C# Class FullInspector.Internal.fiEditorGUI

Afficher le fichier Open project: jacobdufault/fullinspector

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AnimatedBegin ( Rect &rect, fiGraphMetadata metadata ) : void
AnimatedEnd ( fiGraphMetadata metadata ) : void
AnimatedHeight ( float currentHeight, bool updateHeight, fiGraphMetadata metadata ) : float
BeginFadeGroup ( float labelHeight, Rect &group, float fade ) : void
BeginFadeGroupHeight ( float labelHeight, Rect &group, float fadeHeight ) : void
EditProperty ( Rect region, object container, FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property, fiGraphMetadataChild metadata ) : void
EditPropertyDirect ( Rect region, FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property, object propertyValue, fiGraphMetadataChild metadataChild ) : object

Draws a GUI for editing the given property and returns the updated value. This does *not* write the updated value to a container.

EditPropertyDirect ( Rect region, FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property, object propertyValue, fiGraphMetadataChild metadataChild, object context ) : object

Draws a GUI for editing the given property and returns the updated value. This does *not* write the updated value to a container.

EditPropertyHeight ( object container, FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property, fiGraphMetadataChild metadata ) : float
EditPropertyHeightDirect ( FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property, object propertyValue, fiGraphMetadataChild metadataChild ) : float
EndFadeGroup ( ) : void
LabeledButton ( Rect rect, GUIContent label, GUIContent button ) : bool

Draws a button with a label in front of the button.

LabeledButton ( Rect rect, string label, string button ) : bool

Draws a button with a label in front of the button.

ObjectField ( Rect rect, GUIContent label, Object element, Type objectType, bool allowSceneObjects ) : Object

Draws a normal EditorGUI.ObjectField, except it includes the component type.

PopHierarchyMode ( ) : void
PushHierarchyMode ( bool state ) : void
Splitter ( Rect position ) : void
TryDragAndDropArea ( Rect dropArea, Predicate filter, Object &droppedObjects ) : bool
UpdateFadeGroupHeight ( float &height, float labelHeight, float fade ) : void
WillShowFadeGroup ( float fade ) : bool
tkControl ( Rect rect, GUIContent label, object element, fiGraphMetadata metadata, tkControlEditor control ) : object

Draws an editor for the given control at the given rect.

tkControlHeight ( GUIContent label, object element, fiGraphMetadata metadata, tkControlEditor control ) : float

Draws an editor for the given control at the given rect.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
IsWhiteSpaceOnly ( string str ) : bool
RevertPrefabContextMenu ( Rect region, object context, FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property ) : void
SetupContext ( tkControlEditor control, GUIContent label ) : void
fiEditorGUI ( ) : System

Method Details

AnimatedBegin() public static méthode

public static AnimatedBegin ( Rect &rect, fiGraphMetadata metadata ) : void
rect UnityEngine.Rect
metadata fiGraphMetadata
Résultat void

AnimatedEnd() public static méthode

public static AnimatedEnd ( fiGraphMetadata metadata ) : void
metadata fiGraphMetadata
Résultat void

AnimatedHeight() public static méthode

public static AnimatedHeight ( float currentHeight, bool updateHeight, fiGraphMetadata metadata ) : float
currentHeight float
updateHeight bool
metadata fiGraphMetadata
Résultat float

BeginFadeGroup() public static méthode

public static BeginFadeGroup ( float labelHeight, Rect &group, float fade ) : void
labelHeight float
group UnityEngine.Rect
fade float
Résultat void

BeginFadeGroupHeight() public static méthode

public static BeginFadeGroupHeight ( float labelHeight, Rect &group, float fadeHeight ) : void
labelHeight float
group UnityEngine.Rect
fadeHeight float
Résultat void

EditProperty() public static méthode

public static EditProperty ( Rect region, object container, FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property, fiGraphMetadataChild metadata ) : void
region UnityEngine.Rect
container object
property FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty
metadata fiGraphMetadataChild
Résultat void

