C# Class Glare.Assets.FolderAsset

An asset that contains other assets.
Inheritance: Asset
Afficher le fichier Open project: Burton-Radons/Alexandria Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Browse ( Action progressUpdateCallback = null ) : System.Windows.Forms.Control

Provide a browser that shows the child assets as a tree.

BrowseContents ( Action progressUpdateCallback = null ) : System.Windows.Forms.Control

Provide a browser that shows the child assets as a tree.

FolderAsset ( AssetLoader loader ) : System

Initialise the folder asset.

FolderAsset ( AssetManager manager, string name, string description = null ) : System

Initialise the folder asset.

FolderAsset ( FolderAsset parent, AssetLoader loader ) : System

Initialise the folder asset.

FolderAsset ( FolderAsset parent, string name, string description = null ) : System

Initialise the folder asset.

Method Details

Browse() public méthode

Provide a browser that shows the child assets as a tree.
public Browse ( Action progressUpdateCallback = null ) : System.Windows.Forms.Control
progressUpdateCallback Action
Résultat System.Windows.Forms.Control

BrowseContents() public méthode

Provide a browser that shows the child assets as a tree.
public BrowseContents ( Action progressUpdateCallback = null ) : System.Windows.Forms.Control
progressUpdateCallback Action
Résultat System.Windows.Forms.Control

FolderAsset() public méthode

Initialise the folder asset.
public FolderAsset ( AssetLoader loader ) : System
loader AssetLoader
Résultat System

FolderAsset() public méthode

Initialise the folder asset.
public FolderAsset ( AssetManager manager, string name, string description = null ) : System
manager AssetManager
name string
description string
Résultat System

FolderAsset() public méthode

Initialise the folder asset.
public FolderAsset ( FolderAsset parent, AssetLoader loader ) : System
parent FolderAsset
loader AssetLoader
Résultat System

FolderAsset() public méthode

Initialise the folder asset.
public FolderAsset ( FolderAsset parent, string name, string description = null ) : System
parent FolderAsset
name string
description string
Résultat System