe property

public APController bankToYawCtrl
Résultat APController

controllers public_oe property

public APController[] controllers
Résultat APController[]

current public_oe property

public FlightPlan,Kramax current
Résultat FlightPlan

defaultAccelGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultAccelGains
Résultat double[]

defaultAileronGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultAileronGains
Résultat double[]

defaultAltitudeGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultAltitudeGains
Résultat double[]

defaultBankToYawGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultBankToYawGains
Résultat double[]

defaultCdiGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultCdiGains
Résultat double[]

defaultElevatorGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultElevatorGains
Résultat double[]

defaultGSGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultGSGains
Résultat double[]

defaultHdgBankGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultHdgBankGains
Résultat double[]

defaultRudderGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultRudderGains
Résultat double[]

defaultSpeedGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultSpeedGains
Résultat double[]

defaultVSpeedGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultVSpeedGains
Résultat double[]

defaultXtrkGains public_oe static_oe property

public static double[] defaultXtrkGains
Résultat double[]

doublesided public_oe static_oe property

public static bool doublesided
Résultat bool

elevCtrl public_oe property

public APController elevCtrl
Résultat APController

flightPlan public_oe property

public FlightPlan flightPlan
Résultat FlightPlan

flightPlanScrollHeight public_oe property

public float flightPlanScrollHeight
Résultat float

flightPlansDict public_oe property

public Dictionary> flightPlansDict
Résultat List>.Dictionary

gearHandler public_oe property

public GearHandler gearHandler
Résultat GearHandler

hdgBankCtrl public_oe property

public APController hdgBankCtrl
Résultat APController

hdgScrollHeight public_oe property

public float hdgScrollHeight
Résultat float

indicator public_oe property

public CDI indicator
Résultat CDI

landingMode public_oe property

public LandingMode landingMode
Résultat LandingMode

maxFlightPlanScrollbarHeight public_oe static_oe property

public static float maxFlightPlanScrollbarHeight
Résultat float

maxHdgScrollbarHeight public_oe static_oe property

public static float maxHdgScrollbarHeight
Résultat float

maxThrtScrollbarHeight public_oe static_oe property

public static float maxThrtScrollbarHeight
Résultat float

maxVertScrollbarHeight public_oe static_oe property

public static float maxVertScrollbarHeight
Résultat float

pitchLockEngaged public_oe static_oe property

public static bool pitchLockEngaged
Résultat bool

plans public_oe property

public List plans
Résultat List

rudderCtrl public_oe property

public APController rudderCtrl
Résultat APController

showCDI public_oe property

public bool showCDI
Résultat bool

showControlSurfaces public_oe static_oe property

public static bool showControlSurfaces
Résultat bool

showPIDLimits public_oe static_oe property

public static bool showPIDLimits
Résultat bool

showPresets public_oe static_oe property

public static bool showPresets
Résultat bool

speedCtrl public_oe property

public APController speedCtrl
Résultat APController

thrtScrollHeight public_oe property

public float thrtScrollHeight
Résultat float

vertScrollHeight public_oe property

public float vertScrollHeight
Résultat float

vertSpeedCtrl public_oe property

public APController vertSpeedCtrl
Résultat APController

vessel public_oe property

public Vessel vessel
Résultat Vessel

vesselData public_oe property

public VesselData vesselData
Résultat VesselData

window public_oe static_oe property

public static Rect window
Résultat Rect

xtrkSpeedCtrl public_oe property

public APController xtrkSpeedCtrl
Résultat APController

yawLockEngaged public_oe static_oe property

public static bool yawLockEngaged
Résultat bool