C# Class Geta.Security.ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider

ASP.NET 2.0 Role provider for Microsofts Active Directory.
This role provider is designed to work together with the default Systwm.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, although there are no hard dependencies.
Inheritance: System.Web.Security.RoleProvider
Afficher le fichier Open project: Geta/ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddUsersToRoles ( string usernames, string roleNames ) : void

Adds the specified user names to the specified roles for the configured applicationName.

This method is not supported in this provider.

CreateRole ( string roleName ) : void

Adds a new role to the data source for the configured applicationName.

This method is not supported in this provider.

DeleteRole ( string roleName, bool throwOnPopulatedRole ) : bool

Removes a role from the data source for the configured applicationName.

This method is not supported in this provider.

FindUsersInRole ( string roleName, string usernameToMatch ) : string[]

Gets an array of user names in a role where the user name contains the specified user name to match.

GetAllRoles ( ) : string[]

Gets a list of all the roles for the configured applicationName.

GetRolesForUser ( string username ) : string[]

Gets a list of the roles that a specified user is in for the configured applicationName.

GetUsersInRole ( string roleName ) : string[]

Gets a list of users in the specified role for the configured applicationName.

Initialize ( string name, NameValueCollection config ) : void

Initializes the provider.

IsUserInRole ( string userName, string roleName ) : bool

Gets a value indicating whether the specified user is in the specified role for the configured applicationName.

RemoveUsersFromRoles ( string usernames, string roleNames ) : void

Removes the specified user names from the specified roles for the configured applicationName.

This method is not supported in this provider.

RoleExists ( string roleName ) : bool

Gets a value indicating whether the specified role name already exists in the role data source for the configured applicationName.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
NormalizeUserName ( string userName ) : string

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetRole ( string roleName ) : DirectoryData
GetRolesForUserRecursive ( DirectoryData entry ) : List
GetUser ( string userName ) : DirectoryData
IsUserInRoleRecursive ( string distinguishedUserName, DirectoryData roleEntry ) : bool
TryGetDestructive ( NameValueCollection config, string name, string &value ) : bool

Method Details

AddUsersToRoles() public méthode

Adds the specified user names to the specified roles for the configured applicationName.
This method is not supported in this provider.
public AddUsersToRoles ( string usernames, string roleNames ) : void
usernames string A string array of user names to be added to the specified roles.
roleNames string A string array of the role names to add the specified user names to.
Résultat void

CreateRole() public méthode

Adds a new role to the data source for the configured applicationName.
This method is not supported in this provider.
public CreateRole ( string roleName ) : void
roleName string The name of the role to create.
Résultat void

DeleteRole() public méthode

Removes a role from the data source for the configured applicationName.
This method is not supported in this provider.
public DeleteRole ( string roleName, bool throwOnPopulatedRole ) : bool
roleName string The name of the role to delete.
throwOnPopulatedRole bool If true, throw an exception if roleName has one or more members and do not delete roleName.
Résultat bool

FindUsersInRole() public méthode

Gets an array of user names in a role where the user name contains the specified user name to match.
public FindUsersInRole ( string roleName, string usernameToMatch ) : string[]
roleName string The role to search in.
usernameToMatch string The user name to search for.
Résultat string[]

GetAllRoles() public méthode

Gets a list of all the roles for the configured applicationName.
public GetAllRoles ( ) : string[]
Résultat string[]

GetRolesForUser() public méthode

Gets a list of the roles that a specified user is in for the configured applicationName.
public GetRolesForUser ( string username ) : string[]
username string The user to return a list of roles for.
Résultat string[]

GetUsersInRole() public méthode

Gets a list of users in the specified role for the configured applicationName.
public GetUsersInRole ( string roleName ) : string[]
roleName string The name of the role to get the list of users for.
Résultat string[]

Initialize() public méthode

Initializes the provider.
The name of the provider is null. An attempt is made to call /// /// on a provider after the provider has already been initialized. The name of the provider has a length of zero.
public Initialize ( string name, NameValueCollection config ) : void
name string The friendly name of the provider.
config System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection A collection of the name/value pairs representing the provider-specific attributes specified in the configuration for this provider.
Résultat void

IsUserInRole() public méthode

Gets a value indicating whether the specified user is in the specified role for the configured applicationName.
public IsUserInRole ( string userName, string roleName ) : bool
userName string
roleName string The role to search in.
Résultat bool

NormalizeUserName() protected méthode

protected NormalizeUserName ( string userName ) : string
userName string
Résultat string

RemoveUsersFromRoles() public méthode

Removes the specified user names from the specified roles for the configured applicationName.
This method is not supported in this provider.
public RemoveUsersFromRoles ( string usernames, string roleNames ) : void
usernames string A string array of user names to be removed from the specified roles.
roleNames string A string array of role names to remove the specified user names from.
Résultat void

RoleExists() public méthode

Gets a value indicating whether the specified role name already exists in the role data source for the configured applicationName.
public RoleExists ( string roleName ) : bool
roleName string The name of the role to search for in the data source.
Résultat bool