C# Class IKVM.NativeCode.sun.awt.shell.Win32ShellFolder2

This class should use only on Windows that we can access shell32.dll
Afficher le fichier Open project: samskivert/ikvm-monotouch

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
compareIDsByColumn ( Object pParentIShellFolder, IntPtr pidl1, IntPtr pidl2, int columnIdx ) : int
doGetColumnInfo ( Object iShellFolder2 ) : Object
doGetColumnValue ( Object parentIShellFolder2, IntPtr childPIDL, int columnIdx ) : Object
getEnumObjects ( Object pIShellFolder, Boolean isDesktop, Boolean includeHiddenFiles ) : Object
getFileSystemPath ( int csidl ) : String
getIShellIcon ( Object pIShellFolder ) : Object
getIcon ( String absolutePath, Boolean getLargeIcon ) : IntPtr
getNextChild ( Object pEnumObjects ) : IntPtr

Returns the next pIDL in an IEnumIDList

initDesktopFolder ( ) : Object

Returns an IShellFolder for the desktop

initDesktopPIDL ( ) : IntPtr

Returns the pIDL of the desktop itself

initSpecialFolder ( Object desktopIShellFolder, IntPtr pidl ) : Object

Creates an IShellFolder for a special folder

initSpecialPIDL ( Object desktopIShellFolder, int csidl ) : IntPtr

Returns the desktop relative pIDL of a special folder

parseDisplayName0 ( Object pIShellFolder, String name ) : IntPtr

Parses the displayname of a child of a given folder

Private Methods

Méthode Description
DeleteObject ( IntPtr hDc ) : bool
GetDIBits ( SafeDeviceContextHandle hdc, IntPtr hbmp, uint uStartScan, uint cScanLines, int lpvBits, BITMAPINFO &lpbmi, uint uUsage ) : int
GetDIBits ( SafeDeviceContextHandle hdc, SafeGdiObjectHandle hbmp, uint uStartScan, uint cScanLines, int lpvBits, BITMAPINFO &lpbmi, uint uUsage ) : int
GetIconInfo ( IntPtr hIcon, ICONINFO &piconinfo ) : bool
GetObject ( SafeGdiObjectHandle hgdiobj, int cbBuffer, BITMAPINFO &lpvObject ) : int
LoadImage ( IntPtr hInstance, IntPtr uID, uint type, int width, int height, int load ) : SafeGdiObjectHandle
LoadImage ( IntPtr hInstance, string lpszName, uint type, int width, int height, int load ) : SafeGdiObjectHandle
LoadLibrary ( string Library ) : IntPtr
StrRetToBuf ( ShellApi &pstr, IntPtr pIDL, StringBuilder pszBuf, uint cchBuf ) : int
Win32ShellFolder2 ( )
bindToObject ( Object parentIShellFolder, IntPtr pIDL ) : Object
combinePIDLs ( IntPtr ppIDL, IntPtr pIDL ) : IntPtr
compareIDs ( Object pParentIShellFolder, IntPtr pidl1, IntPtr pidl2 ) : int
copyFirstPIDLEntry ( IntPtr pIDL ) : IntPtr
disposeIcon ( IntPtr hIcon ) : void
extractIcon ( Object parentIShellFolder, IntPtr relativePIDL, Boolean getLargeIcon ) : IntPtr
getAttribute ( string path ) : int
getAttributes0 ( Object pParentIShellFolder, IntPtr pIDL, int attrsMask ) : int
getDisplayNameOf ( Object parentIShellFolder, IntPtr relativePIDL, int attrs ) : String
getExecutableType ( string path ) : string
getFileChooserBitmap ( ) : Bitmap
getFolderType ( IntPtr pIDL ) : String
getFolderType ( string path ) : string
getIconBits ( IntPtr hIcon, int iconSize ) : Bitmap
getIconIndex ( Object parentIShellFolder, IntPtr relativePIDL ) : int
getLinkLocation ( string path, Boolean resolve ) : IntPtr
getLinkLocation ( string path ) : string
getNextPIDLEntry ( IntPtr pIDL ) : IntPtr
getPIDLlength ( IntPtr pIDL ) : int
getShell32IconResourceAsBitmap ( int iconID ) : Bitmap
releaseEnumObjects ( Object pEnumObjects ) : void
releaseIShellFolder ( Object pIShellFolder ) : void
releasePIDL ( IntPtr pIDL ) : void

Method Details

compareIDsByColumn() public static méthode

public static compareIDsByColumn ( Object pParentIShellFolder, IntPtr pidl1, IntPtr pidl2, int columnIdx ) : int
pParentIShellFolder Object
pidl1 IntPtr
pidl2 IntPtr
columnIdx int
Résultat int

doGetColumnInfo() public static méthode

public static doGetColumnInfo ( Object iShellFolder2 ) : Object
iShellFolder2 Object
Résultat Object

doGetColumnValue() public static méthode

public static doGetColumnValue ( Object parentIShellFolder2, IntPtr childPIDL, int columnIdx ) : Object
parentIShellFolder2 Object
childPIDL IntPtr
columnIdx int
Résultat Object

getEnumObjects() public static méthode

public static getEnumObjects ( Object pIShellFolder, Boolean isDesktop, Boolean includeHiddenFiles ) : Object
pIShellFolder Object
isDesktop Boolean
includeHiddenFiles Boolean
Résultat Object

getFileSystemPath() public static méthode

public static getFileSystemPath ( int csidl ) : String
csidl int
Résultat String

getIShellIcon() public static méthode

public static getIShellIcon ( Object pIShellFolder ) : Object
pIShellFolder Object
Résultat Object

getIcon() public static méthode

public static getIcon ( String absolutePath, Boolean getLargeIcon ) : IntPtr
absolutePath String
getLargeIcon Boolean
Résultat IntPtr

getNextChild() public static méthode

Returns the next pIDL in an IEnumIDList
public static getNextChild ( Object pEnumObjects ) : IntPtr
pEnumObjects Object The IEnumIDList to get the next element of
Résultat IntPtr

initDesktopFolder() public static méthode

Returns an IShellFolder for the desktop
public static initDesktopFolder ( ) : Object
Résultat Object

initDesktopPIDL() public static méthode

Returns the pIDL of the desktop itself
public static initDesktopPIDL ( ) : IntPtr
Résultat IntPtr

initSpecialFolder() public static méthode

Creates an IShellFolder for a special folder
public static initSpecialFolder ( Object desktopIShellFolder, IntPtr pidl ) : Object
desktopIShellFolder Object The IShellFolder instance of the Desktop
pidl IntPtr The desktop relative pIDL of the special folder
Résultat Object

initSpecialPIDL() public static méthode

Returns the desktop relative pIDL of a special folder
public static initSpecialPIDL ( Object desktopIShellFolder, int csidl ) : IntPtr
desktopIShellFolder Object The IShellFolder instance of the Desktop
csidl int The CSIDL of the special folder
Résultat IntPtr

parseDisplayName0() public static méthode

Parses the displayname of a child of a given folder
public static parseDisplayName0 ( Object pIShellFolder, String name ) : IntPtr
pIShellFolder Object The IShellFolder to get the chilf of
name String The display name of the child
Résultat IntPtr