Méthode | Description | |
createTGAImage ( byte pixels, int width, int height, int bpp, byte &outData, int &outSize ) : bool |
This utility function allocates memory for the pointer outData and creates a TGA image from the specified pixel data. The dimensions of the image have to be specified as well as the bit depth of the pixel data. The created TGA-image-data can be used as Texture2D or TexureCube resource in the engine. The memory allocated by this routine will be freed automatically. |
dumpMessages ( ) : bool |
This utility function pops all messages from the message queue and writes them to a HTML formated log file 'EngineLog.html'.
freeMem ( |
FreeMem is not supported. The purpose is to free memory allocated by the Horde3D library.
getResourcePath ( |
This function returns the search path of a specified resource type.
initOpenGL ( int hDC ) : bool |
This utility function initializes an OpenGL rendering context in a specified window component.
loadResourcesFromDisk ( string contenDir ) : bool |
This utility function loads previously added and still unloaded resources from a specified directory on a data drive. All resource names are directly converted to filenames when being loaded.
pickNode ( int node, float nwx, float nwy ) : int |
This utility function takes normalized window coordinates (ranging from 0 to 1 with the origin being the bottom left corner of the window) and returns the scene node which is visible at that location. The function is especially useful for selecting objects by clicking on them. Currently picking is only working for Meshes.
pickRay ( int cameraNode, float nwx, float nwy, float &ox, float &oy, float &oz, float &dx, float &dy, float &dz ) : void |
Calculates the ray originating at the specified camera and window coordinates
releaseOpenGL ( ) : void |
This utility function destroys the previously created OpenGL rendering context.
setResourcePath ( |
This function sets the search path for a specified resource type. Whenever a new resource is added, the specified path is concatenated to the name of the created resource.
showFrameStats ( int fontMaterialRes, int panelMaterialRes, int mode ) : void |
This utility function displays an info box with statistics for the current frame on the screen. Since the statistic counters are reset after the call, the function should be called exactly once per frame to obtain correct values.
showText ( string text, float x, float y, float size, float colR, float colG, float colB, int fontMatRes, int layer ) : void |
This utility function uses overlays to display a text string at a specified position on the screen. The font texture of the specified font material has to be a regular 16x16 grid containing all ASCII characters in row-major order. The layer corresponds to the layer parameter of overlays. |
swapBuffers ( ) : void |
This utility function displays the image rendered to the previously initialized OpenGL context on the screen by copying the OpenGL backbuffer to the window front buffer.
public static createTGAImage ( byte pixels, int width, int height, int bpp, byte &outData, int &outSize ) : bool | ||
pixels | byte | pointer to pixel source data from which TGA-image-data is constructed; memory layout: pixel with position (x, y) in image (origin of image is upper left corner) has memory location (y * width + x) * (bpp / 8) in pixels array |
width | int | image width of source data |
height | int | image height of source data |
bpp | int | color bit depth of source data (Valid: 24, 32) |
outData | byte | the created TGA data |
outSize | int | size of TGA data |
Résultat | bool |
public static freeMem ( |
ptr | ||
Résultat | void |
public static getResourcePath ( |
type | type of resource | |
Résultat | string |
public static initOpenGL ( int hDC ) : bool | ||
hDC | int | handle to device context for which OpenGL context shall be created |
Résultat | bool |
public static loadResourcesFromDisk ( string contenDir ) : bool | ||
contenDir | string | directory where data is located on the drive |
Résultat | bool |
public static pickNode ( int node, float nwx, float nwy ) : int | ||
node | int | |
nwx | float | normalized window x coordinate |
nwy | float | normalized window y coordinate |
Résultat | int |
public static pickRay ( int cameraNode, float nwx, float nwy, float &ox, float &oy, float &oz, float &dx, float &dy, float &dz ) : void | ||
cameraNode | int | camera used for picking |
nwx | float | normalized window coordinates |
nwy | float | normalized window coordinates |
ox | float | calculated ray origin |
oy | float | calculated ray origin |
oz | float | calculated ray origin |
dx | float | calculated ray direction |
dy | float | calculated ray direction |
dz | float | calculated ray direction |
Résultat | void |
public static setResourcePath ( |
type | type of resource | |
path | string | path where the resources can be found (without slash or backslash at the end) |
Résultat | void |
public static showFrameStats ( int fontMaterialRes, int panelMaterialRes, int mode ) : void | ||
fontMaterialRes | int | font material resource used for drawing text |
panelMaterialRes | int | material resource used for drawing info box |
mode | int | display mode, specifying which data is shown (<= MaxStatMode) |
Résultat | void |
public static showText ( string text, float x, float y, float size, float colR, float colG, float colB, int fontMatRes, int layer ) : void | ||
text | string | text string to be displayed |
x | float | x position of the lower left corner of the first character; for more details on coordinate system see overlay documentation |
y | float | y position of the lower left corner of the first character; for more details on coordinate system see overlay documentation |
size | float | size factor of the font |
colR | float | red part of font color |
colG | float | green part of font color |
colB | float | blue part of font color |
fontMatRes | int | font material resource used for rendering |
layer | int | layer index of the font overlays (values: 0-7) |
Résultat | void |