C# Class GW2PAO.Utility.User32

User32 utility classes
Afficher le fichier Open project: SamHurne/gw2pao

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
HideFromTaskbar ( System window ) : void

Hides the provided window from the taskbar

SetNoActivate ( System window, bool noActivate ) : void

Sets the NoActivate attribute for the given wpf window, preventing the system from bringing the window to the foreground when clicked - particularly useful for prevent the taskbar from appearing

SetTopMost ( System window, bool topMost ) : void

Sets the given WPF window as topmost or not topmost using a user32 pinvoke call

SetWindowExTransparent ( System window, bool isTransparent ) : void

Sets the given WPF window as "transparent", which allows the mouse to "click-through" the window

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetWindowLong ( IntPtr hwnd, int index ) : int
SetWindowLong ( IntPtr hwnd, int index, int newStyle ) : int
SetWindowPos ( IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, uint uFlags ) : bool

Method Details

HideFromTaskbar() public static méthode

Hides the provided window from the taskbar
public static HideFromTaskbar ( System window ) : void
window System The window to hide from the taskbar
Résultat void

SetNoActivate() public static méthode

Sets the NoActivate attribute for the given wpf window, preventing the system from bringing the window to the foreground when clicked - particularly useful for prevent the taskbar from appearing
public static SetNoActivate ( System window, bool noActivate ) : void
window System The window to set NoActivate on
noActivate bool True if NoActivate should be set, false to remove the NoActivate property
Résultat void

SetTopMost() public static méthode

Sets the given WPF window as topmost or not topmost using a user32 pinvoke call
public static SetTopMost ( System window, bool topMost ) : void
window System The window to set as topmost
topMost bool True to set window as topmost, false to remove topmost property
Résultat void

SetWindowExTransparent() public static méthode

Sets the given WPF window as "transparent", which allows the mouse to "click-through" the window
public static SetWindowExTransparent ( System window, bool isTransparent ) : void
window System
isTransparent bool
Résultat void