C# Class GPSTD_RM.TileInformation

Contains information about a single map tile.
Inheritance: IDisposable
Afficher le fichier Open project: dideler/gps-tower-defense Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
name string

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CancelImageRequest ( ) : void

Cancel the currently ongoing web request for the tile's image.

Dispose ( ) : void

Disposes the object's Image and stops any ongoing asynchronous requests.

Dispose ( bool imageOnly ) : void

Disposes the object's Image and potentially stops any ongoing asynchronous requests.

MarkImageRequestCancelled ( ) : void

Denotes that the current image web request has been successfully cancelled.

MarkImageRequestCompleted ( ) : void

Denotes that the current image web request has been successfully completed.

RequestImageAync ( Uri imageUri ) : void

Initiates an asynchronous web request to get the represented tile's image.

The object itself will be supplied as the user token for the asynchronous operation.

TileInformation ( OpenReadCompletedEventHandler readCompleteHandler ) : System

Creates a new tile information instance.

Method Details

CancelImageRequest() public méthode

Cancel the currently ongoing web request for the tile's image.
There is no request in progress.
public CancelImageRequest ( ) : void
Résultat void

Dispose() public méthode

Disposes the object's Image and stops any ongoing asynchronous requests.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Résultat void

Dispose() public méthode

Disposes the object's Image and potentially stops any ongoing asynchronous requests.
public Dispose ( bool imageOnly ) : void
imageOnly bool True to only clean the tile's image, false to cancel ongoing asynchronous /// requests as well.
Résultat void

MarkImageRequestCancelled() public méthode

Denotes that the current image web request has been successfully cancelled.
public MarkImageRequestCancelled ( ) : void
Résultat void

MarkImageRequestCompleted() public méthode

Denotes that the current image web request has been successfully completed.
public MarkImageRequestCompleted ( ) : void
Résultat void

RequestImageAync() public méthode

Initiates an asynchronous web request to get the represented tile's image.
The object itself will be supplied as the user token for the asynchronous operation.
There is already a request in progress.
public RequestImageAync ( Uri imageUri ) : void
imageUri System.Uri Uri from which the image is to be retrieved.
Résultat void

TileInformation() public méthode

Creates a new tile information instance.
public TileInformation ( OpenReadCompletedEventHandler readCompleteHandler ) : System
readCompleteHandler OpenReadCompletedEventHandler Handler to call when read operations initiated by /// are completed. Make sure that the handler calls /// or once it finishes /// handling the request.
Résultat System

Property Details

name public_oe property

Identifier for this tile.
public string name
Résultat string