C# Class HandCoded.FpML.Validation.VersionRangePrecondition

A VersionRangePrecondition instance tests if the FpML version of a documents lies between two limits. Either of the minimum or maximum values can be omitted to make the range open ended.
Inheritance: HandCoded.Validation.Precondition
Afficher le fichier Open project: formicary/fpml-toolkit-csharp

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Evaluate ( NodeIndex nodeIndex, bool>.Dictionary cache ) : bool

Evaluates this Precondition against the contents of the indicated NodeIndex.

ToString ( ) : string

Creates debugging string describing the precondition rule.

VersionRangePrecondition ( Release minimum, Release maximum ) : System

Constructs a VersionRangePrecondition using the two bounding release versions.

Method Details

Evaluate() public méthode

Evaluates this Precondition against the contents of the indicated NodeIndex.
public Evaluate ( NodeIndex nodeIndex, bool>.Dictionary cache ) : bool
nodeIndex HandCoded.Xml.NodeIndex The of a
cache bool>.Dictionary A cache of previously evaluated precondition results.
Résultat bool

ToString() public méthode

Creates debugging string describing the precondition rule.
public ToString ( ) : string
Résultat string

VersionRangePrecondition() public méthode

Constructs a VersionRangePrecondition using the two bounding release versions.
public VersionRangePrecondition ( Release minimum, Release maximum ) : System
minimum HandCoded.Meta.Release The minimum version accepted.
maximum HandCoded.Meta.Release The maximum version accepted.
Résultat System