Méthode | Description | |
BeginDelete ( [ relativePath, [ cb, [ state ) : IAsyncResult |
Begins to make a Facebook API DELETE request asynchronously.
BeginDelete ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
Begins to make a Facebook API DELETE request asynchronously. If relativePath is
BeginGet ( [ relativePath, [ cb, [ state ) : IAsyncResult |
Begins to makes a Facebook API GET request asynchronously.
BeginGet ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
Makes a Facebook API GET request asynchronously. If relativePath is
BeginPost ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
Begins to make a Facebook API POST request asynchronously. If relativePath is
Delete ( [ relativePath ) : |
Makes a Facebook API DELETE request.
Delete ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
Makes a Facebook API DELETE request. If relativePath is
EncodeDictionary ( string>.Dictionary |
Encode a dictionary of key/value pairs as an HTTP query string.
EndDelete ( [ ar ) : |
Returns json status of the current operations which has been executing asynchronously.
EndGet ( IAsyncResult ar ) : |
Returns json status of the current operations which has been executing asynchronously.
EndPost ( IAsyncResult ar ) : |
Returns json status of the current operations which has been executing asynchronously.
FacebookApi ( ) : System |
Create a new instance of the API, with public access only.
FacebookApi ( [ token ) : System |
Create a new instance of the API, with specified access token.
FacebookApi ( [ token, [ culture ) : System |
Create a new instance of the API, using the given token and culture (locale).
Get ( [ relativePath ) : |
Makes a Facebook API GET request.
Get ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
Makes a Facebook API GET request. If relativePath is
Post ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
Makes a Facebook API POST request. If relativePath is
Méthode | Description | |
BeginCall ( string relativePath, HttpVerb httpVerb, string>.Dictionary |
BeginRequest ( string url, HttpVerb httpVerb, string>.Dictionary |
Call ( string relativePath, HttpVerb httpVerb, string>.Dictionary |
Makes a Facebook Graph API Call.
EndCall ( IAsyncResult ar ) : |
EndRequest ( IAsyncResult ar ) : ResponseData | ||
ExtractContentType ( HttpWebResponse response ) : string | ||
GetApiBaseUrl ( string relativeUrl ) : string | ||
MissingContentType ( ) : Exception | ||
Nre ( string paramName ) : ArgumentNullException | ||
OperationTimeout ( Exception ex ) : TimeoutException | ||
Request ( string url, HttpVerb httpVerb, string>.Dictionary |
Make an HTTP request, with the given query args
ThrowIfError ( |
TransportError ( Exception ex ) : Exception | ||
UnexpectedResponse ( string response ) : Exception |
public BeginDelete ( [ relativePath, [ cb, [ state ) : IAsyncResult | ||
relativePath | [ | The path for the call, e.g. /username. |
cb | [ | A callback to call upon operation complete. |
state | [ | user state to pass to the callback. |
Résultat | IAsyncResult |
public BeginDelete ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
relativePath | [ | The path for the call, e.g. /username |
args | string>.[ | A dictionary of key/value pairs that will get passed as query arguments. These determine what will get set in the graph API. |
cb | [ | A callback to call upon operation complete. |
state | [ | user state to pass to the callback. |
Résultat | IAsyncResult |
public BeginGet ( [ relativePath, [ cb, [ state ) : IAsyncResult | ||
relativePath | [ | The path for the call, e.g. /username |
cb | [ | A callback to call upon operation complete. |
state | [ | user state to pass to the callback. |
Résultat | IAsyncResult |
public BeginGet ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
relativePath | [ | The path for the call, e.g. /username |
args | string>.[ | A dictionary of key/value pairs that will get passed as query arguments. |
cb | [ | A callback to call upon operation complete. |
state | [ | user state to pass to the callback. |
Résultat | IAsyncResult |
public BeginPost ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
relativePath | [ | The path for the call, e.g. /username |
args | string>.[ | A dictionary of key/value pairs that will get passed as query arguments. These determine what will get set in the graph API. |
cb | [ | A callback to call upon operation complete. |
state | [ | user state to pass to the callback. |
Résultat | IAsyncResult |
public Delete ( [ relativePath ) : |
relativePath | [ | The path for the call, e.g. /username. |
Résultat |
public Delete ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
relativePath | [ | The path for the call, e.g. /username. |
args | string>.[ | A dictionary of key/value pairs that will get passed as query arguments. These determine what will get set in the graph API. |
Résultat |
public static EncodeDictionary ( string>.Dictionary |
dict | string>.Dictionary | The dictionary to encode |
Résultat | string |
public EndDelete ( [ ar ) : |
ar | [ | The current operation async result. |
Résultat |
public EndGet ( IAsyncResult ar ) : |
ar | IAsyncResult | The current operation async result. |
Résultat |
public EndPost ( IAsyncResult ar ) : |
ar | IAsyncResult | The current operation async result. |
Résultat |
public FacebookApi ( [ token ) : System | ||
token | [ | An access token for api requests. If |
Résultat | System |
public FacebookApi ( [ token, [ culture ) : System | ||
token | [ | An access token for api requests. If |
culture | [ | |
Résultat | System |
public Get ( [ relativePath ) : |
relativePath | [ | The path for the call, e.g. /username |
Résultat |
public Get ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
relativePath | [ | The path for the call, e.g. /username |
args | string>.[ | A dictionary of key/value pairs that will get passed as query arguments. |
Résultat |
public Post ( [ relativePath, string>.[ |
relativePath | [ | The path for the call, e.g. /username |
args | string>.[ | A dictionary of key/value pairs that will get passed as query arguments. These determine what will get set in the graph API. |
Résultat |