C# Class HaloMap.RawData.ParsedModel

Summary description for Model.
Inheritance: IDisposable
Afficher le fichier Open project: troymac1ure/Entity Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
BoundingBox BoundingBoxContainer
Display DisplayedInfo
Frames HaloMap.Render.FrameHierarchy
PermutationString string
RawDataMetaChunks RawDataMetaChunk[]
Shaders ShaderContainer
hlmt HaloMap.H2MetaContainers.hlmtContainer
name string

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
map HaloMap.Map.Map

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CEParsedModel ( Meta &meta ) : void

The ce parsed model.

CompressNormal ( System.Vector3 normal ) : int

The compress normal.

DecompressNormal ( int compressednormal ) : System.Vector3

The decompress normal.

DecompressVertice ( float input, float min, float max ) : float

The decompress vertice.

Dispose ( ) : void

The dispose.

ExtractMesh ( string path ) : void

The extract mesh.

ExtractMeshesToOBJ ( string path ) : void

The extract meshes to obj.

ExtractMeshesToX ( string path ) : void

The extract meshes to x.

H2ParsedModel ( Meta &meta ) : void

The h 2 parsed model.

InjectModel ( string FilePath, Meta meta ) : Meta

The inject model.

LoadFromOBJ ( string FilePath ) : void

The load from obj.

ParsedModel ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ParsedModel class.

ParsedModel ( Meta &meta ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ParsedModel class.

writeOBJ ( StreamWriter SW, string mtllib, RawDataMetaChunk chunk, List names, int &pass, int &startFace ) : void

The write obj.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
WriteMatrix ( System.Matrix matrix, StreamWriter &SW ) : void

The write matrix.

WriteRecursiveFrameHeirarchy ( FrameInfo frame, StreamWriter &SW ) : void

The write recursive frame heirarchy.

Write_Frame_Header ( string name, System.Matrix m, StreamWriter &SW ) : void

The write_ frame_ header.

Method Details

CEParsedModel() public méthode

The ce parsed model.
public CEParsedModel ( Meta &meta ) : void
meta HaloMap.Meta.Meta The meta.
Résultat void

CompressNormal() public static méthode

The compress normal.
public static CompressNormal ( System.Vector3 normal ) : int
normal System.Vector3 The normal.
Résultat int

DecompressNormal() public static méthode

The decompress normal.
public static DecompressNormal ( int compressednormal ) : System.Vector3
compressednormal int The compressednormal.
Résultat System.Vector3

DecompressVertice() public méthode

The decompress vertice.
public DecompressVertice ( float input, float min, float max ) : float
input float The input.
min float The min.
max float The max.
Résultat float

Dispose() public méthode

The dispose.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Résultat void

ExtractMesh() public méthode

The extract mesh.
public ExtractMesh ( string path ) : void
path string The path.
Résultat void

ExtractMeshesToOBJ() public méthode

The extract meshes to obj.
public ExtractMeshesToOBJ ( string path ) : void
path string The path.
Résultat void

ExtractMeshesToX() public méthode

The extract meshes to x.
public ExtractMeshesToX ( string path ) : void
path string The path.
Résultat void

H2ParsedModel() public méthode

The h 2 parsed model.
public H2ParsedModel ( Meta &meta ) : void
meta HaloMap.Meta.Meta The meta.
Résultat void

InjectModel() public méthode

The inject model.
public InjectModel ( string FilePath, Meta meta ) : Meta
FilePath string The file path.
meta HaloMap.Meta.Meta The meta.
Résultat HaloMap.Meta.Meta

LoadFromOBJ() public méthode

The load from obj.
public LoadFromOBJ ( string FilePath ) : void
FilePath string The file path.
Résultat void

ParsedModel() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the ParsedModel class.
public ParsedModel ( ) : System
Résultat System

ParsedModel() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the ParsedModel class.
public ParsedModel ( Meta &meta ) : System
meta HaloMap.Meta.Meta The meta.
Résultat System

writeOBJ() public méthode

The write obj.
public writeOBJ ( StreamWriter SW, string mtllib, RawDataMetaChunk chunk, List names, int &pass, int &startFace ) : void
SW System.IO.StreamWriter The sw.
mtllib string The mtllib.
chunk RawDataMetaChunk The chunk.
names List The names.
pass int The pass.
startFace int The start face.
Résultat void

Property Details

BoundingBox public_oe property

The bounding box.
public BoundingBoxContainer BoundingBox
Résultat BoundingBoxContainer

Display public_oe property

The display.
public DisplayedInfo Display
Résultat DisplayedInfo

Frames public_oe property

The frames.
public FrameHierarchy,HaloMap.Render Frames
Résultat HaloMap.Render.FrameHierarchy

LOD public_oe property

The lod.
public LODInfo LOD
Résultat LODInfo

PermutationString public_oe property

The permutation string.
public string PermutationString
Résultat string

RawDataMetaChunks public_oe property

The raw data meta chunks.
public RawDataMetaChunk[] RawDataMetaChunks
Résultat RawDataMetaChunk[]

Shaders public_oe property

The shaders.
public ShaderContainer Shaders
Résultat ShaderContainer

hlmt public_oe property

The hlmt.
public hlmtContainer,HaloMap.H2MetaContainers hlmt
Résultat HaloMap.H2MetaContainers.hlmtContainer

map protected_oe property

protected Map,HaloMap.Map map
Résultat HaloMap.Map.Map

name public_oe property

The name.
public string name
Résultat string