EditPropertyDirect() public static méthode

Draws a GUI for editing the given property and returns the updated value. This does *not* write the updated value to a container.
public static EditPropertyDirect ( Rect region, FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property, object propertyValue, fiGraphMetadataChild metadataChild ) : object
region UnityEngine.Rect
property FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty
propertyValue object
metadataChild fiGraphMetadataChild
Résultat object

EditPropertyDirect() public static méthode

Draws a GUI for editing the given property and returns the updated value. This does *not* write the updated value to a container.
public static EditPropertyDirect ( Rect region, FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property, object propertyValue, fiGraphMetadataChild metadataChild, object context ) : object
region UnityEngine.Rect
property FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty
propertyValue object
metadataChild fiGraphMetadataChild
context object /// An optional context that the property value came from. If this is not /// given, then a prefab context menu will not be displayable. ///
Résultat object

EditPropertyHeight() public static méthode

public static EditPropertyHeight ( object container, FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property, fiGraphMetadataChild metadata ) : float
container object
property FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty
metadata fiGraphMetadataChild
Résultat float

EditPropertyHeightDirect() public static méthode

public static EditPropertyHeightDirect ( FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty property, object propertyValue, fiGraphMetadataChild metadataChild ) : float
property FullInspector.Internal.InspectedProperty
propertyValue object
metadataChild fiGraphMetadataChild
Résultat float

EndFadeGroup() public static méthode

public static EndFadeGroup ( ) : void
Résultat void

LabeledButton() public static méthode

Draws a button with a label in front of the button.
public static LabeledButton ( Rect rect, GUIContent label, GUIContent button ) : bool
rect UnityEngine.Rect
label UnityEngine.GUIContent
button UnityEngine.GUIContent
Résultat bool

LabeledButton() public static méthode

Draws a button with a label in front of the button.
public static LabeledButton ( Rect rect, string label, string button ) : bool
rect UnityEngine.Rect
label string
button string
Résultat bool

ObjectField() public static méthode

Draws a normal EditorGUI.ObjectField, except it includes the component type.
public static ObjectField ( Rect rect, GUIContent label, Object element, Type objectType, bool allowSceneObjects ) : Object
rect UnityEngine.Rect
label UnityEngine.GUIContent
element UnityEngine.Object
objectType System.Type
allowSceneObjects bool
Résultat UnityEngine.Object

PopHierarchyMode() public static méthode

public static PopHierarchyMode ( ) : void
Résultat void

PushHierarchyMode() public static méthode

public static PushHierarchyMode ( bool state ) : void
state bool
Résultat void

Splitter() public static méthode

public static Splitter ( Rect position ) : void
position UnityEngine.Rect
Résultat void

TryDragAndDropArea() public static méthode

public static TryDragAndDropArea ( Rect dropArea, Predicate filter, Object &droppedObjects ) : bool
dropArea UnityEngine.Rect
filter Predicate
droppedObjects UnityEngine.Object
Résultat bool

UpdateFadeGroupHeight() public static méthode

public static UpdateFadeGroupHeight ( float &height, float labelHeight, float fade ) : void
height float
labelHeight float
fade float
Résultat void

WillShowFadeGroup() public static méthode

public static WillShowFadeGroup ( float fade ) : bool
fade float
Résultat bool

tkControl() public static méthode

Draws an editor for the given control at the given rect.
public static tkControl ( Rect rect, GUIContent label, object element, fiGraphMetadata metadata, tkControlEditor control ) : object
rect UnityEngine.Rect The rect to draw the editor within.
label UnityEngine.GUIContent The label for the edited control.
element object The element to edit.
metadata fiGraphMetadata The metadata to use when editing.
control tkControlEditor /// The actual control that will be used for the editor. ///
Résultat object

tkControlHeight() public static méthode

Draws an editor for the given control at the given rect.
public static tkControlHeight ( GUIContent label, object element, fiGraphMetadata metadata, tkControlEditor control ) : float
label UnityEngine.GUIContent The label for the edited control.
element object The element to edit.
metadata fiGraphMetadata The metadata to use when editing.
control tkControlEditor /// The actual control that will be used for the editor. ///
Résultat float