C# Class KSPAlternateResourcePanel.Resources

Afficher le fichier Open project: TriggerAu/AlternateResourcePanel

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
LoadImageFromFile ( Texture2D &tex, String FileName, String FolderPath = "" ) : System.Boolean

Loads a texture from the file system directly

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetIconDict ( String Name ) : Texture2D>.Dictionary
IconOrderContent ( String Name ) : GUIContent
LoadAudioClipFromGameDB ( AudioClip &clip, String FileName, String FolderPath = "" ) : System.Boolean
LoadIconDictionary ( String IconFolderName ) : Texture2D>.Dictionary
LoadIconDictionary_Defs ( ) : Texture2D>.Dictionary

This one gets all the icons named in the resource definitions

LoadSounds ( ) : void
LoadTextures ( ) : void
SetIconOrder ( KSPAlternateResourcePanel.Settings settings ) : void

Method Details

LoadImageFromFile() public static méthode

Loads a texture from the file system directly
public static LoadImageFromFile ( Texture2D &tex, String FileName, String FolderPath = "" ) : System.Boolean
tex UnityEngine.Texture2D Unity Texture to Load
FileName String Image file name
FolderPath String Optional folder path of image
Résultat System.Boolean