C# Class Hawkeye.UI.ErrorBox

Shows an Error dialog box.
Afficher le fichier Open project: odalet/Hawkeye2

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Show ( IWin32Window owner, string text ) : DialogResult

Shows an Error dialog box.

Show ( string text ) : DialogResult

Shows an Error dialog box.

Method Details

Show() public static méthode

Shows an Error dialog box.
public static Show ( IWin32Window owner, string text ) : DialogResult
owner IWin32Window Dialog box top-level window and owner.
text string The text to display in the message box.
Résultat DialogResult

Show() public static méthode

Shows an Error dialog box.
public static Show ( string text ) : DialogResult
text string The text to display in the message box.
Résultat DialogResult