C# Class GSoft.Dynamite.WebConfig.WebConfigModificationHelper

Helper class to add, clean, remove WebConfig modifications programmatically
Afficher le fichier Open project: GSoft-SharePoint/Dynamite-2010 Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddAndCleanWebConfigModification ( SPWebApplication webApp, Collection webConfigModificationCollection ) : void

Method to add one or multiple WebConfig modifications NOTE: There should not have 2 modifications with the same Owner.

All SPWebConfigModification Owner should be UNIQUE !

Private Methods

Méthode Description
IsJobDefined ( SPFarm farm, string jobTitle ) : bool
IsJobRunning ( SPFarm farm, string jobTitle ) : bool

Determines whether the specified timer job is currently running (or scheduled to run).

RemoveExistingModificationsFromOwner ( SPWebApplication webApplication, string owner ) : void
WaitForOnetimeJobToFinish ( SPFarm farm, string jobTitle, int maximumWaitTimeInSeconds ) : void

Waits for a one-time SharePoint timer job to finish.

Method Details

AddAndCleanWebConfigModification() public méthode

Method to add one or multiple WebConfig modifications NOTE: There should not have 2 modifications with the same Owner.
All SPWebConfigModification Owner should be UNIQUE !
public AddAndCleanWebConfigModification ( SPWebApplication webApp, Collection webConfigModificationCollection ) : void
webApp SPWebApplication
webConfigModificationCollection Collection The collection of WebConfig modifications to remove-and-add
Résultat void