C# Class FarsiLibrary.Win.BaseClasses.BaseDateControl

Inheritance: BaseStyledControl
Afficher le fichier Open project: HEskandari/FarsiLibrary

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
BaseDateControl ( ) : System
ShouldSerializeDefaultCalendar ( ) : bool

Determines to serialize DefaultCalendar property or not.

ShouldSerializeDefaultCulture ( ) : bool

Determines to serialize DefaultCulture property or not.

ShouldSerializeSelectedDateTime ( ) : bool

Determines to serialize SelectedDateTime property or not.

ShouldSerializeViewDateTime ( ) : bool

Determines if ViewDateTime property should be serialized.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
GetAbbrDayName ( DayOfWeek day ) : string

Gets the abbreviated name of the specified day.

GetDayName ( DayOfWeek day ) : string

Gets the name of the specified day.

GetDefaultCalendar ( ) : Calendar
GetFirstDayOfWeek ( System.DateTime date ) : int
GetMonthName ( int month ) : string

Returns the name of the specified month.

IsValidDate ( System.DateTime value ) : bool
OnSelectedDateTimeChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
OnSelectedDayChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnSelectedMonthChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnSelectedViewDateChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
OnSelectedYearChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnViewDayChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnViewMonthChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnViewYearChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
UpdateSelectedDayMonthYearValues ( ) : void
UpdateSelectedDayMonthYearValues ( DateChangedEventArgs args ) : void
UpdateViewDayMonthYearValues ( ) : void
UpdateViewDayMonthYearValues ( DateChangedEventArgs args ) : void

Method Details

BaseDateControl() public méthode

public BaseDateControl ( ) : System
Résultat System

GetAbbrDayName() protected méthode

Gets the abbreviated name of the specified day.
protected GetAbbrDayName ( DayOfWeek day ) : string
day DayOfWeek
Résultat string

GetDayName() protected méthode

Gets the name of the specified day.
protected GetDayName ( DayOfWeek day ) : string
day DayOfWeek
Résultat string

GetDefaultCalendar() protected méthode

protected GetDefaultCalendar ( ) : Calendar
Résultat System.Globalization.Calendar

GetFirstDayOfWeek() protected méthode

protected GetFirstDayOfWeek ( System.DateTime date ) : int
date System.DateTime
Résultat int

GetMonthName() protected méthode

Returns the name of the specified month.
protected GetMonthName ( int month ) : string
month int
Résultat string

IsValidDate() protected méthode

protected IsValidDate ( System.DateTime value ) : bool
value System.DateTime
Résultat bool

OnSelectedDateTimeChanged() protected méthode

protected OnSelectedDateTimeChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
Résultat void

OnSelectedDayChanged() protected méthode

protected OnSelectedDayChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
e FarsiLibrary.Win.Events.DateChangedEventArgs
Résultat void

OnSelectedMonthChanged() protected méthode

protected OnSelectedMonthChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
e FarsiLibrary.Win.Events.DateChangedEventArgs
Résultat void

OnSelectedViewDateChanged() protected méthode

protected OnSelectedViewDateChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
Résultat void

OnSelectedYearChanged() protected méthode

protected OnSelectedYearChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
e FarsiLibrary.Win.Events.DateChangedEventArgs
Résultat void

OnViewDayChanged() protected méthode

protected OnViewDayChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
e FarsiLibrary.Win.Events.DateChangedEventArgs
Résultat void

OnViewMonthChanged() protected méthode

protected OnViewMonthChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
e FarsiLibrary.Win.Events.DateChangedEventArgs
Résultat void

OnViewYearChanged() protected méthode

protected OnViewYearChanged ( DateChangedEventArgs e ) : void
e FarsiLibrary.Win.Events.DateChangedEventArgs
Résultat void

ShouldSerializeDefaultCalendar() public méthode

Determines to serialize DefaultCalendar property or not.
public ShouldSerializeDefaultCalendar ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

ShouldSerializeDefaultCulture() public méthode

Determines to serialize DefaultCulture property or not.
public ShouldSerializeDefaultCulture ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

ShouldSerializeSelectedDateTime() public méthode

Determines to serialize SelectedDateTime property or not.
public ShouldSerializeSelectedDateTime ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

ShouldSerializeViewDateTime() public méthode

Determines if ViewDateTime property should be serialized.
public ShouldSerializeViewDateTime ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

UpdateSelectedDayMonthYearValues() protected méthode

protected UpdateSelectedDayMonthYearValues ( ) : void
Résultat void

UpdateSelectedDayMonthYearValues() protected méthode

protected UpdateSelectedDayMonthYearValues ( DateChangedEventArgs args ) : void
args FarsiLibrary.Win.Events.DateChangedEventArgs
Résultat void

UpdateViewDayMonthYearValues() protected méthode

protected UpdateViewDayMonthYearValues ( ) : void
Résultat void

UpdateViewDayMonthYearValues() protected méthode

protected UpdateViewDayMonthYearValues ( DateChangedEventArgs args ) : void
args FarsiLibrary.Win.Events.DateChangedEventArgs
Résultat void