C# Class InventoryExtension.InventoryExt

Inheritance: IInventory
Afficher le fichier Open project: PrimaverabssDeveloper/EyePeak

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetERPSkuStocks ( string warehouseCode ) : DataTable

Gets the erp sku stocks.

GetERPStock ( string warehouseCode, string skuCode, string batchCode ) : decimal

Gets the erp stock.

InventoryExt ( ) : GlobalSist.Facades.TaskLogic

Initializes a new instance of the InventoryExt class.

OnInventoryExport ( object inventory ) : bool

Called when [inventory export].

Method Details

GetERPSkuStocks() public méthode

Gets the erp sku stocks.
public GetERPSkuStocks ( string warehouseCode ) : DataTable
warehouseCode string The warehouse code.
Résultat DataTable

GetERPStock() public méthode

Gets the erp stock.
public GetERPStock ( string warehouseCode, string skuCode, string batchCode ) : decimal
warehouseCode string The warehouse code.
skuCode string The sku code.
batchCode string The batch code.
Résultat decimal

InventoryExt() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the InventoryExt class.
public InventoryExt ( ) : GlobalSist.Facades.TaskLogic
Résultat GlobalSist.Facades.TaskLogic

OnInventoryExport() public méthode

Called when [inventory export].
public OnInventoryExport ( object inventory ) : bool
inventory object The inventory.
Résultat bool