C# Class GSF.Threading.WaitHandleExtensions

Defines extension functions related to manipulation wait handle objects.
Afficher le fichier Open project: GridProtectionAlliance/gsf

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
WaitAll ( this resetEvents, CancellationToken cancellationToken = null ) : bool

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal.

Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.

WaitAll ( this resetEvents, System cancellationToken ) : bool

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal.

Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.

WaitAll ( this resetEvents, System.TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken = null ) : bool

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal, using a TimeSpan value to specify the maximum time interval to wait.

Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.

WaitAll ( this resetEvents, System.TimeSpan timeout, System cancellationToken ) : bool

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal, using a TimeSpan value to specify the maximum time interval to wait.

Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.

WaitAll ( this resetEvents, int timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken = null ) : bool

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal, using an integer value to specify the maximum time interval,in milliseconds, to wait.

Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.

WaitAll ( this resetEvents, int timeout, System cancellationToken ) : bool

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal, using an integer value to specify the maximum time interval,in milliseconds, to wait.

Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.

Method Details

WaitAll() public static méthode

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal.
Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.
is null.
public static WaitAll ( this resetEvents, CancellationToken cancellationToken = null ) : bool
resetEvents this Collection of elements to operate on.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken A to observe, if any.
Résultat bool

WaitAll() public static méthode

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal.
Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.
is null.
public static WaitAll ( this resetEvents, System cancellationToken ) : bool
resetEvents this Collection of elements to operate on.
cancellationToken System A to observe.
Résultat bool

WaitAll() public static méthode

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal, using a TimeSpan value to specify the maximum time interval to wait.
Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.
is null.
public static WaitAll ( this resetEvents, System.TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken = null ) : bool
resetEvents this Collection of elements to operate on.
timeout System.TimeSpan A that represents the number of milliseconds to wait, or a that represents -1 milliseconds, to wait indefinitely.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken A to observe, if any.
Résultat bool

WaitAll() public static méthode

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal, using a TimeSpan value to specify the maximum time interval to wait.
Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.
is null.
public static WaitAll ( this resetEvents, System.TimeSpan timeout, System cancellationToken ) : bool
resetEvents this Collection of elements to operate on.
timeout System.TimeSpan A that represents the number of milliseconds to wait, or a that represents -1 milliseconds, to wait indefinitely.
cancellationToken System A to observe.
Résultat bool

WaitAll() public static méthode

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal, using an integer value to specify the maximum time interval,in milliseconds, to wait.
Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.
is null.
public static WaitAll ( this resetEvents, int timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken = null ) : bool
resetEvents this Collection of elements to operate on.
timeout int The number of milliseconds to wait, or (-1) to wait indefinitely.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken A to observe, if any.
Résultat bool

WaitAll() public static méthode

Waits for all the specified ManualResetEventSlim elements to receive a signal, using an integer value to specify the maximum time interval,in milliseconds, to wait.
Using WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitHandle[]) will cause all ManualResetEventSlim elements to be upgraded to a standard ManualResetEvent, these overloads allow similar functionality without incurring unconditional inflation of the underlying ManualResetEvent.
is null.
public static WaitAll ( this resetEvents, int timeout, System cancellationToken ) : bool
resetEvents this Collection of elements to operate on.
timeout int The number of milliseconds to wait, or (-1) to wait indefinitely.
cancellationToken System A to observe.
Résultat bool